View Full Version : Right - I have a windfall of £1750 due and want to buy....

Jay Pace
24-02-2006, 02:19 AM
Mackie 824 monitors
Mackie onyx 1220 mixer
M-Audiop Delta 1010 soundcard
And a sherman filterbank if I can stretch it.

Any thoughts?

I thought I'd go for kit that serves a fundamental purpose rather than toys I'd play with but might get bored of or grow out of.

dan the acid man
24-02-2006, 03:34 AM
im loving that kit list :techno:

24-02-2006, 10:00 AM
make sure you get the firewire option for the desk... i dont think it comes as standard

24-02-2006, 02:01 PM
yeah u can drop the m-audio card and get the firewire option for the desk you'll then get 16 channels out of ure sequence.

To be honest i doubt you'll get all that for 1750, i know someone who is selling a sherman filter bank (2) if u pm me i can give u his email.

good choice on the mackie monitors though, look into the adam monitors there bout the same price and they are absolutely amzing

the only thing with the onyx desks is ure paying for the pre-amps which u will hardly ever use when making techno

24-02-2006, 02:02 PM
also u will never get bored of a sherman... there so much fun and they sound great

24-02-2006, 02:02 PM
You don't want any feedback, do you Jay, you're just showing off...

Jay Pace
24-02-2006, 02:14 PM
hehehe not true! Some dozy bint ploughed her car into me a year ago, and I'm finally getting a settlement. I thought if I spent it all at once on audio stuff I'd avoid spunking it up a wall on shite. This is more kit than I could ever really dream of buying normally, and so I want to make sure I'm buying sensibly.

I thought I'd get use out of the mackie preamps by routing soft synths and digital stuff into the desk. Thats why I need a soundcard with plenty of outs, and had picked the 1010. I was thinking that way it will fatten them up and I can make good advantage of both the preamps and the eq, and I can route the filterbank into the desk as a send.

I might not fully understand the firewire option - can I route soft synths into the desk using it? I thought it was just about sending channels in rather than sending signals out.

pm'd you about the filterbank

24-02-2006, 02:17 PM
personally i'd blow it on a pile of coke!!! :)

nah.. good choice of stuff there. no "toys". all good equipment that will serve you well. sensible choices man.

24-02-2006, 03:03 PM
Umm @freshnfunky - you dont get 16 channels of audio from the sequencer mate, you only get 2 in and 2 out.

sorry to burst that bubble... i thought that too when i first saw it, but read the small print and POP goes the inflated adver-speak that mackie generate well....
