View Full Version : maximum minimum

18-08-2003, 09:20 PM
was listening to some stuff on this label the other day, couldnt help thinking it sounded a bit dated, but i dont listen to much like this, so not really one to comment. I'd be interested to know what some of you london teknoheads think of it..

18-08-2003, 09:32 PM
i find it to be a rather hit and a miss lable personally.

since they pump out tracks (or at least they used to) like once every 3 weeks, the quality isnt always up to par with the rest of the good london techno. alot of times the tracks are crap, and it used to be if you owned a couple you owned them all.

im glad they have gotten rid of that grindy 303 sound on ALL of their releases, cause personally i think there is only so many things you can do with that sound...

lately i have enjoyed a bunch of the releases.

there have been some great ones on that lable tho. i think sludge (dsp and ant) is one of the better ones in a while.

18-08-2003, 11:56 PM
The problem with this label is trying to work out which ****ing shade of orange is the tune you want to play next ;) There has been some nice tracks on MM but I've also found a lot of it a bit too sparse and lacking in groove... not really dancefloor stuff.

19-08-2003, 12:02 AM
Yeah a bit hit and miss for me too. I think alot of the tracks they churn out are extremely similar, but thats probably got summin to do with how fast they (used to) release their stuff

19-08-2003, 04:25 AM

In a black light, all the colors look the same!

Si the Sigh
19-08-2003, 09:50 AM
Maximum Minimum has always been a bit hit & miss for me as well, but I must say that MAXmin Gold has really impressed me! (both sides) :D

22-08-2003, 03:56 AM

cant go past maxminSPUNK...its a ****in killer

id like to see a remix of it...what ya think Mr Drummer?

02-09-2003, 07:35 PM
good call with regards to marking up the sleeves, anx! I must admit to doing that meself, and going even one further by jotting down some notes about the A and the B. MaxMin as a label is certainly not about the big obvious hook; musically it does not give anything away for free. We deck techincians have to work a little bit in our own studios by putting in the time to really give those releases a good hard listen. There have been a more than a few whereupon first listen I would think, "not much happening in this track" only to give it another go some days later (maybe just in headphones) and see something really clever in it. Still it is damn hard to keep all the MaxMin sorted, hence the resort to scrawing all over the sleeves...

Despite the super high-quality output that MaxMin is capable of, they have distributed their fair share of filler. Bleep bleep Bloop cranka chinka chunka for eight minutes on and no plot resolution really pisses me off as imports are not cheap here in the States. Glad to see that others have noted the rapidity in which MM has put out tracks and resultant quality control problems. Chris Lib seems like a "from the gut and heart" kind of guy so I don't think its about trying to gouge collectors. Any ideas on this score from any of you who have worked at labels? What goes?

As for MM "not being dacefloor stuff" by and large I have to agree, but don't really mind: I think its great that there is a label that is not preoccupied with making music solely for people to dance to *gasp*! (not to worry, there's plenty of that about). Ta for making some tracks for the heads and thanks for the trippy bangers that you can plunk down on an unsuspecting club that is just coming up...


02-09-2003, 10:01 PM
Just got maxmin Magenta in the post..and it aint to bad at all 8)

Paul Nisbet
02-09-2003, 11:59 PM
some of them are imense... some not so.......

i agree whole round, the guy mcaffer red one was a peach a while back.

03-09-2003, 12:52 PM
The problem with this label is trying to work out which **** shade of orange is the tune you want to play next ;) There has been some nice tracks on MM but I've also found a lot of it a bit too sparse and lacking in groove... not really dancefloor stuff.

:lol: how true! I I've got 3 or 4 releases on mm, usuually there's one side I like, 1 not so strong. I've got a Guy McAffer one which is good and another one which i think is Chris liberator/drummer which also has a good one on it. Overall, Cluster is my fav SUF label, but like one or 2 bits on mm.

05-09-2003, 11:07 PM
This thread got me thinking about MaxMin, so I went back though to see if anything popped out at me. I would suggest listening to the MAX side of Pinko: the guts of the track are almost run-of-the-mill, but wait! the second breakdown drops off into distortion and noise that will warp your mind, and it segues back with one of the most effective drop-ins you can imagine. Simple formulae, right? Sure, but the production of those 32 or so bars is majik - - I have never heard it out on a big system, but I'm sure if it were dropped in the right place there would be all-out bedlam!

If any of you take a listen or know the track, here is a question for you: is it "dancefloor" for you or not? Mark EG, would particularly like to have your comment.

05-09-2003, 11:18 PM
im still thinking SPUNK is the sickest maxmin tune ive heard and probebly one of the sickest tunes ive heard 8)

05-09-2003, 11:32 PM
Force 5: which side and why?

06-09-2003, 12:33 AM
The Minimum side... :twisted:


Because its just f*ckin downright mental..its got that sound goes sorta like "da da da do" and it just keeps goin and goin and goin then that mashy rooarrriiiiiiiiieeeeyyyyyrrrrrr twisted ****in sound rolls in over the top and in underneath...i just like the all out repeativness of it...if you aske me its a top head f*ck tune :twisted:


because i like it 8)

06-09-2003, 12:37 AM
Im not to good at explaining why and what sounds i like about a tune...

But i know a goodin when i hear it...

someone needs to invent a machine that you can plug into your head,and then when you think music it comes out and records onto your computer...man would i be able to make some sick tunes with what goes around in my head hahaha

maxmin...the minimum sides are ussually the ones that grab my attention

06-09-2003, 12:42 AM
Id really love to see somebody remix that SPUNK minimum side,,not like it really needs one...its a pretty wicked tune but feel it could well do with abit of DAVE the drummer Chunk,just needs abit more kick to it.

come on boys,roll it out for me..more CHUNK


08-09-2003, 11:49 PM
F5, thanks for your take on all that. Don't have SPUNK but will go find it.

Can anybody else name some of their favorite headfvcker moments in the controversial history of MaxMin?

come on then, there must be loads

09-09-2003, 12:12 AM
have a look on www.bangingtunes.com and do a search for maxmin.

they have alot of them on there and at least you will be able to listen to it

09-09-2003, 01:51 AM
ewwww the latest one "lilac" is one of the worst tracks ever!!!
rachael rakkit and darc marc

i like marcs stuff usually but this is just wrong...

10-09-2003, 02:17 AM
Anx, you are not one to suffer fools lightly, one can see that. Still, must appreciate good fair warning as there are plenty of landmines out there waiting to rip a tenner out of your bank account. Yeah, some of the collaborations seem more than a bit iffy - - seems like bod A and bod B get together with a bottle of MD20/20 (or whatever the English equivalent would be) and spew out a couple of cuts whilst on the piss...

But perhaps that is a bit harsh. It cannot be easy to knock out a belter.

Fair Warning: Anx declares Lilac to be crap

10-09-2003, 08:24 AM
seems like bod A and bod B get together with a bottle of MD20/20 (or whatever the English equivalent would be) and spew out a couple of cuts whilst on the piss...

MD20/20 :D

I'll need to try that method of writing a tune.

Maybe I could replace the MD with Buckfast for an altogether more aggressive tune. :twisted:

10-09-2003, 06:14 PM
Anx, you are not one to suffer fools lightly, one can see that. Still, must appreciate good fair warning as there are plenty of landmines out there waiting to rip a tenner out of your bank account. Yeah, some of the collaborations seem more than a bit iffy - - seems like bod A and bod B get together with a bottle of MD20/20 (or whatever the English equivalent would be) and spew out a couple of cuts whilst on the piss...

But perhaps that is a bit harsh. It cannot be easy to knock out a belter.

Fair Warning: Anx declares Lilac to be crap

can you speak canadian for me i have no idea what you just said

21-09-2003, 04:48 PM
maximum minimum sludge....and the old max min orange...

cheers :rambo:
