View Full Version : change in partie attitudes?

el salvador
01-03-2006, 01:22 AM
i have notice that not so much people get into a messed up state like of the years before. more people are having the alcohol. is this a good or a bad thing?

01-03-2006, 01:30 AM
i think it's great, cause drugs arent such a part of my life anymore.

but i do think alcohol means less ppl into this music.

what do the rest of you think?

01-03-2006, 01:32 AM
i think it's great, cause drugs arent such a part of my life anymore.

but i do think alcohol means less ppl into this music.

what do the rest of you think?

You said it all there Mark :)

dan the acid man
01-03-2006, 01:36 AM
drugs have definetly helped dance music, i think we all realise that, but they're not as important now as they where, but there's still plenty of people out there getting messy every weekend.

for me personally, i can take them or leave them nowadays, but i've never taken any chemicals unless i've been listening to music, but i don't have to take anything to enjoy myself now

01-03-2006, 01:44 AM
to be honest sometimes i feel i could be playing anything at gigs.. so if it means people coming for the music rather than just to get mashed then thats a good thing BUT i do enjoy seeing a crowd go off on one.

The Overfiend
01-03-2006, 01:52 AM
I think if a person needs drugs to appreciate music, then they do not really appreciate the music.
Drugs are a wicked friend.
Sometimes they are there for you, other times they are your most adverse enemy.

01-03-2006, 02:39 AM
music is a drug.
High volume crazy imaginative techno gets me as high as a kite.
I like to see that happen to other people.
If I can cause a straight head to rock off on the floor, I consider it more of an achievment than getting a pillhead to jump up and down.
It`s kinda good and kinda bad though, as it`s how a lot of people are introduced into the musc.
After the drug fun wears off they learn to enjoy the music more.

01-03-2006, 09:27 AM
meh no drugs = no techno parties.

01-03-2006, 09:34 AM
I think if a person needs drugs to appreciate music, then they do not really appreciate the music.


Si the Sigh
01-03-2006, 09:35 AM
Cider me up and I'm ready for action... :clown:

01-03-2006, 09:52 AM
Shouldn't that be SIder me up.... (groan)

Si the Sigh
01-03-2006, 10:08 AM
*hands Jamie his coat and points him towards rthe door*


01-03-2006, 10:10 AM
I'm boarding a plane to Bogota now.

Si the Sigh
01-03-2006, 10:28 AM
Cider Si says goodbye!

01-03-2006, 11:23 AM
I can only speak from the environment in Dublin at the moment and what I notice and that is that most of the people who are coming to nightclubs are going to do E's or whatever. Then there is the people who are into the music and are there to either support the artist or the promoters. I'm not saying that the people who are taking drugs aren't into the music but their not there just for the music.

This is important though because if there was a club full of the knowleagable heads there might not be as good an atmosphere.

I havent noticed less drugs being used though, I have seen alot more coke and more heavy drinking combined but I think it's just that fokes like all of you who are really into the music and perhaps involved in the scene arent taking them in nightclubs anymore and the age of techno heads are a bit older and wiser now so it seems a bit cleaner.

01-03-2006, 01:02 PM
Cider me up and I'm ready for action... :clown:

:toast: :cool:

01-03-2006, 01:16 PM
beer, beer, beer....drugs are shit these days anyway!

01-03-2006, 01:20 PM
alcohol is a drug, and leaves people in a wosre state than some drugs. Violent side effects etc.
generally I`m on the red bull all night.
Unless there`s czech beer on offer.

01-03-2006, 03:06 PM
defo see more bad attitudes and vibes off ppl in parties and clubs when they are pissed up! i would much prefer toget of my head than pissed up thats for sure....give me some mdma and some acid and im a happy girl. but i can quite happily go out straight and have a great time coz i love the music so much...............just might not last as long thats all!

