View Full Version : Grime Music

The Overfiend
10-04-2006, 06:51 AM
This is seriously sick.
Divide put me up on this a few months back, but I been looking into it lately, and loving it. There's gotta be some techno cats involved in this on the low. I refuse to think not.

10-04-2006, 08:43 AM
Its funny you should post this as my friends and I were talking this weekend about what Grime actaully is?!?

Any words to describe it??? :cheese:

The Overfiend
10-04-2006, 09:17 AM

10-04-2006, 09:51 AM
Cheers, i'll check it out when "youtube" comes back on!

10-04-2006, 10:38 AM
grime is just another word for garage, isnt it?

there are some askickin tunes, with soooo heavy bass, brrrr... love it

There's gotta be some techno cats involved in this on the low

I said this when I heard some of the tracks too
even when some Lil Jon rmxs were in question
kick is sometimes pure hardcore... damn

10-04-2006, 10:41 AM
yeah man i've been looking at this.. its all good when the bass is pumping...

The Overfiend
10-04-2006, 11:04 AM
grime is just another word for garage, isnt it?

there are some askickin tunes, with soooo heavy bass, brrrr... love it

There's gotta be some techno cats involved in this on the low

I said this when I heard some of the tracks too
even when some Lil Jon rmxs were in question
kick is sometimes pure hardcore... damn

Isnt it rumoured lil jon was in bad brains?

The Divide
10-04-2006, 11:18 AM
Love the stuff, although came to realize I was more into dubstep, which is grime but without the vocals and a lot darker. I wouldn’t say it’s another word for garage tho, although garage is one of the influences behind it. If I was to describe it I would say its mixture of garage, techno, drum and bass all joined together by dub or reggae. It’s already becoming a broad genre tho, people are starting to experiment with it

I’m always going to be techno, because I love techno. But I think dubstep is getting write that a lot techno isn’t, its come away from the linear sound and broken out into something new which is why there seems to be a lot of young people getting into this so quickly. It’s also a good way of bringing both black and white influences together, a community. Its also not music that’s all about the club, although its going to devastate on a rig, you can listen to it at home without been bored by it, something for everyone.

ooooo lets have some sound on this ****er....

The Divide
10-04-2006, 11:18 AM
getting right*

The Divide
10-04-2006, 11:41 AM
Paul Rose DJ mix (http://www.thedivide.co.uk/audio/PaulRoseN4Mix.mp3)

10-04-2006, 02:05 PM
I really need to check some DubStep and Grime, ass I dont have a P.C. @ home online!!!

Jay Pace
10-04-2006, 02:33 PM
British Murder Boys at Split dropped Vex'd "pop pop" over some techno loops and everyone went fcking insane.

There's stuff happening in dubstep that shames techno. Innovative, original crazy stuff.

10-04-2006, 02:45 PM
Totally into Dubstep right now.
Grime tends to be more 8 bit sounds and really annoying london mc`s (living in london, to me, the MC`s sound like every little school kid on the bus, thinking they are a rapper).
Dubstep has the freshness, the innovation and the lack of rules that techno seems to have lost in 75% of releases.
It`s raw, has attitude that the kids really dig, and the overall standard of production in comparison to techno is very high.
I`ve gotten into making it, and you really do have to step up.

The great thing about it, is the beats go really off. Like, way abstract, but atill danceable. And the more ****ed up the beats get, the more the crowd erupts.

Most techno crowds still have difficulty with the broken beat sound, and refuse to move off the 4 to the floor.

I think in a way it is a wake up call.

But to me a lot of dubstep IS techno. Futuristic sounds, experimental beats, attitude.

10-04-2006, 03:31 PM
Most techno crowds still have difficulty with the broken beat sound, and refuse to move off the 4 to the floor

sad but true.

The Divide
10-04-2006, 04:38 PM
I think in a way it is a wake up call.

But to me a lot of dubstep IS techno. Futuristic sounds, experimental beats, attitude.


