View Full Version : D&B mix of DK8 by Raiden...

Si the Sigh
21-02-2006, 02:55 PM
http://mp3.juno.co.uk/MP3/SF208595-01-01-01.mp3 :dance:

21-02-2006, 02:58 PM

blody marvelouslly refreshing!

21-02-2006, 03:21 PM
Sorry, is it me or is that awful?

There's so much really amazing D&B about... that's just a cut & paste monstrocity.

Isn't it?

Am I being harsh?

21-02-2006, 03:26 PM
nah you're right... but its fun!

Si the Sigh
21-02-2006, 03:28 PM
I can't decide if I like it or not. The fact that Murder was the Bass is like sooooo last year darling kind of puts me off, but at the same time I feel myself calling for the rewind. Pffft...

Jay Pace
21-02-2006, 05:00 PM
I think its excellent.

Keeps the spirit of the original, well produced - a new take on a tired track.

Plenty of techno D&B crossover stuff planned from Raiden and Offkey. Quality stuff.

If you like that sorta thing.

Frank Dogshit
21-02-2006, 05:36 PM

think ill buy this for mi mum for mothers day!

21-02-2006, 05:40 PM
utter shite

21-02-2006, 06:25 PM
absolutely awful, it doesnt keep the spirit of the original at all jay id have to disagree. The original is a storming electro monster, this just samples the massive remix which is quite possibly the worst tune in techno history.

if this goose wasnt well and truely cooked already, it is now

21-02-2006, 06:39 PM
its the sort of music people buy in hmv and label a 'classic'

its the sort of thing that people like because they're told to by the magizine they were also told to like, by some friend that they only like cos some other friend that they don't really like told them he was 'alright like'

its the sort of thing thats really shit. which this is like

21-02-2006, 08:13 PM
i dont think its that bad of a track, but its not amazing

i really dig stuff Noisia does though, if you havent check them out :)

21-02-2006, 09:21 PM
i quite like this, not brilliant, or particularly inspired, but it brings the track to a different audience, which is all good i.m.o.

21-02-2006, 10:24 PM
i like it - a nice energetic d&b workout!! well done raiden

22-02-2006, 12:36 AM
that tune would rock a d'n'b dance floor, not that into it myself prefer my d'n'b to be more percussive, but its not a bad tune,

22-02-2006, 09:35 AM
It's as good as his remix of The Bell's, which was crap at best...

22-02-2006, 01:50 PM
i thought MWTB was a dnb rip off to begin with!! i was never a huge fan of it or that bassheavy style, but this tune is pretty shite.

maybe the dnb heads might be into it if theyve never heard the original, but its still pretty boring and uninventful

Jay Pace
22-02-2006, 01:57 PM
Dear oh dear....

A huge proportion of the D&B audience haven't heard the original.
Hell, I haven't ever heard this "electro monster" original apparently. But then I always preferred the slightly weird broken beat remix Hertz did as opposed to the over the top clubtastic main mix.

My flatmate plays this all over europe every weekend and they all ****in love it.
High energy, nice pace to it - and no one knows or cares what the original sounds like. So it works as a tune as itself, borrowing elements from another. Rolls nicely, growly bass, loads of good elements. Production itself is top notch.

I doubt very much that any of the haters of this track would be satisfied with any remix of it at all. D&B has a long heritage of "borrowing" ideas and redoing them. Anathema to techno, but you have to accepted that d&b does it, always has and always will. It works. Allow.

That said I thought the bells remix was a rancid stinking big bag of shite.

Next big D&B remix planned is of Henrik B's "the wound"
You have been warned....

Si the Sigh
22-02-2006, 02:31 PM
I heard it was the massive anthem "No Limits" by real techno super group 2Unlimited...

