View Full Version : Who still flips through the bins?

Dustin Zahn
04-09-2003, 06:34 AM
Ze Mig L brought up a good point in a recent post that nobody bothers to listen to most records in the shop anymore. I know a lot of people I know go straight for the stuff they know.

Do you guys still take an hour or two on a weekly/bi-weekly basis to go down to the shop and check anything out? Lately, I've been taking a huge stack of records and just going through everything...even stuff I don't like so much, as I might as well give it a chance...who knows i might find something. I think people are getting lazy at the record shops, but for me it keeps the nostalgia. Sure, 99% of it is shit, but its always worth it when you find somehting awesome that you never would have touched before.

Think back to the days when you didn't know anything about your favorite artists or labels...I had a shitload of fun listening to anything and everything trying to figure out "what my sound was" or seeing "who's who"...

It's these kind of people who are eager for the music that play a big part in record sales.

The Overfiend
04-09-2003, 06:48 AM
Agreed, specially us in the states who have to sift through all the bullsh*t before we find that rare stomper.

04-09-2003, 07:39 AM
Yep I definately listen to records through out, there are so many times you hear a track later on and say **** thats awesome - then you find out you listened to it but never bought it, so yes I think its more than worth staying in a shop until you are satisfied there isnt something you have missed that you would like.

04-09-2003, 08:44 AM
ive been doing this since i started listening to music... at the beginning as i lacked of everything i even used to go twice a week to teh shop and after having listened to records for one hour i spent one more hour chatting with the seller around a coffee (subliminal message to record shops owners : give free coffee thats well appreciated !!!!)

its been six months i still do this, but checking on the internet on several websites to get a broader selection of tunes. i know this holy freaking...

the paradox is that i actually avoid only labels i know (like primate / primevil, though "pushcametoshove" is already worn out coz it hasnt left my crate from its issue date).

04-09-2003, 09:07 AM
Yeah, that is a good point.. I dont really buy many records but when i do there is always someone who goes srtraight to the coutner and says "give me all the latest primates and sims tunes" or the equivalent for thier genre. weirdos if u ask me...

Ritzi Lee
04-09-2003, 09:48 AM
It is always helpfull if some guy heard a rare track on a CD or a liveset or something. And then he's searching...

Paul Zykotik
04-09-2003, 02:54 PM

I can't believe anyone goes to the shops and is happy to buy the same old shit. For a start there's no guarantee that just because a tune is by a certain artist or on a certain label that it's gonna be any good.

Aside from that, what's the point in denying yourself the chance to discover new styles!

04-09-2003, 08:14 PM
the paradox is that i actually avoid only labels i know (like primate / primevil, though "pushcametoshove" is already worn out coz it hasnt left my crate from its issue date).


04-09-2003, 10:14 PM
i always listen to most of the records but every each time i feel sorry afterwards...

04-09-2003, 10:31 PM
when i first started buying records i though all record shop staff were complete wankers
but now i realise that they aren't.

i always listen to everything i can in a shop but it can be awkward to go into your favourite shop and demand that they search through all the racks for you so you can find that one tune that was tucked away on the b-side of a tech house sampler from romania which is totally kicking.

the best advert for records is still the dancefloor
litening to another dj and trying to get with what they are doing.....then BAM! they drop some track and you think WOW what is this?????
then you go home and realise its the very first track you listened to (and rejected) on the day when you had all the record store guys running around looking for this b side on a tech house sampler from romania
(which turned out to be crap)

eyes without a face
04-09-2003, 10:37 PM
there is nothing more exciting than checking out the local store on a saturday afternoon. I love going into my local record store, the staff are friendly and ive djed with a couple of them, so its cool. I can go in and check out what they have, even have a go on the setup in the shop to test em out. sweeeeeeeet

04-09-2003, 11:48 PM

For a start there's no guarantee that just because a tune is by a certain artist or on a certain label that it's gonna be any good.


True, that's you listen to them first

05-09-2003, 12:00 AM
Yeah, that is a good point.. I dont really buy many records but when i do there is always someone who goes srtraight to the coutner and says "give me all the latest primates and sims tunes" or the equivalent for thier genre. weirdos if u ask me...

Some of these are people that don't have a wide knowledge on their chosen genre, others are people who just want what the "Big" djs have been playing or listing in their playlists. Yeah there is a lot of safety buying alright, and I'm sure Intec have sold since lots extra records of recent releases on the back on "Sunshine" and "Pontape", as do Primate etc. Anyway the kind of people we are talking about here are mainly just sheep although not necessarily weirdo sheep! some are just very non-adventurous, scared they might pick up something that Dave Clarke hasn't played :!:

05-09-2003, 12:02 AM

For a start there's no guarantee that just because a tune is by a certain artist or on a certain label that it's gonna be any good.


True, that's you listen to them first

that's why you listen to them first, should have been! and a smiley face too :)

DJ Corbzy
05-09-2003, 03:51 AM
I always, always, always search through the bins for records...just to see if theres anything that I really like.... :)

05-09-2003, 08:22 AM
Not having a local record shop of any description :( I've been buying regularly from internet stores. Particularly Tune Inn and Juno. I think Tune Inn are magic and last night for example I downloaded samples from a good 40 tunes and listened through them all. I suppose that's the equivalent of going into a store and listening through a big bundle of vinyl.

I rarely go "in" with an idea of what I want though. I've ended up with a few crackers by folk I've never heard of. :)

Paul Zykotik
05-09-2003, 10:04 AM

For a start there's no guarantee that just because a tune is by a certain artist or on a certain label that it's gonna be any good.


True, that's you listen to them first

that's why you listen to them first, should have been! and a smiley face too :)

Yeah mate I know, I was referring to the people that come in and say "give me everything on Primate (the label most purists love to bash :wink:)" and leave without listening. As Jimfish says, I've seen it happen.

dan the acid man
05-09-2003, 11:08 AM
Its all about rummaging for me, you cant beat listening to some records by people you,ve never heard of and finding an ear splittingly good record :D

07-09-2003, 10:14 PM
Dunno about anywhere else, but here in the UK its a shame there isn't more techno radio play. I find the radio should be a good place to air tunes and tell people about what out in the stores at the mo...

But, and i could be glaringly wrong here, there doesn't seem to be much time devoted to this, other than the odd techno artist doing a live mix or summink.

I mean there's a couple of show of Groovetech, but they are both pretty closely affiliated with outfits...

Small Paul
09-09-2003, 05:53 PM
There's something nice about smoking a fat one then heading down to your local ercord shop and spending ages just browsing. I found a wikkid white label by DJ Bam Bam on Columns of Knowledge recently and walked out of the shop with a big ol' grin on me fizog knowing that I'd bought a goodie. If mixing is the last institution of vinyl, then I reckon sifting through the bins should be an institution in itself.

09-09-2003, 07:54 PM
Dunno about anywhere else, but here in the UK its a shame there isn't more techno radio play. I find the radio should be a good place to air tunes and tell people about what out in the stores at the mo...

Surely Fairgie satisfies your needs ? :P :lol:

* runs for cover *

09-09-2003, 10:48 PM
Having a good rumage is also a great way to pass time if ure skint. Altho it's always frustrating as **** when ure using this as a pass time when u stumble over a belter of a tune only to realise ure in listening to tunes to pass the time because u have no cash... :( . This frustrating situation was a regular occurance in the college years.

10-09-2003, 08:21 AM
I used to spend hours in record shops with no cash, and that's when you find all the crackers. I used to hide them in the downtempo/leftfield section, so's they'd still be there when my cash came in :lol:
