View Full Version : audio realism bassline in ableton
03-05-2006, 09:45 PM
hello i was wondering if u know how to get audio realism to start when u start an ableton track, im trying to copy a section of tune to wav file and i want the bassline to be included but when i start the track the bassline doesnt start .
is there some way of doing like in reason and pasting the bassline to track? as i have heard the slides and accent functions is better on the device than if u do it in the sequencer .
all i want to do is just export and wav of this thing im working on which just consists of a reason tune rewired with acid over the top. how can i go about saving this all together?
im sure it quite simple please help me !
loving the bassline thing though
04-05-2006, 04:05 PM
As far as I know there is NO way to "Paste Bassline to track " like in Reason. but what you can do ,if the 303's sequence is internal (written in the ABL) you can start that sequence by easily writing a note across one bar in a Ableton clip . and obivoiusly if the sequence is internal on the ABL make sure the seq to host is activated and that sequence will start when you start. Hope this helps you !? I wish it had a midi out so you could rec those notes as well.
04-05-2006, 05:30 PM
abl does have midi out. Abl pro doesn't.
04-05-2006, 06:24 PM
i just tried this and writing a note across a bar didnt start off the abl . all i want to do is record it but ableton wont record my switchin it on myself and u cant midi control the start button, is there anything else i can try? or am i not doing it right?
04-05-2006, 07:42 PM
it depends on how you want to use the bassline...
method 1....
select internal sync on plugin switch marked sync....
...then click switch on plug in to note
...use the piano roll editor to create pattern
...paste pattern in arranger should play what u have written
method 2 (better sounding...more 303 esque slides etc)
select internal sync on plugin switch marked sync... switch on plug in to pattern
....draw in 1 bar (16) note in arranger at the C-o note
....go to pattern \/ on randomise
...paste pattern in arranger window voila....acid sqigglynessness
hope this helped! :)
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