22-02-2006, 06:39 PM
the original Murder was the Bass is absolutely fantastic, big, brooding electro monster as i said. Ive always thought the big DK remix was ****ing atrocious and i will never understand why people like it or play it, it just grates over and over with that big horrible bass scraping sound and slapping a few dnb loops over it wont change that. I love some dnb, really, REALLY well done stuff like John B or the Kruder and Dorfmeister "Sessions" mix CD from years back, this is just more garbage for the dnb masses

Jay Pace
22-02-2006, 07:51 PM
John B? Bit of a tool. Went to uni with him.
He even hired himself an "image consultant"
Have you heard "American Girls"?

Always like this mix of murder was the bass:
Thing is, if you don't like the dk remix you are hardly going to cream yourself over the D&B take on it.
But the truth of the matter is that its a decent enought remix which works well on the dancefloor. And credit to Raiden for taking D&B in a slightly different techier direction instead of endless tired variations on the same huge reece basslines...

Offkey are putting out some of the most interesting forward thinking d&b IMO

22-02-2006, 07:55 PM
i dunno, we talking about the same John B, did an album called, if i remember correctly, "Liquid" a few years back now. I dont listen to any dnb at all really, was just giving examples of the stuff i have enjoyed, i couldnt care less if he is tool or not, if its good music its good music

i think the main point here is the tune in question he's chose to remix, its such a done to death record its not even funny anymore, its the techno equivalent of say Mylo's "drop the pressure"... some things really just need to be left alone after a while, id much prefer to hear some of Raiden's work if it were new and not just a rehash of an already stinking tune

Jay Pace
22-02-2006, 08:05 PM
Fair comment. But yes, I'm afraid that is indeed John B, producer of seminal classic American Girls.
I did rate him for producing "Bland Wagon Poos" in reaction to the whole ridiculous "you stole my style" debacle that erupted between twisted individual and distorted minds. Think that ended up being his biggest selling release. Nowt like a bit of comedy in a scene that takes itself waaaaaay to seriously at times.

Raiden's own stuff and the stuff of his protegee's is far far far better IMO.
But the DK8 remix will sell, and bring techno to a new audience.
Far as I'm concerned the track is tired tired tired. But if fresh ears are hearing it so much the better.

Done to death for us maybe, but very few of the d&b crowd have ever heard it before. For them its a new take...

22-02-2006, 08:14 PM
i find that the dnb and techno scene's overlap that often, and have for the past couple of years, that if anyone REALLY hasnt heard or heard of Murder was the bass by now then they must have literaly lived in an actual shell for the past few years, only breaking through literaly as this remix was announced ;)

wouldnt have a clue about John B the only thing i ever heard was "Liquid" and thought it was really rather good at the time, and Kruder and Dorfmeister's "Conversions" mix was certainly a fine display of smooth, dare i say "clean" drum and bass.

I just find it very very lazy really, remixing such a white elephant of a track now, just think of all the truely great stuff passing by those un-techno'ed ears as it were..... like Gaiden - "Point Blank" which i got another copy of today haha ****ing quality old tune that one, remember the monster Speedy J remix !!!!!!!

Jay Pace
22-02-2006, 08:29 PM
You'd be suprised how closeted a scene D&B can be.
Techno is completely off the radar for most people. Beggars belief.

Far too many people have only experienced techno as "arena 3" stuff at helter skelter, featuring scorpio, producer, dolphin and monsieur MARK EG. I still struggle to explain to them why hawtin and company dick all over their silly hoovers with amens tracks, played by monkeys on crack with no mixing ability.

One of the days the crowd will fail to request a rewind and then it will become apparent that 90% of d&b djs don't actually know how to mix.

22-02-2006, 08:44 PM
dam it makes me laught cuz there was like dozens of "murder was the bass" remixes already & i didnt find any of them better than the original what else ? murder was the bass the minimal mix ? :lol:

Jay Pace
22-02-2006, 09:01 PM
Maybe the country and western mix, played by a paraplegic symphony orchestra and a dwarf with a kazoo.