01-03-2006, 04:26 PM
i think it's great, cause drugs arent such a part of my life anymore.

but i do think alcohol means less ppl into this music.

what do the rest of you think?

agree 100%

seen it happen in germany:

shifting from drugs towards alcohol means less people at partys, more aggressive atmosphere (fights) and just in general less fun

i dunno if it's a good thing. i mean it's good hat people stop ****ing themselves up with drugs, but if they **** themselves up even more with alcohol AND ruin the mood of the party in doing so, then that more than evens things up.

why can't everyone just stay sober and enjoy the music :roll:

01-03-2006, 04:43 PM
More people doing Es in clubs would be better, as much as it maybe shouldn't be that way, the more yokes there are the better the night usually turns out to be.

01-03-2006, 04:50 PM
more E/ MDMA in the club/party scene is needed IMO ;)

Francisco Scaramanga
01-03-2006, 05:32 PM
Sometimes I think that not as many people are doing drugs, but then I think maybe its just that the people I know are older now, and have a bit more training so dont get so destroyed. When I first started going to raves I just got trashed and never bothered to think or care if everyone else was in a similar state, I just assumed everyone was as trashed as me. Now I like to be able to walk out of the club, but still am always amused by the crawling wounded in the first light of the morning.

And the other thing, is when I got into this stuff originally, it was pills, pills, pills, pills, all the way pills! But now they are shit and no one wants them, and coke seems to be the drug of choice amongst alot of party goers these days. So maybe people are still taking drugs, but they dont get as wrecked cause the drugs are slightly less cosmic.

I've never seen anything to match the release of the loons from the Que Club. 6:00 sunday morning, the gurning masses leaving a church as normal people get ready for it. If only there was a 24 hour shopping mall next door, it would have been like Dawn of the Dead.

01-03-2006, 06:56 PM
i think maybe everyone is just lumping everyone else in with each other too much, there's no written rule that a bunch of techno heads just out on the ale are going to end up beating everyone up. Ive had some of my best nights just pissed up, and ive had some of my worst nights off my face on e's and coke, depends on the club, the rest of the people in the club etc etc

too many assumptions going on here, we can talk about this 24/7 behind a screen but doesnt make it true

01-03-2006, 07:24 PM
very true eyes. i try to keep from "indulging" except on very big nights.. so i'm usually to be found on the drink. same with my mates but none of us go around beating anyone up... infact you couldnt meet a nicer bunch of fukers.

01-03-2006, 07:33 PM

doesnt matter what your on, if someone is out to cause trouble, they'l cause it regardless

really dont agree with tarring everyone with the same brush, everyone's individual, there's trouble absolutely everywhere if you go looking

dan the acid man
01-03-2006, 09:12 PM
the only thing that happens if i drink too much is i get tired and want to sleep everywhere, which isn't good for dancing around :lol:

Barely Human
01-03-2006, 10:26 PM
Its not so much a less use of drugs i think, its more of a change of drug preferance.

More people than ever are taking coke now, and this goes hand in hand with alchohol. There is also an increase of ketamine use over the last couple of years.

I find parties a lot less freindly recently. Seams to be a nastier edge and i dont like it. However, i do like the fact that i dont have some messed up pill head thinking im thier best friend every 5 mins, so its not all bad.

Jay Pace
01-03-2006, 10:45 PM
Thing is, a lot of people just go out for a party. They're not always that bothered about the music. Techno parties have always been brilliant - great crowds, atmosphere and energy. I think if you took away the drugs all three of those things would change.

I've been told umpteen times by female friends that they couldn't give a **** about the lineup or a djs credentials so long as the party is rocking. Tends to be the blokes who get more excited by the lineup. Happy to be shot down on this, but c'mon - women on this board are seriously under represented. Notable exceptions of course (you know who you may be ;))
Last split night I went to was ace, but there was probably a 5:1 ratio men to women. This does not bode well.

Parties need to be fun first and musically interesting second.
I don't think interesting music alone is enough to make a party.
Not everyone is passionate about techno (the fools...the fools...)

