View Full Version : What's cooking at AudioRealism

16-11-2005, 08:09 PM
looks damn cool :clap:
cant wait to try it :love:

17-11-2005, 12:14 PM
Bloody hell!

17-11-2005, 05:45 PM
devil fish in software anyone ?

17-11-2005, 05:45 PM
looks rather marvelous :clap:

18-11-2005, 04:16 PM
wow, that looks awesome

18-11-2005, 05:44 PM
holy dog shit. i can't wait!!!!!!!!!

18-11-2005, 06:55 PM
holy shit!!!! f*ck me sideways!!!!!

19-11-2005, 02:35 PM
i like their style. forget the clones and push things forward

20-11-2005, 10:04 AM
yeah looking forward to this, big fan of abl.

20-11-2005, 11:52 PM
i think guys, our basslines are gonna rock after this!!!!!

i really am excited about this.

21-11-2005, 02:37 AM
check out the http://www.audiorealism.se site, they have a kewl forum there
btw have you seen the little bug that sometimes appears on the bottom of bassline 1.5? :lol:

22-11-2005, 03:08 AM
I'm just starting to understand things like Attack, Decay, Sustain, release, in these programs and then this thing comes along lol.
It still makes my mouth water. Cant wait till this thing drops release.

30-11-2005, 09:56 AM
looks amazing,. cant wait to put my hands on it!

30-11-2005, 08:44 PM
what i dont understand is tb303 is one of the simplist pieces of hardwware ever. even you bog standard 3osc synth should be able to emu a 303 no problems, there are so many other synths out there that offer different things....or maybe techno isn't as future thinking as it makes out

here's another new software 303 just out, gui looks almost real :shock:

i wonder if someone released a software 303 that looked crap but sounded amazing whether it would be more or less popular than the good looking/shit sounding one...?

01-12-2005, 02:04 PM
what i dont understand is tb303 is one of the simplist pieces of hardwware ever. even you bog standard 3osc synth should be able to emu a 303 no problems, there are so many other synths out there that offer different things....or maybe techno isn't as future thinking as it makes out

here's another new software 303 just out, gui looks almost real :shock:

i wonder if someone released a software 303 that looked crap but sounded amazing whether it would be more or less popular than the good looking/shit sounding one...?

The sound of the 303 is not really related to how simple it is. It is an almost impossible to emulate combination of all of its components...

01-12-2005, 02:12 PM
The thing that gives real analogue circuity it's "character" is when the components misbehave. It's these unpredictable nuances that are really hard to emulate in software - everything is either true or false, 1 or 0, there is no middle ground. If you switch on an analogue synth, create a patch, then leave it for a few hours (give the circuit time to warm up) you'll almost certainly come back to find the sound has changed, because the properties of the raw materials which make up the circuit will have changed. How the hell do you emulate that in software? Code can't "warm up".

Add to this the fact that many of the components that go into the original 303 can't actually be obtained anymore, since companies have gone bust - or even worse, manufacturing techniques have gotten better i.e. the components don't do that "funny thing" they used to do at a certain voltage, which gave the sound it's distinctive colour.

Even if you could take all the nuances into account, the problem of running the simulation of even such a simple device as a 303 in real-time would be (as we in the software industry say) intractible. i.e. Given current computing power it is unfeasable. Lets see what happens when quantum computing gets up and running!

02-12-2005, 02:36 PM
what i dont understand is tb303 is one of the simplist pieces of hardwware ever. even you bog standard 3osc synth should be able to emu a 303 no problems, there are so many other synths out there that offer different things....or maybe techno isn't as future thinking as it makes out

here's another new software 303 just out, gui looks almost real :shock:

i wonder if someone released a software 303 that looked crap but sounded amazing whether it would be more or less popular than the good looking/shit sounding one...?

whoa, who makes that one....looks real nice.....but does it sound good?