10-04-2006, 04:44 PM
Paul Rose DJ mix (http://www.thedivide.co.uk/audio/PaulRoseN4Mix.mp3)

very not bad.
me like it.

got any heavier? :eyes:

10-04-2006, 04:51 PM
Still sounds like "breaks" to me. Vivo los trucos de la comercialización. :p

10-04-2006, 04:59 PM
breaks? you mean breakbeat with melodies? :PPP

i'm after stuff like dizzie rascal's "i luv u", faaat bass

10-04-2006, 04:59 PM
Am not really into Grime as such, because of the vocals, the crappy mc's etc. Am not into rap anyway, so that kind of thing just gets on my nerves.
Dubstep does sound like a heavier, dirtier version of breaks to me, but I like it! So totally focussed on the bassline, that's got to be a good thing!!

10-04-2006, 05:11 PM
man, get the instrumental of missy elliot's "wake up"
now thats heavy

but, wouldnt have anything against some hiphop mixed with techno on a party
although I would probably be the only one enjoying it :cheese:

The Divide
10-04-2006, 05:17 PM
There is some really hard and dark stuff kicking around on the t'internet, techmouse posted something up and it was well dark

10-04-2006, 07:18 PM
mainstream dubstep > dizzee rascal.

im loving 'boy in da corner' really good fuc*ing album. listening to 'showtime' now too,l this guy is the bollox.

Jay Pace
10-04-2006, 09:39 PM

I'm tellin ya

buy the whole album on bleep.com

10-04-2006, 10:15 PM
Saying it sounds like breakbeat is just an uneducated viewpoint.
It`s like someone from the breaks scene saying that all trance and techno sounds the same.
There`s some deep, experimental beats in the dubstep scene, but like techno, you have to know what you are looking for.
And that means investing time, or going to a club.

Martin Dust
10-04-2006, 10:26 PM
get loads of mixes here


10-04-2006, 10:32 PM
Saying it sounds like breakbeat is just an uneducated viewpoint.

No it's not. It's my subjective opinion. Your pompous viewpoint has been noted though. :)

It`s like someone from the breaks scene saying that all trance and techno sounds the same.

Not at all.

10-04-2006, 10:50 PM
I was out last week at a dubstep night, and it couldn`t have been further from breaks.
It was ****ed up and techno all the way really.
It`s totally something with an undergournd and more obvious end.
Like going from intec to innigo kennedy
you can`t tar techno with the same brush
nor can you with dubstep

11-04-2006, 12:16 PM

I'm tellin ya

buy the whole album on bleep.com

:clap: :clap: :clap:

11-04-2006, 02:33 PM
i dont mind grime - but some of it the emcees are like wack.

. . . . so the difference betwwen grime and dubstep is that grime has emcee's and dubsep is just instumental? or what ?

i think grime is the uk's version of crunk, Im sure we'll se eminem start rapping over grime as a lot of the tracks he raps over are the same tempo

11-04-2006, 05:00 PM
Im really not sure what they are, or what the diffference is but im going to find out.

11-04-2006, 05:00 PM
I was out last week at a dubstep night, and it couldn`t have been further from breaks.

Bully for you then. I do not particularly feel like having yet another bullshit discussion that surrounds whatever your subjective definition of "breaks" or any other genre entails. It's ****ing stupid.

11-04-2006, 05:52 PM
You need to chill out man,

Anyway, grime tend to be more MC based, and uses a lot of 8 bit and crushed noises.
Dubstep is a little more open in it`s sound, more space, but still very dense sounds. It also seems to be the more explorative of the two styles.
Grime is kinda glitchy and scratchy and well, grimey.
Both dig up some phenominal beats, really out there stuff, and at 70bpm ish you can (and people do) jump around on the half step, techno stylee.

11-04-2006, 06:25 PM
get loads of mixes here


thanks for that... ive been looking for some of this to suss it out. sounds cool.

