miasma man
10-09-2003, 08:30 PM
Hey people,
We are having major problems at the moment and would like your help if possible?
The problem is that we have 2 studio PC's at the moment - we use the main PC (PC1) as the composing/arranging computer and use the other PC (PC2) as the recording computer for samples etc.
The problem follows:
We have 2 Yamaha 01V desks that are linked. We have an optical digital I/O card in the LH desk. An optical cable goes from the IN on the LH desk to OUT in the soundcard (RME Hammerfall) of the main PC (PC1).
The first 8 channels on the LH desk are set up for the audio. Channels
7 + 8 on the RH desk are set up for the Virus C (midi).
We record at the moment through the 2nd PC (PC2) which is hooked up through a network to PC1. The coaxial OUT on the RH desk goes to the soundcard of PC2. A phono to jack cable also goes from the soundcard of PC2 to channel 13 + 14 of the RH desk.
Anything that comes out of the moniters can now be recorded by PC2. We then save that file and drag it across the network to PC1.
How do we record using PC1 only?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated. :?
Basil Rush
10-09-2003, 11:42 PM
Swap the desks around so that the desk with the optical IO has an input from the other desk. Attach optical out from desk with IO to computer 2, attach optical IN back into the soundcard.
You can now record (using the internal routing of the 01V with the IO) anything coming through it to either computer ....
Does that do it or have i missed something?
miasma man
11-09-2003, 02:26 PM
Hey Basil,
Thanks for your reply - what you say is good in theory but for us it just isn't practical.
This is cos PC2 (old ancient machine that has died) has totally packed up and we need to record/compose/arrange through one main computer - PC1.
The soundcard in PC1 has 3 optical in and 3 optical out so we are kinda figuring that we can use this soundcard for everything linked up to the desks...
Any further info/advice from anyone would be much appreciated.
Basil Rush
11-09-2003, 02:56 PM
Well, do like I said but just leave PC2 out completely, should still work!
12-09-2003, 03:42 AM
I must say I am a bit lost .. but it seems 2 me u can somehow route the master out from desk 2 to the first 1.. there u can just use the optional out (assuming U have the ADAT card) and send that input to one of the of the ADAT buss out (1 to 8)... the same goes for anything on the inputs of the 1st desk...
All u need 2 do is connect the adat out from the first 01v to the adat in of the RME!
Hope this is what u r looking 4...
Let us know
PS - U might feel that it's more confortable 2 keep the adat outs in they're original 17-24 chs 'till u have everything in audio and the swap' em 2 the 1-8 for mixing etc...
miasma man
13-09-2003, 07:55 PM
Hey Ze Migl,
Thanks for advice, we have sorted out that aspect of the desks I believe - cheers.
We have another couple of questions tho regards the audio mixdown function of Cubase SX:
In audio mixdown function (all the audio files are merged into 1 track) not all of the channels are getting merged. The stereo channels aren't getting thro, just some of the mono channels.
1) How do we get all the channels to go into mixdown - save as one track?
2) How do we connect the outputs of midi instruments to the audio inputs (RME Hammerfall soundcard) ?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated.
14-09-2003, 02:28 AM
Thanks for advice, we have sorted out that aspect of the desks I believe - cheers.
Nice 1 :)
We have another couple of questions tho regards the audio mixdown function of Cubase SX:
In audio mixdown function (all the audio files are merged into 1 track) not all of the channels are getting merged. The stereo channels aren't getting thro, just some of the mono channels.
1) How do we get all the channels to go into mixdown - save as one track?
here is the rule of thumb 4 audio mixdown in cubase... b4 u export listen only 2 the master out of cubase, meaning that if u have other stuff routed 2 bus out 2 or something, this will not show up on the mixed down final file! So basically listen 2 yer sound card main out ... what U hear is what u get!!
2) How do we connect the outputs of midi instruments to the audio inputs (RME Hammerfall soundcard) ?
Mate there is a major confusion in here, MIDI carries only info, no sound!!!
U get sound when u direct that info 2 a synth (hardware / software)... IF that info corresponds 2 certain infos necessary 2 make a synth "sing"...
So I assume u wanted 2 ask how u get the audio output 2 the rme's inputs thru the desk...
Again assuming u have ADAT In and Out connected 2 from the 01v 2 the RME...
In Cubase go to devices select VST INPUTS, active all ADAT INs.
In the mixer select options (this 4 the 01v, the 01v 96 might b slightly diferent) press as many times as u need till u get the output routing..
there u have 8 buses.. select the channels u r using 4 the instrument on the relevant bus.. let's say it's 4&5...
In cubase add an audio track.. now choose as input : 4&5 ...
Press record if needed!! :)
Hope this helpz...
miasma man
18-09-2003, 03:12 PM
Edit over - I mistakenly posted a PM on the forum - sorry for any confusion & hassle.
I didn't know we could edit.
miasma man
18-09-2003, 03:14 PM
As above
22-09-2003, 05:27 AM
lol... okie but did u sort out the prob or what..
gimme a call if u need aditional explanation.
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