01-03-2006, 11:13 PM
Last split night I went to was ace, but there was probably a 5:1 ratio men to women. This does not bode well.

yeah definetly need more ladies at parties. most of them just arnt into hard sweaty clubs though.

i think techno is harder to get into without going down the drug route first as well, most people just don't understand it

01-03-2006, 11:15 PM
However, i do like the fact that i dont have some messed up pill head thinking im thier best friend every 5 mins, so its not all bad.

or trying to tell you there life story while your mixing

01-03-2006, 11:27 PM
However, i do like the fact that i dont have some messed up pill head thinking im thier best friend every 5 mins, so its not all bad.

or trying to tell you there life story while your mixing

yeah... but we've all done it :oops: :cheese: :oops: :cheese:

02-03-2006, 12:40 AM
Just play lots of beltram disco techno. The girls love it

The Overfiend
02-03-2006, 01:34 AM
Or so Alan says, but then again we wouldn't know that. Because we all love sausage parties and aggresive music.

02-03-2006, 09:21 AM
Last split night I went to was ace, but there was probably a 5:1 ratio men to women. This does not bode well.

yeah definetly need more ladies at parties. most of them just arnt into hard sweaty clubs though.

i think techno is harder to get into without going down the drug route first as well, most people just don't understand it

only the fiestiest of ladies will stomp to techno :devilish: it's hard to find ladies that like to get muddy and f*** out of their brains.

02-03-2006, 08:14 PM
Thing is, a lot of people just go out for a party. They're not always that bothered about the music. Techno parties have always been brilliant - great crowds, atmosphere and energy. I think if you took away the drugs all three of those things would change.

I've been told umpteen times by female friends that they couldn't give a **** about the lineup or a djs credentials so long as the party is rocking. Tends to be the blokes who get more excited by the lineup. Happy to be shot down on this, but c'mon - women on this board are seriously under represented. Notable exceptions of course (you know who you may be ;))
Last split night I went to was ace, but there was probably a 5:1 ratio men to women. This does not bode well.

Parties need to be fun first and musically interesting second.
I don't think interesting music alone is enough to make a party.
Not everyone is passionate about techno (the fools...the fools...)

hmmmmmmm god i was in dark and digital in liverpool the other weekend and i would say there was more girls than lads, although you are prob right and im sure most didnt know who they were dancing too! i love my techno and to go to a club night it has to be bout the line up, but i suppose im one of those techno girls in the minority :)

02-03-2006, 08:15 PM
Last split night I went to was ace, but there was probably a 5:1 ratio men to women. This does not bode well.

yeah definetly need more ladies at parties. most of them just arnt into hard sweaty clubs though.

i think techno is harder to get into without going down the drug route first as well, most people just don't understand it

only the fiestiest of ladies will stomp to techno :devilish: it's hard to find ladies that like to get muddy and f*** out of their brains.

that why we aint ladies jax ha ha ha :twisted:

02-03-2006, 08:40 PM
i think it's great, cause drugs arent such a part of my life anymore.

but i do think alcohol means less ppl into this music.

what do the rest of you think?

I'm all for it for a number of reasons. One, the styles of music I like cater fine to a drinking crowd. The assholes that have caused problems at the shows cause problems no matter what. Alcohol, coke, speed, whatever, it doesn't make a difference for those tools as there is a dick waving thing going on. I've never seen any fights that I'd even qualify as real at the parties I attend.

Two, for myself at least, some of the music I write is specifically intended for a drinking crowd. Loud, fairly fast, and borderline obnoxious at times. I just find it fun when it's cranked and I'm just a bit dizzy.

Three, I'm just really sick of the baggage that comes along with the drug scene. Particularly since I don't really do them. Tired of dealing with the arrests of people I know, posting bail, seeing people overdose, etc. And, as we all get older, it just seems to happen with more frequency if your around it. When you're a kid, your body recovers, your parents may be unknowingly supporting 90% of your habit and, if you get caught by the cops for possession, it's generally a slap on the wrist. Once you aren't a kid anymore, people overdose, people go broke acting like idiots, and the cops throw the entire ****ing book at you. I don't care that other people make the choice to do that shit themselves. But, when it's so entrenched in something you love, it gets really ****ing tedious.