11-04-2006, 08:11 PM
Toasty/Loefah/Burial/Distance & Skream are all killing it right now (Dubstep that is) . I'm not bothered where grime ends & dubstep begins but for me there is a massive difference. The grime scene is steeped in aggro.. which comes from all the posturing MC's I guess but dubstep is a step apart from grime.. and then dubstep itself is is splitting into 'halfstep' & 'dubstep' and you have all the 'breakstep' & 'techstep' comparisions which to be honest all a load of shite hairsplitting to me. I'm just happy that its so varied/fresh & lets face it there are.nt billions of imitators saturating the market with copycat shit (but thats soon to come)

You just have a handful of producers writing it at the moment and they all happen to be very very very talented. Which means that people are lapping it up.

As for the Garage comparisions. Well 99% of the decent dubstep producers (All concentrated around south london) all acknowledge tthey took their cue from a lot of 'dark' tunes from garage producers such as EL-B\Darqwan & the daddies of it all if you ask me Horsepower.

I'm putting a mix i've done up on Peter Guals site next week. I'll buzz yiz.

11-04-2006, 08:57 PM
Yeah, was a proper grintastic moment in Herbal on a Wednesday night in Shoreditch ;)

The lovelyest dirty beats goin.. every one smilin n gettin down..

Good mix of people, givin off a nice vibe as the players were battlin 4 the grungiest dirtiest 'wab wab' bassline they could muster, in a jovial and appreciative manner....

We could see that the moody tipes hadn't moved in yet..

Fresh!!! :razz:

11-04-2006, 11:06 PM
That dubstep is the shit there.
As said allmost more techno than erm techno.
Comparisens to breaks erm well yeah the beats are broken but so is my washer dryer.

12-04-2006, 09:34 AM
meh...not party music, but def sumthin to bug out to on the downhill. nice sub action.

12-04-2006, 08:57 PM
more mixes


13-04-2006, 06:53 AM
any more artists i should look out for in the dubstep genre? took a listen to vex'd and i LOVE IT, but i admittedly don't know much.

artist suggestions welcome...PLEASE!

13-04-2006, 01:57 PM
Well, dubstep is already as diverse as techno, so your best bet
go here http://www.redeyerecords.co.uk/asp/prodtype.asp?prodtype=48&order=DATE
and listen to it all, then make your own mind up.

13-04-2006, 05:05 PM
thanks D_B! :) i was listening to vex'd and found "pop pop" which surgeon dropped here in indy a few months ago. i was dying to know what that track was! :)

The Divide
13-04-2006, 05:49 PM
2 of my favs are Vex'd, the bombardment of saturn and DJ Distance 'Traffic'

Dustin Zahn
13-04-2006, 05:53 PM
I like some Grime but agree most of the MCs are awful. When I had Surgeon here last I'd say half of his set was Grime/Broken Beat type shit. Some of it was great but some of it also sounded like bad DNB rejects from '99. I'll have to look more into the dubstep stuff.

13-04-2006, 08:17 PM
Not all of it is good but I do like a lot of stuff coming out of the Planet-Mu label.The new Breakage album sounds good and the Vex'd album was one of my faves from last year

13-04-2006, 08:54 PM
its phukkin hilarious and so urbanisch and gayisch...


13-04-2006, 09:28 PM
I ment Boxcutter not Breakage

14-04-2006, 10:37 AM
Dont mention 'Boxcutters', you'll have homeland security knocking on ya door :paranoid:

14-04-2006, 04:33 PM
I love the title of this post.

It sounds so old.

"I say old boy, have you heard what the kids are listening today. This grime music. Terrible noise what?"

14-04-2006, 07:35 PM

17-04-2006, 08:11 AM
ok, so far the artists that are really kicking my ass are vex'd, boxcutter, elemental, loefah and toasty.

exciting shit...giving me a good ole kick in the arse right now. :)

19-04-2006, 09:04 PM
ok, so far the artists that are really kicking my ass are vex'd, boxcutter, elemental, loefah and toasty.

exciting shit...giving me a good ole kick in the arse right now. :)

Check out Distance whilst you are at it. Nomad on Hotflush /Saints & Sinners on (Boka Recs) are two good releases.