The Divide
02-12-2005, 03:54 PM
taken from the electronic music 411 forum....

the sound of analogue equpiment including EQ, changes very noticably over even a few hours due to temperature changes within a circuit.
Anyone who has tried to make tracs on a few analogue synths and make them stay in tune can tell you this,you leave a trac running for a few hours come back and think Im sure I didnt ****ing write that,I must be going mental!

this affects all the components in a synth/EQ in an almost infinte amount of tiny ways.
and the amount differs from circuit to circuit depending on the design.

the interaction of different channels and their respective signals with an analogue mixer are very complex,EQ,dynamics....
any fx, analogue or digital that are plugged into it all have their own special complex characteristics and all interact with each other differently and change depending on their routing.
Nobody that ive heard of has even begun to start emulating analogue mixer circuitry in software,just the aesthetics,it will come but im sure it will be a crap half hearted effort like most pretend synth plugins are.
they should be called PST synths, P for pretend not virtual.

analogue EQ is currently impossible in theory to be emulated digitally,quite intense maths shit involed in this if youre really that interested,you could look it up...good luck.

your soundcard will always make things sound like its come from THAT soundcard..they ALL impose their different sound characteristics onto whatever comes out of them they are far from being totally neutral devices.

all the components of a circuit like resistors and capacitors subtley differ from each other depending on their quality but even the most high quality milatary spec ones are never EXACTLY the same.

no two analogue synths can ever be built exactly the same,there are tiny human/automated errors in building the circuits,tweaking the trimpots for example which is usually done manually in a lot of analogue shit.
just compare the sound of 2 808 drum machines next to each other and you will see what I mean,you always thought an 808 was an 808 right?
same goes for 303`s they all sound subltey different,different voltage scaling of the oscillator is usually quite noticable.

Then there is the question of the physicallity of the instrument this affects the way a human will emotionally interact with it and therfore affect what they will actually do with it! often overlooked from the maths heads,this is probably the biggest factor I think.
for example the smell of analogue stuff as well as the look of it puts you in a certain mental state which is very different from looking at a computer screen.

then there is analogue tape...ah this really could go on forever....

im quite drunk cant be bothered to type anymore...
so yeah,whatever, you obviously dont have to have analogue equipment to make `good` music in case thats the impression im giving,EVERYTHING has its uses .And not all anlaogue equipment is expensive you can still get bargains like old high end military audio devices,tape machines fx etc just go for the unfashionable stuff.

The Divide
02-12-2005, 03:57 PM
303 plugins for me have a novelty value and thats about it. They tend to sound a bit too 'been there done that' bet its the same with most the other people who use them. Mite give it a bash for some fun tho

02-12-2005, 04:02 PM
303 plugins have their place. Just be prepared to get innovative with your processing.

The Divide
02-12-2005, 04:38 PM
Hmm yea, but I would rather explore the other types of synthesis techniques out there which already sound different and allow more room for controller/modulation routing creativity.

02-12-2005, 05:49 PM
Well, the Bassline Pro certainly looks like it has a lot more in that respect.

02-12-2005, 06:33 PM
We are ubergeeks

02-12-2005, 09:26 PM
what i dont understand is tb303 is one of the simplist pieces of hardwware ever. even you bog standard 3osc synth should be able to emu a 303 no problems, there are so many other synths out there that offer different things....or maybe techno isn't as future thinking as it makes out

here's another new software 303 just out, gui looks almost real :shock:

i wonder if someone released a software 303 that looked crap but sounded amazing whether it would be more or less popular than the good looking/shit sounding one...?

whoa, who makes that one....looks real nice.....but does it sound good?

its ok.... im running the demo at the moment. supposed to be a devilfish/modded style thing. not a bad synth in its own right but certainly not a devilfish clone.

06-12-2005, 05:15 PM
Wow! That is one hell of an update.

06-12-2005, 05:43 PM
We are ubergeeks
And proud.

09-12-2005, 02:45 PM
were will i find that clone then detfeela?

15-12-2005, 03:16 AM
Never underestimate the power of the Korg MS20... SUCH a good conversion, though I wish you got the vocoder that you get on the MS2000B. Can't have it all I suppose.

That said these guys have a reputation for creating some really super top notch sounding emultaed analogue synths, so I'll certainly check it out.

Thanks for the heads up :)


Maybe I'm just tone deaf, but I couldn't tell wether or not something's analogue or digital in origin, and if I'm happy with the sound I couldn't give a toss about what anybody else thinks, and especially not their critisism of my art. Often times the most vocal offenders are pretty shithouse producers with no idea of what they're talknig about and just have an axe to grind. Furthermore some of those same people often times don't own analogue hardware, some haven't even used it, they just like to talk about it as if they do!

NB. I'm not dissing anybody here who thinks that hardware sounds better than software. If that's the case and your music makes you happy - good for you, I just hate the snobbery that exists amoungst a few people.
