View Full Version : midi madness

14-12-2005, 11:12 AM
howyas. im havin a bit of trouble with midi sync. im using an m-audio delta 1010 soundcard on my pc. i want to use my electribe sx as the master clock in ableton but i keep getting delay. ive played around with the settings in ableton but the problem still persists. any help would be appreciated


Rob :)

auditory hallucinations
14-12-2005, 01:26 PM
I've had this problem using a 1010 soundcard, live and a tr909 as master clock device…two ways to sort it out:

Make a 4/4 kick pattern on the electribe and record directly into live as audio, then play it back against the electribe. Go to the midi delay in live and manually adjust it so the sample phases tightly against the kick drum - start out at say -15 and then work towards 0 increasing it by 1 each time. Once it's tight with a kick, repeat the process but use a hi-hat

Get a copy of rebirth and rewire it through live…you've then gotta adjust the sync so rebirth stays in time properly and this got it pretty spot on for me

Either way should work though...

14-12-2005, 08:22 PM
drivin me mad. cant get it. played with every possible setting and still no. rebirth is synced fine though but the electribe is havin none of it. was goin in on the midi in of the soundcard first, switched to my motu 5x5 and thats even worse. wont recieve the clock messages from the electribe at all but the midi in indicator light is comin on. gonna go to work and come back to it tomorrow. argh... far too logical for my illogacal brain.

Rob :)

15-12-2005, 10:23 AM
ok. slept on that one and sorted it out. ended up using the live tutorial for latency compensation and it boxed it off nicely. problem solved. note to self. dont try messin around with midi/hardware/software configurations on 2 hours sleep. it leads to problems. thanks for the help.

Rob :)

auditory hallucinations
15-12-2005, 01:10 PM
glad to hear you got it sorted

16-12-2005, 01:38 AM
story Rob... howya finding the SX? mines on order!

18-12-2005, 11:45 PM
well handy man. i know the electribes pretty well at this stage, nice to have the synth/stretch parts and the fx chain is fairly handy too. havent spent too much time buzzin with it. mainly just lashin samples in. really just picked it up to use with me laptop get a pain in me hole sequencing drums with a keyboard or a mouse, brings a nice bit of control into the setup. got it real cheap on ebay only a couple of months old which makes it even nicer.

Rob :)

19-12-2005, 09:51 AM
could you perhaps PM me the process that you used to get that sorted? I was looking into that exact same setup and I guess that would be quite handy to know.
