View Full Version : Hype in music

08-12-2005, 02:30 AM
I loved electoclash. I stilll do. I love minimal. I always did. But don't ya think that electroclash is the old word and minimal is the new ie hype is just forcing this shit on us?

Can we not make up our own minds?

Hmm this is a great discussion. Hype sucks. But it's not to say whatever music is hyped does. It's sort of like hype is making good music into bad. Grrrrrr.....

Let's talk about this shit!

08-12-2005, 02:57 AM
Hype can be a good thing though, like mysticism surrounding an artist or stories of an amazing talent, but in this instance no its not good. I dont think hype is ruining music at all but I personaly think if the music is bad it will ruin itself, needless to say i didnt like electro clash and I dont like this minimal stuff either. But different strokes for different fokes.

I think techno itself has always been an area where you werent involved in mob behavour but now as techno has moved on and the numbers following the wide scene have grown you can see the sheep mentality creeping in and it manifests itself in fads like electro clash and das minimal sound.

I dont care what the music is and it isnt the music I have a problem with its the following I have a problem with.

08-12-2005, 04:24 AM
i love minimal as u do mark. always have. im in two minds about the music being in the lime light. my techno head says i hate it cuz trendy wannabes latch onto it. my mind loves it that our music is being listened to by the masses.

just the other day i was talking to a girl and the music topic came up. I usually shy away from the word techno as it usually conjours up the image of a 1990's banging rave, and that can scare people. but this girl was like, "yeah, ive been listening to minimal techno recently", which i thought was quite nice.

08-12-2005, 10:59 AM
trends....somehow they catch on, albeit a bit latent sometimes.

to be honest I thought that the minimal thing happened about 4 or so years ago when Hawtin released DE9. I listened to that when it came out and went "Woah!! thats some serious stuff goin on there"....particularly after getting my brain bashed out by all the hard stuff going around at the turn of the millenium (98-01). But it pretty much went unoticed until now - minimal is all the hype now when it should have been back then....go figure??

I thought that minimal was a good idea for something different to all the bangin and represented an approach to life with all its undue complications etc....minimalise your life to avoid complication. Simplify your worries.

I reckon darker more technological sounds are the go now....something that has a melancholic edge to it and refers to the state of our world we face now.

08-12-2005, 11:14 AM
I dont understand why people seem to be fixated on the whole "trend" thing. If your into something, your into it yes? It's not a competion to see whose been into something for the longest or whose most into something, and to be honest the day you let a "phase" really sway you then maybe you should think about where your heart lie's musically. Iv'e done drum n bass tracks in the past shock horror, and i cant stand drum n bass now as a rule. That's not to say i hate it or see it as a phase, or ever did, my musical tastes have just been broadened alot more in the past few years that's all.

And if you let the fact that just because some "trendy" people are raving about music you like actually put you off the music itself, then your simply worse than the trashbats in the first place. Too many people worrying what others will think of them if they admit they like something instead of just standing on their own 2 feet and saying "yeah i ****ing love this and im going to make it, and play it until my hearts content"

08-12-2005, 11:42 AM
if you let the fact that just because some "trendy" people are raving about music you like actually put you off the music itself, then your simply worse than the trashbats in the first place.

This is spot on. If you love something you love it irrespective of what anyone else says.
Would you dump your girl just because somebody else said she wasn't cool? Does it matter how someone else labels something if you know you love it already?

Public Enemy hit the nail on the head when they said don't believe the hype.

08-12-2005, 11:50 AM
Unfortunately, our world is built on hype and thats the only thing most peeps understand or notice.

08-12-2005, 11:53 AM
exactly. And already there's examples of this in these posts about minimal. The day you let someone else's view on, well anything to be honest, stop you from enjoying or appreciating whatever that maybe is the day you need to have a word with yourself really. Good example, if one of your mate's didnt like your girlfriend would you get rid of her, even though you loved her dearly?

alot of people just dont get that whilst the image attached to music like minimal is contrived, and the people who really take this image to the max are at times quite superficial, then what does that make someone whose ready to discard something they truely, truely enjoy just because of fear of being lumped in with the rest? It gives them a sense of fickleness far surpassing that of any "trashbat" or image follower

08-12-2005, 11:57 AM
Unfortunately, our world is built on hype and thats the only thing most peeps understand or notice.

exactly, the point being, dont let it bother you! Just accepting that people buy anything when its hyped enough, well you may aswell just join in with them instead then, get the clothes, get the haircut and settle down to some good old fashioned sheep action (ooo errr).

i think its a confidence thing with alot of people aswell. Ive' never ever worried about what people think of what im into, remember seperating it from what people think of me as a person, to be honest i dont really care about that either but the day i let it worry me that someone doesnt like what im into, then thats the day i start my Schranz bootleg of "Bohemian Rhapsody"

08-12-2005, 12:03 PM
My feeling's are it comes down to being true to yourself. Don't pimp yourself out to something you don't really like. It seriously reduces a persons credibility and shows them up as unable to make their own decisions if they choose to follow someone else's passion and not their own.

08-12-2005, 12:07 PM
yeah true words! ive had people ask me to do other kinds of music with them that im really not into, so instead of humouring them ive just said well i really wont enjoy it myself so id rather not, and thats cool.

bottom line, if you genuinely love something then it doesnt matter what ANYONE thinks of it

08-12-2005, 12:11 PM
very true, eyes. Stick to yo guns.

08-12-2005, 12:13 PM

08-12-2005, 12:15 PM
I still find that we all go through different emotions in our lives and listen to different things at certain stages. Thats OK....but bandwagoning is very ignorant and shallow.

I sometimes listen to lots of hard stuff and then other times all I can handle is minimal for a while.....but I am always up fo tha funk ;)

08-12-2005, 12:23 PM
Hype just excludes everything else and flogs the guts out of the "in sound" until its worn out and never to be heard again.

08-12-2005, 12:30 PM
Just a thought about hype. Could it be born out of insecurity?
Does stuff get hyped to generate outside interest in order to validate the author/creator?Or is it created by mass appreciation?

If its the former 2 options then we got problems in the music scene. But if its the latter then couldn't that be agood thing?

08-12-2005, 01:37 PM
I dont think anyone is saying they're staying away from the music just because its trendy. I dont like the music at all and would stay away from it regardless, and personally I think it reveals something about the fundementals of the music that this type of thing happens.

The problem I have with the music is not just that its minimal but the actual sounds in the tunes. I dont feel that I can relate to it at all and it doesnt have enough attitude for me. Yes I know its probably not meant to but irrespective of that I cant jive off it.

dan the acid man
08-12-2005, 02:49 PM
I dont understand why people seem to be fixated on the whole "trend" thing. If your into something, your into it yes? It's not a competion to see whose been into something for the longest or whose most into something, and to be honest the day you let a "phase" really sway you then maybe you should think about where your heart lie's musically. Iv'e done drum n bass tracks in the past shock horror, and i cant stand drum n bass now as a rule. That's not to say i hate it or see it as a phase, or ever did, my musical tastes have just been broadened alot more in the past few years that's all.

And if you let the fact that just because some "trendy" people are raving about music you like actually put you off the music itself, then your simply worse than the trashbats in the first place. Too many people worrying what others will think of them if they admit they like something instead of just standing on their own 2 feet and saying "yeah i **** love this and im going to make it, and play it until my hearts content"

i have to agree, spot on.

when the next trend comes along, the true fans will still be loving their particular style of techno as much as they ever did.
