View Full Version : Marco Bailey Questions

13-12-2005, 02:27 PM
right a friend of mine is interviewing marco bailey for a magazine, and he's asked me to get some questions for him, i cant really think of that many.
any 1 got any ideas. i'll post the interview up when its done.

13-12-2005, 03:57 PM
Here's a link to an interview I did with him for a local promoter's website, during the summer. It might give you a few ideas:


The text seems to have gone a bit funny in places (although maybe it's just my computer?), but you'll be able to make out what's being said ;)

13-12-2005, 04:06 PM
if i were you i'd definitely ask him about his new double dj mix album.. he's really gone down a much more minimal route.

13-12-2005, 04:33 PM
he's really gone down a much more minimal route.

Like most of the belgian artists who are also his friends. You can refer to it.

13-12-2005, 04:35 PM
why is he following the trend of the minimal thing like every other bugger and their cats are?

13-12-2005, 06:28 PM
cheers for the ideas

13-12-2005, 10:50 PM
why is he following the trend of the minimal thing like every other bugger and their cats are?

Well, he has to stay cool and sell mix CDs doesn't he? In fairness I saw the tracklisting for that CD and some of it is good stuff.

Martin Dust
13-12-2005, 11:21 PM
I hated it, for some reason it just all wrong ;)

13-12-2005, 11:28 PM
i agree i hated it too. imo really bad mixing, bad track listing. both cd's too. was gutted.

and such a fuss of the design too with that burnt cd cover. was expecting alot more when i saw that.

Dustin Zahn
13-12-2005, 11:31 PM
I am still surprised people sell mix cd's, period. The internet kind of defeated the point of those (like everything). Apparently there must be some money to be made.

14-12-2005, 12:02 AM
i agree i hated it too. imo really bad mixing, bad track listing. both cd's too. was gutted.

and such a fuss of the design too with that burnt cd cover. was expecting alot more when i saw that.

What?? Did you really expect much though?

I was surprised to see people like 65D Mavericks in there to be honest, granted the time he played here he played a fair amount of Ruskin, Surgeon and stuff; finished off with "Seawolf" too, which surprised me.

He's tends to be more concerned with his appearance than he is with mixing records though.

14-12-2005, 12:06 AM
I am still surprised people sell mix cd's, period. The internet kind of defeated the point of those (like everything). Apparently there must be some money to be made.

True enough, they did seem to become outdated. Although I've been surprised, some heads still get excited about them. I think some distributors could push mix CDs a bit more than they do, as they do still shift.

14-12-2005, 01:53 AM
well it was because of the burnt cd cover that i expected more - alot of money had obviously gone into that.

but hey, i shoould have learnt over the years - appearences are deceptive, as we all know!

The Overfiend
14-12-2005, 08:47 AM
Why does he need a co producer for everything he does?

14-12-2005, 11:09 AM
I would like this question to be asked.

Are you going to be joining the candidtes for Pop Idol again, or will you get some mates together and try to go for the group category in X-Factor?

14-12-2005, 11:13 AM
what made him say yes to playing at the goodgreef/bosh night at tall trees??

14-12-2005, 11:16 AM
what made him say yes to playing at the goodgreef/bosh night at tall trees??

hahahaha excellent question

some of these need putting to him

1. see above
2. Tony's - "why do you need a co-producer for everything you do?" excellent question
3. "why is your cd a big massive let down for Mark EG?"

i think they'd make him squirm underneath all that hairgel

DJ Becka
15-12-2005, 05:03 AM
right a friend of mine is interviewing marco bailey for a magazine, and he's asked me to get some questions for him, i cant really think of that many.
any 1 got any ideas. i'll post the interview up when its done.

Ask him about the mask that he brings with him to gigs....I know it sounds like a weird question, but trust me, you wont be disappointed ;)

15-12-2005, 02:53 PM
Ask him if he realises that the problem with techno at the moment is people like him churning out mindless bangers for the last 5 years.

16-12-2005, 10:56 PM
ask him if he has to work hard to look like a knob on all his promo photos or does it just come natural

16-12-2005, 11:20 PM
Haha oh dear

Not too popular then is he by the look of the replies here?

Ask him if he likes bongos and high pass filters?
(Im just trying to fit in)

Stella Boy
17-12-2005, 12:28 AM
ask him if he finds time to post on message boards and whether he feels the need to explain himself to people who disagree with his dj skills and "production" output. Also, is he happy in what he does and does negative feedback have any adverse impact on his life ?

17-12-2005, 12:48 AM
How about ask him if he likes honesty or whether he would prefere people to tell lies or stay quiet just too make the world a better place.
Or perhaps ask him if he expects just the positive effects of being in the public eye?
Oh and does he like kittens and puppies.

el salvador
18-12-2005, 02:25 PM
ask him for his deffinition of cheesy music

el salvador
18-12-2005, 02:26 PM
and what are his thinks of ghost writers

18-12-2005, 03:08 PM
I would like this question to be asked.

Are you going to be joining the candidtes for Pop Idol again, or will you get some mates together and try to go for the group category in X-Factor?
:lol: :lol: :lol: yeah mate!!!! or this one:

"do you have any problems with finding new cover images for your records? clash copycat!"

18-12-2005, 03:16 PM
ask im if, like alot of people still, he has trouble with "Marathon" changing its name to "Snickers", or did living in Europe at the time mean this problem passed him by?

19-12-2005, 12:59 AM
question 1:
why dont you just **** off!

maybe not
sorry about that....
but it was sort of funny.

19-12-2005, 01:04 AM
right a friend of mine is interviewing marco bailey for a magazine, and he's asked me to get some questions for him, i cant really think of that many.
any 1 got any ideas. i'll post the interview up when its done.

Ask him about the mask that he brings with him to gigs....I know it sounds like a weird question, but trust me, you wont be disappointed ;)

the mask?
what, like he travels with a mask?
or like he has to "put on a mask " to avoid his adoring fans....????
or like sometimes his mask slips upwards and people start to refer to it as his hair?

who knows?

Craig McW
19-12-2005, 02:56 AM
Ask him if being the antithesis of good techno is satisfying, and if he plans to release the same record over and over again for the next 10 years....

DJ Becka
19-12-2005, 04:03 AM
right a friend of mine is interviewing marco bailey for a magazine, and he's asked me to get some questions for him, i cant really think of that many.
any 1 got any ideas. i'll post the interview up when its done.

Ask him about the mask that he brings with him to gigs....I know it sounds like a weird question, but trust me, you wont be disappointed ;)

the mask?
what, like he travels with a mask?
or like he has to "put on a mask " to avoid his adoring fans....????
or like sometimes his mask slips upwards and people start to refer to it as his hair?

who knows?

Apparently he brings a mask with him to gigs- a real live mask. Whether or not he ever wears it is beyond me.....I actually am curious as to why he even brings it in the first place, so if someone could please ask him this question-it would totally make my 2005 complete :lol:

19-12-2005, 04:59 AM
wow, all the questions mentioned are great ones, any question I can think of has already been asked...

I think everyone here who suggested a question should meet up with funky_and_fresh_design and we can all meet him, and each take turns in asking him our questions in person... he could wear his mask... although it could get violent...

is this the mask? v


19-12-2005, 10:24 PM
ask him: when comes the next release on bonsai records? great work lol

21-12-2005, 08:03 PM
I allways liked Bonzia and XTC records personaly.
If you want some sensible questions how about some questions about his labels or first releses.

Or does he say jiff or ciff?
Bet its ciff!

21-12-2005, 11:51 PM
wow, all the questions mentioned are great ones, any question I can think of has already been asked...

I think everyone here who suggested a question should meet up with funky_and_fresh_design and we can all meet him, and each take turns in asking him our questions in person... he could wear his mask... although it could get violent...

is this the mask? v


i just spit my coffee out !

22-12-2005, 07:41 PM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

23-12-2005, 01:19 AM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

yeah bleeding the scene dry, the greedy cvnt!!!!

23-12-2005, 01:33 AM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

yeah bleeding the scene dry, the greedy cvnt!!!!

yeah yeah
now go and cash your dole check and shut up !!!

23-12-2005, 02:28 AM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

Interesting assessment.
I`m sure Dick Cheney is earning a fortune from Haliburton, however I`m not sure he is doing something right?
You shoulda had the guts to ask the real questions.

23-12-2005, 10:48 AM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

So did wham in the 80's, making money through quality dont always mix

could be a few nice aliases there he can use

george bailey maybee or marco ridgley

23-12-2005, 11:04 AM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

with all due respect that's a stupid thing to say, and very naive too, it's more than well known that Marco barely has a hand in about 95% of his 'own' records and if you measure success by how much money your making then in that case, none of us here are going to be successful i guess because i know i wont see a penny of my releases probably, so that must mean i havent had any success yeah?

that's it people we may aswell pack up and leave now, there's no money to be made here, R n B here we come!

