View Full Version : stuff in barcelona? record shops, clubs, etc...

06-02-2006, 04:27 PM
I am going to barcelona in a couple of day and was just wandering if anyone can suggest shops or clubs involved in the techno scene there?

Also the hardtek/free tekno scene particularly, like squats and suchlike. Or even squat party info or whatever.

Anyway any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Cheers guys,


DJ Becka
07-02-2006, 04:17 AM
There are a few shops in BCN....one called Loopshop, Galactika Records (Gracia section of bcn-look it up on the net and you'll find the addy), and there are 2 more that I cant remember the names of, but they are near the Museum Of Contemporary Art. (Loopshop is near there as well). As far as clubs, I dont too much about the kind of parties you are into, but the nightlife in bcn is great......Moog is a great club- definitely hit that one up - it's open every day of the week - and if you can, try to get a pass for the club so you can get in for free before 2am. But warning - the club is empty before 2 - if you wanna get in for free though......its not such a bad deal to go - after 2 it gets crowded. There's this other club called La Cova, but its like 20 minutes outside of the city - there arent any trains or buses that go out there, so you'd either have to drive or take a cab which is expensive - but they have a lot of techno nights there. Hmmmm......what other clubs....Loft is a big one and so is Nitsa. Also, I went to this place along the ramblas called the Felini club and saw Trent Moller there. Aside from the minimal snoozefest I was subjected to, it was still a decent club and good crowd. Oh, and I played at this place in Gracia called Mochima - but it's very small and I'm not sure what goes on during the week really - the kids that booked me do Wednesday nights there, but it's more of a themed party-so you never know what to expect week to week. Other than that - try the clubbingspain.com site and see if there are any listings there - I'm sure you'll find some things......

Barcelona is a great city......you'll have a blast - trust me ;)

07-02-2006, 09:27 PM
ye the likes of Fellini, Moog, City Hall, Zentraus (all near La Ramblas) are nice clubs, but you'll mostly find minimal house/techno. still good tho. i heard before that Vogel did monthly sunday nights in City Hall, but i never caught him there. thats up the placa catalunya end of la ramblas. moog had techno 2 years ago and then seemed just minmal last year. but pop your head in a have a goosey, its under an archway about 20 ft from the peep show at the chris columbus end of la ramblas. have a peep and a wank while your at it ;) €2

theres a nice record shop in a sqaure about 100ft behind the Champion (spanish tesco) store at placa catalunya end of la ramblas.

if you're looking for squat parties, hang around the squares and look out for crusties. plaza real is jammers during the summer, but i dunno about now.... wander around coz theres squares left right and centre. theres a huge squat scene, but different then london coz i dunno if they do parties and the likes in their squats. they usually bring the rigs to festivals.

its a kickin town, watch your pockets, if any kids come up to u pretending to be play-wrestling, theyre going for ur wallet and if u get caught by the police for anything mind yourself... they can be nasty