I'm actually worried that techno is gonna be invaded by a whole load of cheap vexd clones. I really dont want to hear no midrangey shite no more.

20-04-2006, 10:55 AM
*cough*click (http://www.wrongnoise.com/music/mixes/raver_mess-dubtronik.mp3)*cough*

20-04-2006, 09:52 PM
*cough*click (http://www.wrongnoise.com/music/mixes/raver_mess-dubtronik.mp3)*cough*

Is thats yours mousey?. I'm about to have a listen. All out of weed though. :( I might wait till tommorrow. Reality might spoil it.


20-04-2006, 10:05 PM
just been listening to some of this dubstep, love it. I'm a big breaks fan and this stuff really bridges some of the ground between breaks and techno. Cheers for putting us onto this guys :cheese:

21-04-2006, 12:18 PM
*cough*click (http://www.wrongnoise.com/music/mixes/raver_mess-dubtronik.mp3)*cough*

Is thats yours mousey?. I'm about to have a listen. All out of weed though. :( I might wait till tommorrow. Reality might spoil it.


1. Vex'd - Slime [Planet Mu] (with intro: Clint, Dazed & Confused)
2. Plasticman - Camel Ride [Rephlex]
3. Dubchild - Roll Dat Shit [Stormin']
4. MarkOne - Too Hard [Rephlex]
5. Slaughter Mob - Fireweaver [Rephlex]
6. Plasticman - The Music [Rephlex]
7. Vex'd - Pop Pop V.I.P. [Planet Mu]
8. Dubchild- Walk and Live [Stormin']
9. MarkOne - Stargate [Rephlex]
10. Vex'd - Thunder [Planet Mu] (acapella: Adam Freeland - We Want Your Soul)
11. Apex - Bangin' [Marine Parade]
12. Tipper - Tug of War [Fuel]
13. Kosmik Neil - ? [Holographic Bassforms]
14. Tim Wright - The Ride [Novamute]
15. Son of the Electric Ghost - Your Master Knows Your Name
16. Vex'd - Gunman
17. Plasticman - Industrial Graft [Rephlex]
----- mixed with: Adam Beyer - Second Surrounding [True Soul]
19. Tim Wright - Flatliner [Novamute] (with: Doormouse - ?)

22-04-2006, 08:15 AM
well, while we're at it:


ableton live dj set for fun...


DJ Pinch & P Dutty - War Dub (Tectonic)
Tim Exile - Deathface (Mosquito)
Lady Sovereign - Ch' Ching (Casual)
Skream - Ain't It Cold (Destructive Recordings)
Black Mass Plastics - Runn It (Rag & Bone)
British Murder Boys - Be Like I Am (Counterbalance)
Boxcutter - Brood (Hotflush)
British Murder Boys - Father Loves Us (Counterbalance)
Vex'd - Function (Drum + Breaks)
Black Mass Plastics - Freak House (Rag & Bone)
Soundproof Productions - 3 Degrees (Boka)
Thomas Krome - Hallis I Underlandet loop (Stjärtlapp)
Black Mass Plastics - Tek Tech (Rag & Bone)
Vex'd - Angels (Planet Mu)
Plasticman - The Rush (2nd II None Remix) (A.R.M.Y)
M.I.A. - 10 Dollar (XL/Beggars US)
Mark Forshaw - Sinister loop (SMB)
Vex'd - Lion V.I.P. (Planet Mu)
Marco Carola - Of the Future loop (Zenit)
Toasty - Take It Personal (Hotflush)
Vex'd - Pop Pop V.I.P. (Planet Mu)
Vex'd - Pop Pop loop (Planet Mu)
Elemental - Deep Under (Hotflush)

22-04-2006, 08:17 AM
went a little apeshit at www.bleep.com