23-12-2005, 11:16 AM
well i passed on the more 'suitable' questions i will put the interview up when its finished.

I do agree with a lot of what people have said...... but lets face it he makes a lot more money than any of us do from techno, so he's obviously doing something right

it wont be long before there turning out for gigs like this


23-12-2005, 11:26 AM

24-12-2005, 01:15 AM
it's more than well known that Marco barely has a hand in about 95% of his 'own' records

Well, without totally insulting him (I interviewed him to help a local promoter over here plug their gig, not out of admiration for the guy!) I did bring up this subject:

Q: Many people interpret the idea of a DJ/Producer using a co-producer, as basically the DJ getting someone else to make their tracks, which is obviously only true in certain cases. As someone who has and does use co-producers such as Redhead and Tom Hades, how would you explain the process that goes into producing a track when you are in the studio with a co-producer?

Marco Bailey: The reason why I work most of the time with my BEST friends for years is : because we understand each other for years in a very great way, I helped Tom & Redhead a lot and still now in the beginning of their career, and will do all for them until the end of my life ! ; also to make tracks more interesting I mostly work with them ; I prepare many tracks alone at home but mostly hook then up with them to the end mixes etc or doing changes. Tom is a computer specialist & Redhead has the best ear for a mix in the studio, I do the programming , structure , sounds choosing , ideas¦ Basically I'm a dj for 20 years now, I've been through many kinds of music from Rock to Hip Hop to New Beat to House to now Techno etc etc .. doing parties , running 4 labels etc etc.. too much to actually concentrate on only studio work which I'm going to do definitely more in the future. And I am honest that I work a lot with co producers, and not like many other guys who say they don't, but actually do it also all the time ! :)

26-12-2005, 05:38 PM
not half bad his statement...

i`ve heard him yesterday in Lahr/Germany on a rave...

please ask him why he is going to play after an mind-blowing Set from Ben Long such an ****ing boring tech-house minimal Set including mostly hits like in an 1/2 - 3/4 year old Sven Väth playlist which everyone had heard 1000-times too often?

and why was his appearance such unemotional like he would read a newspaper or crochet a pot cloth??!?!?

27-12-2005, 12:16 AM
i agree with the fact the marco bailey does chuck out lots of tunes with not a lot of effort in.. but equally he has released some wicked records.

Although he's prob not in it for the money, it is however his career and how he puts food on the table.

For those of us who produce in our spare time we can afford to spend vast amounts of time on a tune, however if its ure job you may be required to make a few tunes in a short space of time which is obviously gonna lead to trade off's with the tune quality.

I dont think any1's into techno for the money, as eyes said otheriwse we'd be making r'n'b... but if you can make enough money from it, to do it full time then i think all of us would.

anyway thats my perspective of it!

27-12-2005, 04:32 AM
For those of us who produce in our spare time we can afford to spend vast amounts of time on a tune, however if its ure job you may be required to make a few tunes in a short space of time which is obviously gonna lead to trade off's with the tune quality.
anyway thats my perspective of it!

if i was a mod i'd ban u,

The Overfiend
27-12-2005, 05:09 AM
I just fell on the floor.

27-12-2005, 05:15 AM
I just fell on the floor.

:lol: ;)

27-12-2005, 02:02 PM
For those of us who produce in our spare time we can afford to spend vast amounts of time on a tune, however if its ure job you may be required to make a few tunes in a short space of time which is obviously gonna lead to trade off's with the tune quality.

if ya pulling month in month out circa 20 grand from djing, personally i would say this should allow a greater freedom to get stuff spot on. thats the finacial freedom lets say, premiership jocks/producers have but most of the time dont abuse.......

27-12-2005, 02:15 PM
Marco Bailey: The reason why I work most of the time with my BEST friends for years is : because we understand each other for years in a very great way, I helped Tom & Redhead a lot and still now in the beginning of their career, and will do all for them until the end of my life ! ; also to make tracks more interesting I mostly work with them ; I prepare many tracks alone at home but mostly hook then up with them to the end mixes etc or doing changes. Tom is a computer specialist & Redhead has the best ear for a mix in the studio, I do the programming , structure , sounds choosing , ideas¦ Basically I'm a dj for 20 years now, I've been through many kinds of music from Rock to Hip Hop to New Beat to House to now Techno etc etc .. doing parties , running 4 labels etc etc.. too much to actually concentrate on only studio work which I'm going to do definitely more in the future. And I am honest that I work a lot with co producers, and not like many other guys who say they don't, but actually do it also all the time ! :)

WOW my respect to the guy :pray: :scratch:
