View Full Version : chicks on speed attacked in spain

14-06-2006, 01:48 PM

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 17:00:26 +0200 (MEST)
From: Chicks on Speed Records
To: borderline

Dear Everyone,

We wanted to let you all know, we had one of the worst experiences of our 10 year musical career on Saturday night, we were physically violated and dragged off stage by security, Ortiz Padillo Promoters and commercial sponsors at Oxigena Festival, near Cordova, in Southern Spain.

We were denied our right to perform at the festival as contracted and our fees were not honoured. It was clear that the public attendance of the festival was extremely low and the promoters wouldn't allow us to play for this reason, so they could claim insurance on the premise, of a cancelled headlining act. The promoters and Sponsors falsely claimed that the band is late" as we entered the stage at 1.25am, 5 minutes prior to the planned stage time of 1.30am as contracted.

Photo documentation has been taken away from us, our camera was smashed and memory card stolen.

We want to expose these criminal acts and the organisations responsible for abusing and robing artists through their business practices and the unethical networks of festivals and concert promoters. It's clearly a case of abuse against women, destruction of personal property, breach of contract and assault.

We´re pretty freaked out & scared by what we experienced. It would be really good to have your support in any way, the organizers were trying to make quick cash from the festival. Look out for scammers that are abusing musicians and swindling young people looking to have a fun evening.


Chicks on Speed

:shock: wtf?! :eh: :paranoid:

14-06-2006, 01:54 PM
what!?! thats unbelivable..

14-06-2006, 02:32 PM
Welcome to the music industry
circa 2000 onwards....

well, this has been going on
longer than that
just now it is happening more often
and on a scale larger than
what I have experienced quite regularly
down here in OZ.

Sad but true :(

The Overfiend
14-06-2006, 05:48 PM
Lawsuit anyone?

14-06-2006, 06:27 PM
fu.ck lawsuit, retards like these should be executed on sight.

14-06-2006, 06:38 PM
The great Charles Bukowski said this

"The music industry is a long plastic trench filled with bandits, sharks, thieves and lawyers.
And of course, there is a bad side as well"

Welcome to the music industry,

14-06-2006, 07:30 PM
free techno rules lol

Francisco Scaramanga
14-06-2006, 08:38 PM
We shouldent just brush off something like that with a nevermind, thats the music biz sort of attitude. I'm sure Chicks on Speed have encountered plenty of shady promoters and dodgy gigs in their time, as have we all, but that is well over the top. A lawsuit would be ace to really screw these dodgy bastards over, but it would probably just be a waste of time and money. We'll all just have to remember to avoid the Oxigena festival and Ortiz Padillo Promoters like the plague.

14-06-2006, 10:11 PM
"At Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in Hyde Park, London in June 2004, a bottle hit Alex Murray-Leslie who then left
the stage in tears. The Chicks on Speed were on stage for approximately 10 minutes during which time they mimed two

17-06-2006, 09:57 PM
"At Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in Hyde Park, London in June 2004, a bottle hit Alex Murray-Leslie who then left
the stage in tears. The Chicks on Speed were on stage for approximately 10 minutes during which time they mimed two

uuuuhh...even if they lipsynced every show EVAR, that still does not excuse abusiveness on the part of promoters.

17-06-2006, 11:01 PM
yeah, ****ing weird quote that tocsin

this is seriously out of order, end of, miming or not, bloody hell, sounds like a proper nasty experience for them. I've met them briefly and they are lovely ladies, they certainly dont deserve that. No one does

18-06-2006, 12:44 AM
They get a rough time alright. A while back they also had a bottle thrown at them at a gig here in Dublin, and I've rarely ever heard of that happening here. I'm not saying they are asking for it, but there does seem to be a running pattern here? What's the story, does their show really piss some people off that much?

Anyway, this latest trouble is disgraceful, they should inform the local police.

18-06-2006, 12:50 AM
dont think its a running pattern, they must of done hundreds of gigs now, and there is about 3, 4 instances of trouble. That's not many, i know alot of male djs/performers who've had alot more shit at gigs, but not to the harsh extent of this particular instance

i think people just presume they can get away with more when its female artists, im not saying this is true, im saying i think thats what people who do give them shit probably think. Chicks on speed are a confident bunch of lasses and i have no doubt it wont detter them, its just an absolute ****ing disgrace

18-06-2006, 01:34 AM
i know alot of male djs/performers who've had alot more shit at gigs

Like what? being punched or stabbed?

Running pattern is perhaps an exaggeration, lets just say that bottle throwing out of the ordinary for them. I'm not saying they deserve it, but they're one of the very few, if any, that I've heard this happen to, especially within electronic music. So, besides the obvious nastiness of the people that threw bottles, is there anything about their performances that might unsettle some people?

18-06-2006, 01:34 AM
dont think its a running pattern, they must of done hundreds of gigs now, and there is about 3, 4 instances of trouble. That's not many, i know alot of male djs/performers who've had alot more shit at gigs, but not to the harsh extent of this particular instance

i think people just presume they can get away with more when its female artists, im not saying this is true, im saying i think thats what people who do give them shit probably think. Chicks on speed are a confident bunch of lasses and i have no doubt it wont detter them, its just an absolute **** disgrace

Yeah, right on, you go girlfriend!!.

18-06-2006, 01:36 AM
lets just say that bottle throwing out of the ordinary for them.

should have been an "isn't" after "throwing"

18-06-2006, 02:04 AM
nah there's alot more of these kinda of instances that occurs than get's documented on boards like this. I should of worded "alot more" bit a tad better, i obviously didnt mean anyone getting stabbed, as i think if that had of happened anywhere we'd all know about it. But yeah, violence at gigs happens alot more than people think, as i say, its just a case of not hearing about it, its often an embarrasing thing and people dont really want everyone to know when they've been set upon really, Chicks on speed just took it upon themselves to inform everyone quite publically, which is cool, people do need to know, imagine you'd just took a booking with these particular gigs then you found out they did that to established artists, i know for one i'd be slightly worried indeed about fulfilling the gig

i dont think there is anything unsettling about what they do, they are just an average electroclash/techno/band the time's ive seen them, if anything, they were pretty underwhelming, just girls in make up playing tracks really

18-06-2006, 02:06 AM
"gigs" = "promoters" in the fourth line there peeps

18-06-2006, 02:26 AM
Maybe they should just give up, and stop playing?

18-06-2006, 12:02 PM
it's sad... that's life. and that's the biz. i feel very sorry for the chicks, and please EVERYONE THINK if you're booked by these guys.

this type of thing will never stop.. power hungry ppl taking advantage of muso's will always be out there.

but the thing i've found in years of doing this shit is just be right with ppl, be nice and don't play the superstar game. that way nobody can knock ya down. i don't know what happened here, but i do know i've seen dj's think they are the dons and then get stripped down to shit... (i'm not saying this is the chicks).. fair play if you're like that eh but don't expect ppl to come to your aid when ya getting a slap...


at the end of the day, none of us know what happened here. my heart goes out to the chicks who where clearly affected by this... x

18-06-2006, 10:07 PM
This is really nasty shit! What a bunch of complete arses those promoters are! Feel sorry for the chick's! (especially the cute blonde one!)

Talking of chicks on speed , i saw a 'chicks on speed' dj set a couple months ago in turnmills when only the cute 'blondie' turned up and played some of the filthiest, funkiest tech house ever! She was wicked. I've been on there site but still don't know much about them? Are they a girlband and dj act all rolled into one or something?

Anyway those promoters need a good kick in the teeth, how dare they do that to such talented and cute female! Hehe!

18-06-2006, 10:18 PM

Dustin Zahn
19-06-2006, 01:08 AM
The great Charles Bukowski said this

"The music industry is a long plastic trench filled with bandits, sharks, thieves and lawyers.
And of course, there is a bad side as well"

Welcome to the music industry,

I thought that was a Hunter S. Thompson quote?

19-06-2006, 11:37 AM
Thats a bit of a shock alright!!'La Policia' probably did **** all about it as well which is even more worrying!! I suppose now along with records, needles, & headphones etc. we have to bring a large stick shall this occur to one's self :ninja:

19-06-2006, 01:23 PM
unbeleivable !
i have never heard of anything so disgraceful happenning to anyone on the techno scene.
i really hope they manage to nail this guy in the courts somehow

19-06-2006, 03:31 PM
wasnt laurent garnier attacked with a knife once?
he was playing some dnb in straight techno club and some jerk found that to be offensive
so he jumped with a knife towards laurent
but luckily couldnt reach him
bouncers then grabbed the ****er and teached him a lesson...

laurent also mentioned in his book how he got a gig in moscow from some promoter
but on an airport guys from some other promoter waited for him, took him and forced him to play in their club
then they payed him twice a price he should get from the guy that booked him and escorted back to airport in the morning ...

f*ck... :eh:

19-06-2006, 05:01 PM
uuuuhh...even if they lipsynced every show EVAR, that still does not excuse abusiveness on the part of promoters.

Never said it did. Just figured I'd point out that this is nothing new for them.

19-06-2006, 06:49 PM

19-06-2006, 09:18 PM
'Chicks on alot of Speed'

Mucky Beats
23-06-2006, 01:29 AM
this is bad shit... but like people have said thats the world we live and dj in ... i would never ever do or condone things like that there low and not good for the scene. BUT lets be fair if the girls had just said ok your festival and you dont want us on stage coz of some crazy reasone then fine fu*k it let go and leave and try and claim some kind of fee i bet they had minium 50% deposit anyway sat in the bank for just this kind of thing! i'm maybe reading what she said wrong? but i feel its better to walk away then let shuff blow up in your face. End of the day the promoters are dicks and you never win against people like that .

oh and on the other note i seen chicks on speed at chilli pepers in manchester and people chucked bottles of pee left right and centre and i felt sorry for um a realy stupid booking that tho wired electro type stuff before rock??? your asking for a bottle off pee tbh!!!