When the party is at a pub, the shit just isn't in my face as the owners wouldn't tolerate it and I very much appreciate that nowadays.

02-03-2006, 09:52 PM
I think its good that folk are being more responsible and helps techno move away from the negative association it has with being whacked out of your mind on drugs.

That said, there is something missing from the parties in the vibe without folk letting their barriers down the way only psychadelics can. It's totally possible to get a contact high off E when enough people are buzzing on it and running around being super friendly.

Its just unfortunate that people don't know how to do those things reponsibly or in moderation and end up down the roads that Lowkey described all too often.

But whoever said the party has to be fun first hit the nail on the head.

02-03-2006, 10:06 PM
i drink at parties.....not because i have to be drunk to enjoy the music...its because i love beer, and adding 2 things i love in one night kicks ass


The Overfiend
02-03-2006, 10:26 PM
i drink at parties.....not because i have to be drunk to enjoy the music...its because i love beer, and adding 2 things i love in one night kicks ass


It's cause you got chipotle on the brain guey.

03-03-2006, 09:18 AM
techno+beer+sausages and greasy barbeque=fun

03-03-2006, 11:26 AM
Hi to everyone by the way. I think drugs and dance music in general are part and parcel with eachother. Fair enough u can go out and listen to techno and not do any drugs and still have a good time or even an amazing time (if the music is quality) but u also can have sex with a condom (which is safer) but without is much better. This scene was built on music and drugs and i feel if it is to carry on and improve drugs still need to be a big part of it. From the people i have met and people i know i have gatherd that people feel that the dance scene has become bigger and better beacuse of more people coming into the scene and because it is more wide spread than it used to be, but imo all this has done has diluted the scene and definately diluted the quality of the drugs in it.

For those Bill Hicks fans out there u will recall in most of his performances he refers to the Beetles and other bands of that time and the great music they produced because of the influence of drugs and that nowadays most of the music is uninspired due to the lack of drug taking by these so called government approved bands who are against drugs. Im worried that the way things are going with dance music becoming more wide spread and more generally accepted or tolerated theres going to be a load of djs/producers out there who are making and mixing music without ever taking drugs and not fully appreciating what the dance scene is about and making crap music but thats just my opinion.

Some of you may say that the dance scene is not all about drugs and i agree but like i said if the foundations of dance music was part built on drugs and you take those foundations away its gonna fall.

I havnt taking drugs since i was 18 yrs old not even a single spliff, however i have experienced the dance scene on drugs and i feel if i didnt i wouldnt have the same appreciation for it as i do now. I can go out sober as a judge and not even drink and if the music is good il be dancing till the end. A bit contradictory u might think seeing as im for drugs and dance music but my point is without drugs i wouldnt have the appreciation i do.

Somebody said when they make tracks they make it with people drinking alcohol in mind. Im sorry but i cant understand that if its dance music and especially techno that is being created . Every track i make i make it thinking how is this going to sound on a big fat ass system to people off it on drugs and how high are people gonna go when listening to it. If i thought how will my tracks sound to people drinking alcohol and started making a track that i think people would like when drunk id probably start knocking out something that resembles an abba greatest hits cd im sorry but thats just my opinion.

People-Drugs-Dance music-Higher levels of consciousness-No boundaries

imo it shouldnt be any simpler or complex than that.

I think people are taking less drugs because the drugs are not as good as they used to be and dont want to waste anymore brain cells on shit stuff. Thats in some way why i stopped taking drugs (and the fact i realised i no longer needed them:)).

Did i answer the question???


Jay Pace
03-03-2006, 11:52 AM
Good post.
Agreed - If I hadn't done stuff when younger, I'd feel very differently about the scene now.

Drugs get young people into the scene, who then grow out of the drugs and more into the music. Every scene needs young blood. Techno is no different. Take away the drugs and you take away an entry point for youth.

03-03-2006, 05:03 PM
yeah thats how the rave scene here in L.A. got so popular was because of the extacy......it brought alot of youth into the electronic scene, and i guess the older they got they either stuck around or are listening to 50 cent now

03-03-2006, 05:05 PM
Good post.
Agreed - If I hadn't done stuff when younger, I'd feel very differently about the scene now.

Drugs get young people into the scene, who then grow out of the drugs and more into the music. Every scene needs young blood. Techno is no different. Take away the drugs and you take away an entry point for youth.

I think I said that already.

People need good droogs though, and most of the crap punted out by the gangsters is pure shite these days.
We need a new drug revolution.
A new summer of love.
We need some mad scientist to develop something new for the kids.

03-03-2006, 05:33 PM
Good post.
Agreed - If I hadn't done stuff when younger, I'd feel very differently about the scene now.

Drugs get young people into the scene, who then grow out of the drugs and more into the music. Every scene needs young blood. Techno is no different. Take away the drugs and you take away an entry point for youth.

I think I said that already.

People need good droogs though, and most of the crap punted out by the gangsters is pure shite these days.
We need a new drug revolution.
A new summer of love.

We need some mad scientist to develop something new for the kids.

spot on.

i wasnt going to say what i thought coz last time i got slated for saying techno is drug music :lol:

but for dance music to move forward we need new drugs. sounds sad but its bloody true. people are bored with the shite thats about at the moment.

cast your mind back (those old enough) to mid 90's, the whole scene was getting pretty dull. then what bam..some decent pills came out and re invented the whole thing and trance went massive.

mitsibishis saved clubbing then.
we need some propper shit on the scene now before it all goes tits up.

some new designer drug that actually gets people buzzin again...coz lets face it.theres no atmosphere at the majority of techno nights anymore

03-03-2006, 09:18 PM
techno=drugs,. if there would be no drugs , probably there wold be no techno and maybe also music, as i think Mozart was heavily on coke.. heh.
if there would be just djs and producers or people not on drugs, there would be no atmosphere on party. kids needs drugs or they will not come,.
good drugs, good party, bad drugs, bad party,.

personally when i go out, i want to have fun first, hanging out and talking with my friends,. as i really love good beer,, i can drinkin it all night. Pilsner or Budvar rules,,thats for sure.. also loving loud techno music, as it can be very hypnotizing even without drugs,.

05-03-2006, 07:45 PM
Good post.
Agreed - If I hadn't done stuff when younger, I'd feel very differently about the scene now.

Drugs get young people into the scene, who then grow out of the drugs and more into the music. Every scene needs young blood. Techno is no different. Take away the drugs and you take away an entry point for youth.

I think I said that already.

People need good droogs though, and most of the crap punted out by the gangsters is pure shite these days.
We need a new drug revolution.
A new summer of love.
We need some mad scientist to develop something new for the kids.

im well up for that, drugs ahve bn getting shitter and shitter for a long time, evn mdma crystals dont seem to be at the same standard any more.

any scientists on boa?, any free time to create something new for us party ppl?

05-03-2006, 07:46 PM
saying that give me a sunny day and an outdoor party and im a happy girl regardless of the drugs!

05-03-2006, 08:00 PM
[, evn mdma crystals dont seem to be at the same standard any more.

nothing to do with how much you have taken over the years?

pure mdma cant get shit.. we just get a tollerance ;)

05-03-2006, 09:06 PM
[, evn mdma crystals dont seem to be at the same standard any more.

nothing to do with how much you have taken over the years?

pure mdma cant get shit.. we just get a tollerance ;)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :cheese: yeah no doubt that has a great deal to do with! bigger bag next time then ;)

so does that mean then that drugs havent got shitter its just that we have been taking them for a long time and they dont work anymore and so the change in the party scene (if there is one) is that we have hammered too much drugs and so for some ppl it just dnt feel the same anymore when really its them that has changed and not the scene? ;)

05-03-2006, 09:25 PM
it's a combination of both

oh, and being in wales, that doesnt help


05-03-2006, 09:32 PM
deff a combination of both.. but as for the crystal is deffinatly you getting used to it.

thats why we need a new super drug :cheese: :lol:

05-03-2006, 09:34 PM
i hear Crystal Meth is currently going through a boom in popularity, give it a year, we'l all be raving with little black rotten teeth and numerous facial scar's and discrepencie's.... or to cut short, we'l all look Welsh

Jay Pace
05-03-2006, 09:38 PM
Affects shatners bassoon.
But causes czech neck

Got any clarky cat?

05-03-2006, 09:43 PM
it's a combination of both

oh, and being in wales, that doesnt help


i hear Crystal Meth is currently going through a boom in popularity, give it a year, we'l all be raving with little black rotten teeth and numerous facial scar's and discrepencie's.... or to cut short, we'l all look Welsh

you not into the welsh then? or is it that old bugger has scared you for life?

05-03-2006, 09:49 PM
nah hes just bitter cause hes a scouser

05-03-2006, 09:49 PM
no, i love Wales the country, i envy it in fact, but Welsh people, come on, unique isnt the word!

05-03-2006, 09:49 PM
by the way, im not a scouser, im from Birkenhead, technically im just a northerner

05-03-2006, 09:50 PM
See you wont even admit your a scouser

05-03-2006, 09:55 PM

because im not from Liverpool

it's like saying your a cockney

when your not from London

05-03-2006, 09:58 PM
it's a combination of both

oh, and being in wales, that doesnt help


i hear Crystal Meth is currently going through a boom in popularity, give it a year, we'l all be raving with little black rotten teeth and numerous facial scar's and discrepencie's.... or to cut short, we'l all look Welsh

you not into the welsh then? or is it that old bugger has scared you for life?

haha i'm not even welsh :lol:

05-03-2006, 10:04 PM

because im not from Liverpool

it's like saying your a cockney

when your not from London

More like saying im a mank when im from Oldham tho eh

05-03-2006, 10:11 PM
it's a combination of both

oh, and being in wales, that doesnt help


i hear Crystal Meth is currently going through a boom in popularity, give it a year, we'l all be raving with little black rotten teeth and numerous facial scar's and discrepencie's.... or to cut short, we'l all look Welsh

you not into the welsh then? or is it that old bugger has scared you for life?

haha i'm not even welsh :lol:

you just giving the welsh a bad name then :)

05-03-2006, 10:21 PM
it's a combination of both

oh, and being in wales, that doesnt help



05-03-2006, 10:25 PM
by the way, im not a scouser, im from Birkenhead, technically im just a northerner

nah birkenhead is definetly scouse in my books,

*note to self, never show car stereo to eye's.... ever*

Jay Pace
05-03-2006, 10:59 PM

Thats pretty scouse to me, la.

My missus is from the wirral. Interesting part of the world.

05-03-2006, 11:12 PM
music is a drug.
High volume crazy imaginative techno gets me as high as a kite.
I like to see that happen to other people.
If I can cause a straight head to rock off on the floor, I consider it more of an achievment than getting a pillhead to jump up and down.
It`s kinda good and kinda bad though, as it`s how a lot of people are introduced into the musc.
After the drug fun wears off they learn to enjoy the music more.

100% spot on

05-03-2006, 11:23 PM
well Birkenhead is on the Wirral so technically, its not scouse!

this is going to plague me forever i think, as on press releases for records and stuff everyone just puts "Liverpool resident..." or "from Liverpool".... i dont think anyone buying an ep over in some european country is going to know exactly where Wallasey is, or Seacombe Ferry to be exact haha

The Divide
06-03-2006, 12:49 AM
Scott used to go around 'twoking'. Hes had a few of those sony d-basses inb his time I tell thee


Fetch about 10 brick at your local cash converters, spent straight on't ten spot

The Divide
06-03-2006, 12:50 AM
ey ey ey

feck a few pounds them like

The Divide
06-03-2006, 12:50 AM


dan the acid man
06-03-2006, 01:55 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: eh!! eh!! eh!! eh!! calm down!! calm down!! :cheese:

06-03-2006, 10:10 AM
ey mate, ey mate got any alloys like

The Divide
06-03-2006, 10:34 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: eh!! eh!! eh!! eh!! calm down!! calm down!! :cheese:

Calm down dear, its a commercial
