View Full Version : On.Line SX 2.0 Q&A with the Programers

03-09-2003, 09:12 PM
This was today, promoted by the users& Steinberg. Discution of SX 2... haven't had time 2 read on... here is what went on..

Q:What are the benefits of the VST2.3 audio engine?
A:Full delay compensation, FX returns, the features you basically have in Nuendo 2.0

Q:How will the freeze/antifreeze function work, will there be something like 'history per track' so you can go back and edit at any point of the work, or just freeze/antifreeze as audio/midi?
A:freeze is per instrument, not per track. and you can unfreeze a track anytime if you need to do more editing

Q:will SX2 benefit from HT technologies? (HT - Hyperthreading. The latest P4 CPU add a second virtual CPU to the system)
A:Yes, SX2 is HT aware !

Q:from SX1.06 is the version what will be the price to upgrade?
A:128 euros excl. VAT but always ask your distributor for details

Q:Will SX2 also have more then 2 mixerviews?
A:Yes, this time you will have three mixers, each with it´s own settings and views if you like.

Q:Will SX2 have OMF?
A:Yes, we have OMF import and export included.

Q:Mackie control extender support ??
A:mackie control support is improved, but not yet for the extender. we're working on it (still)

Q:So is the freeze just for midi and VSTi or can I also freeze lats say a vocal track with all its VST FX?
A:currently, freeze is only for VSTi's. That gives you the most performance improvements. But we'll continue to expand this feature in the future

Q:Has the tempo mapping been improved?
A:Yes, we have a powerful new Time Warp tool that allows you to extensive tempo editing right from the project window, or any editor window. Changes are directly ported to the tempo track

Q:Now that SX2 is out, will there be any further maintenace releases/bugfixes for SX1.x?
A:this is not planned.

Q:How will freeze function with something like Halion, which has multiple outs? Will it freeze ALL outs?
A:Yes, all ouputs are freezed.

Q:does Cubase SX have the same features in the crossfade editor as Nuendo?
A:No. The extended crossfade editor is a Nuendo exlusive

Q:Will the configurability from Nuendo 2.0 be the same in SX?
A:not as deep and not as extensive. that's one of the key differences between Nuendo and Cubase SX

Q:Any changes to the supplied effects?
A:No. The Plug-ins have not been touched, however, there are a few Nuendo plugins which have been put into SX 2.0 (Q, SurroundDither, MixDelay, Magneto) Plus we have integrated WaveShell support!

Q:Does the SX2 upgrade package include a full paper manual?
A:No, it stays the same. Printed getting started, rest is PDF

Q:does sx2 support wmv files?
A:Yes, it does. In fact, SX 2.0 has the full WMV Pro support and includes a powerful surround encoder. One of my favorite features...

Q:how does sx2 compare performance wise against sx1?
A:It might take a little more performance due to the full delay compensation

Q:Will there be the option to use an external Wave Editor?
A:sorry, not yet but we're working on it

Q:Has the delay in playing VSTi's with efx on groups like in Nuendo 2.0 been remedied
A:Not now. But we are working on it

Q:Will we be able to keep our existing version of Cubase SX (1.06) on our machines and install version 2 along side it? Will the dongle allow both verions to run on the same machine as long as both are not run at the same time?
A:Yes, exactly this will be the case.

Q:Has there been any thought/movement toward variable speed forward & rewind? This would be of great benefit to any external controllers that feature a shuttle-wheel
A:Compared to SX 1.x? Yes a lot.

Q:For those who want to upgrade from SL 1.06 to SX 2.0, am I correct in assuming the same dongle will be used? Will it still be possible to use SL 1.x as well as SX 2.0 with the one dongle?
A:the same dongle is used and you get an authorisation key in your upgrade package to authorize your 1.06 key

Q:Is the LatencyCompensation working with DSPCards

Q:Does the full PDC get switched automatically when you record a VSTi?
A:that is something we're still investigating. Probably in 2.01

Q:Is there any new features regarding to rewire with reason

Q:Is it possible to do a multi stem (6 tracks)mix with external midi gear in real time??
A:Yes, Set up your busses and mixdown in real time

Q:so will SX2 have the same sonic quality as nuendo 2, because there was a difference in sonic quality of cubaseSx1
A:Yes, it's the same

Q:anything new for System Link in sx2.0?
A:no new features were added in that area

Q:any new midi plug ins?
A:no. the usual stuff.

Q:in Nu2.0 there are some issues with editing the folder track...are they sorted out in SX2?
A:Most of them afaik, the rest should follow shortly

Q:will the upgrade be downloadable?
A:Not downloadable

Q:How does the transport bar compare with Nu2?
A:It´s exactly the same, functionwise

Q:is there a sidechaining function?
A:You need a sidechain-capable plugin for that, but we plan to have a more sophisticated solution later down the road

Q:Will SX show latency in ms as Cubase VST did (missing in SX 1.0)
A:Yes. Both input and output latency

Q:In SX 2.0, can you link channels in the edit window so that when an edit is made to one track, all linked tracks are effected?
A:You can group the parts or have all the relevant tracks in one folder and edit the folder part, which will affect all parts at that timeposition

Q:How does SX 2 handle dual CPU setups?
A:Very well. Multiprocessor systems and HT CPU are supported

Q:will we be able to render to audio from groups/busses (rather than just on the master output)?
A:yes, you can choose in the export dialogue. a lot of new options are there.

Q:Will plug-in sidechain be available in SX too, and when?
A:It will be available, but not in 2.0

Q:Can you tell us what the "minimum useable" and "recommended" PC configurations for Cubase SX 2 are?
A:Required is a P3/4/Athlon 800MHz with 384MB Ram * Recommended 1,4 GHz or faster

Q:Will there be manuals other than in English or German?
A:French and japanese

Q:Is there a Version 2 update manual provided in .pdf form on the upgrade CD or is there a whole new Version 2 manual in .pdf on the CD?
A:Whole new manual on the Upgrade CD.

