View Full Version : rec button on fruity loopsany1

15-12-2005, 03:07 AM
hello all ..
any1 know how to get the record button on fruity to let u automate thruought the entire track and not stopping every 8,16 or 32 kicks, ..so i can just do as i please at any given moment and not have to keep hitting "rec" :oops: thanks ...

Barely Human
16-12-2005, 12:00 AM
2 ways -

Select pattern 9, (main automation), and hit rec.


Create a blank pattern and put 1 block at the beginning of the track. I would create a new one for each automation so you can change them about easier...

16-12-2005, 01:59 AM
hey thanks a lot man im gunna try it....ill hit u back with any ?'s i have after it doesnt werk for me..lol..jk..

17-12-2005, 05:28 AM
Fruityloops 6 is out.

Jay, drop me a line. :)

20-12-2005, 05:06 AM
werd tocsin/lowkey i think jen got it for me from audionews....ty though....if it doent werk illask for ur expertease..heh..tty soon..happy holidays every1 :devilish:
