View Full Version : Damon Valero?

24-04-2006, 10:02 PM
anyone any idea what he's up to at the moment? i got an email a while back saying he was closing Electracom but i dont remember seeing any new stuff for a little while, really would be interested to hear some new stuff from him

and Paul Bailey too, where are some of these people hiding?

Mark can we have some of these guys on the show instead of the usual suspects?

dan the acid man
24-04-2006, 10:05 PM
yeah, likewise, i can't say i've noticed any new records from him for a while now

24-04-2006, 10:24 PM
He's given up releasing vinyl anyway. He put up a new Mp3 only Moulded release (no.3) on Beatport recently though.
This is his new project now: http://www.downstreamrecords.com/releases1.htm
A mixture of stuff here. The first release is a more laidback, loungey affair; the new Megatrend release is some serious shit, a lot more twisted and harsher electronics at work... top notch!!

Haven't heard anything from Paul in ages, think he's just lying low with 1881 :( It's a shame, as he's the daddy of Birmingham :rambo:

24-04-2006, 11:13 PM
cheers sunil matey just the ticket

your right aswell, Paul is a cut above most birmingham artists, whilst having that something different from the likes of Surgeon and Regis

dan the acid man
24-04-2006, 11:15 PM
yeah, nice one sunil, checking it now

24-04-2006, 11:48 PM
Mark can we have some of these guys on the show instead of the usual suspects?

well i have some lovely shows lined up mate.

the thing is, i have to be very gradual with this. if you dont know, this show took over from carl cox and it is on national radio, so i'm trying to be clever - introduce the more cutting edge but lesser known ppl careful. this is actually how i work things in my life in general - don't shove down ppl's necks too quick ;)

if there's anyone on the forum who knows anyone personally who need to be on the show please tell them to contact me: info@blackoutaudio.co.uk. i'm really searching for fresh ppl to put on it at the mo. :)