Q:are the colours of the GUI editable ?
A:yes, but not completely userdefinable

Q:looking forward to PDC - will it work with DirectXi plug-ins or only VST? (really love Izotope stuff but no VST versions)
A:also works with dx plugins. as a rule of thumb: the plugins must report it´s current latency correctly to the host. applies to vst plugins too

Q:will I be able to have more than one folder to host my vsti's? in SX I can have only one so i have to symlink (XP)
A:yep - multiple folder locations can be defined

Q:If I use a very low latency (below 4ms) is it usefull or it just wastes CPU power?
A:it's usefull for live-recording VSTis but doesn't make too much sense during mixdown. The strain is not so much on your CPU but on the PCI bus

Q:will there be a acid like loopstretching in the arrange window in the future ?
A:we are looking into this area

Q:will SX 2.0 include he same bugs as in Nuendo 2.01?
A:SX 2.0 is newer than Nuendo 2.01 - and the next round of service releases is already in the works. Nuendo 2.1 is going to be available early October

Q:If all linked channels are automation write enabled, and you move 1 volume fader, will they all move and record the automation to all tracks?
A: seriously hope so

Q:What about the missing drag-drop MIDI support in 1.06?
A:included in SX2 !

Qo you plan to support audio units in the future? I hope that you stick with VST. Since audio units are not cross-platform their use in a cross platform DAW will cause a lot of problems with portability of projects.
A:You gave the answer. VST is what we believe to be the most flexible and open solution.

Q:I hope we're not gonna have a repleat situation of 1.0 in 2.0 of it taking you around 6 months to fix key flaws. Are we guys?
A:'course not!

Q:How about making some kind a drumhit regognition?
A:hitpoints are there. And the new Timewarp tool

Q:Will we get our MPC templates back in SX2?
A:You can import them as *.prt.

Q:Was there a formal price announced for the non-upgrade SX 2.0 in USD? Is this price list?
A:The list price of the reteail version won't change. It's still the same as for SX 1.x

Q:A "Beat Detective" like function for the future?

Q:could you drag and drop VSTi Output Faders to rearrange the Mixer???
A:no, they have a fixed position.

Q:Realtime boucing now?

Q:Will there be a way to record automation to a track after music has stopped without manually using the draw tool?
A:Yes, new modes are added, e.g. Trim

Q:does sx2 open a nuendo song?

Q:SX2 - can we modify multiple events in the Project Window yet (volume, delay etc.)?
A:Yes, you can,

Q:will sx2 be able to repeat a part graphically with the pencil like in vst?
A:Yes, with a modifier (like VST)


03-09-2003, 09:28 PM
its already out? tell us when u try it is it worth of buying!

03-09-2003, 10:16 PM
Great post!!

Due out Sept 4th if the web site is true.

Looks like all my issues are adressed except the mackie extender issue....

03-09-2003, 10:25 PM
cheers ZM

03-09-2003, 10:26 PM
great , another version of cubase sx for us to debug :roll:

The Overfiend
03-09-2003, 11:10 PM
Muchos Gracias Hermano!

04-09-2003, 05:34 AM
No prob. btw that's spanish and I'm Portuguese... comon mistake though :evil: ...

Like it said it's a sort of slightly restricted version os Nuendo 2.0 with a couple of new features... the same engine as Nuendo so sound quality should b prestine...


Out by now btw!

04-09-2003, 09:17 AM

Ritzi Lee
04-09-2003, 09:52 AM
especially the freeze function is great.
logic 6 is also improved a lot with this regarding CPU load.
now we have this for the PC. :)

04-09-2003, 07:08 PM
what a post - really informative - just what i needed to know. will be paying the 128 euros for the upgrade for sure.

The Overfiend
04-09-2003, 09:44 PM
No prob. btw that's spanish and I'm Portuguese... comon mistake though :evil: ...

Like it said it's a sort of slightly restricted version os Nuendo 2.0 with a couple of new features... the same engine as Nuendo so sound quality should b prestine...


Out by now btw!

yo no fala se portuguese! my bad bro!

John Vella
04-09-2003, 09:58 PM
Q:Mackie control extender support ??
A:mackie control support is improved, but not yet for the extender. we're working on it (still)

What exactly are they reffering to here?

Anyone know?


04-09-2003, 10:03 PM
Não tem qualquer problema meu irmão! :P

(no prob @ all bro)..



John Vella
04-09-2003, 10:04 PM
:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?


04-09-2003, 10:13 PM
So sorry m8ey the answer was 2 summer!?

Mackie controler... is basically a control surface that looks like a hardware mixer, it's designed 2 control yer cubase (or logic, etc...) just like u were a peice of hardware... I figure u must know this much...
If I'm not wrong what they menat by the Q was if the support 4 the mackie extention (add on) was also implemented, as u can buy an extra 8 channel expander so u can control directly 16 chs... a "little2 more usefull that a bunch of wild mouse clicks!! ;)

Hope I managed 2 explain it properly.


John Vella
04-09-2003, 10:56 PM
Oh cool! Thanks man! :)


14-09-2003, 03:39 AM
Check this link for video explanation, and more details about the new features.. looks very tasty indeed!!! :P


14-09-2003, 05:56 AM
mr steinburg - when are you gonna support kazaa downloads - i feel that i am missing out on mixer maps and nda grooves on kazaa and would think that a less easy to crack version would be nice :P

14-09-2003, 03:25 PM
actually the mixer maps is something I also really miss ..!! :(
Grooves u can make, plus u have the midi plug ... quantizer...

