View Full Version : Mackie HR624s?

18-08-2006, 06:29 PM
I posted a while back that I was looking into some new monitors and I was thinking of Dynaudio's.........but now I see the smaller Mackies and wondered if it was worth it? Has anyone had experience with these? I don't need huge speakers and I don't really play my music too loud anyway.......so some feedback/advice would be nice.


19-08-2006, 01:56 PM
i have these but with a sub as well , im thinking of just using the 624`s myself as i m broke and need the dough so im gonna sell the sub, they dont sound as sweet as the 824`s but are pretty good to my ears and pretty neutral although they maybe a little on the bright side. They are loud enough for home studios for sure ,i have them in a room about 10 feet by 15 feet and they are loud enough easily.

19-08-2006, 11:04 PM
cool thanks for the response!

i have a sub as well, and i'm thinking of using them along with it, i have a fairly small room too, so maybe it would be a nice choice

28-08-2006, 02:34 PM
i have the 824's... i think they are the most beautiful speakers ever. mind you, i grew up with the alesis monitor ones... gr8 but just killed my ears tbh...

i think the most important thing with any speaker is to make sure you get the acoustics in your room right... i've spent thousands on getting my room right.... much more than i spent on my speakers.... make sure you have good bass traps, perhaps a bass box....

i uploaded an article recently from sound on sound..do a search or email me: info@blackoutaudio.co.uk and i'll send it to ya :)

29-08-2006, 03:40 AM
you tha man mark, i'll search for it, thanks!

29-08-2006, 01:52 PM
we have the 624's and they have been amazing, totally crisp sound, i wouldnt swop these for anything!!

30-08-2006, 04:39 AM
you know i went to the local shop and heard these against the dynaudios and seriously the dynaudios sounded so much better......im not saying the mackies were bad, but for pretty much the same price, i think im going with dynaudio

thanks for the feedback guys!

02-09-2006, 12:05 PM
mate, you have to look hard at this.. this is big money you're spending...

you know, you MUST take into account environment.

i swear the mackie's rock.... go to their site.. it's an amazing speaker.... look at the response in the specs...

anyway, i'm saying just cause they sounded good in the shop doesnt mean they will sound gr8 in your studio. put me in an anacoeic (arrghh i can't spell it hahah)chamber with both speaks and i'll tell ya hahaha

08-01-2007, 06:27 PM
hey audioinjection, did you go with the dynaudios? i've been looking into getting some bm6a's (or maybe some adam p11a). going to give them both a test run, but would be good to hear what you thought about them :)

08-01-2007, 11:30 PM
hey audioinjection, did you go with the dynaudios? i've been looking into getting some bm6a's (or maybe some adam p11a). going to give them both a test run, but would be good to hear what you thought about them :)

i haven't picked them up yet because of some financial issues, but i really do want to get those and i'm 99.9999% sure that i'm going with these. after comparing them with the mackie's, the dynaudio's sound much better i think. but like mark said, this was in the studio at the shop.......maybe they have some cool return policy so i can try them out a bit and compare the 2 at my studio

but $1000 for the pair, i gotta save my pennies hehe

09-01-2007, 12:45 AM
I haven't heard the mackies but am familiar with the Dynaudio's and they are very good monitors indeed. You wouldn't go wrong with them Imo

I would say any decent set of monitors in this range would do a good job if you take time to a) get the room and acoustics right and b) familiarize yourself thoroughly with their individual character and how that translates to other systems

Alot comes down to personal taste after that

09-01-2007, 01:37 AM
Get some Genelecs!

I have the mid-size 8030s and they were reasonably priced at 1100EURO!



09-01-2007, 12:21 PM
Personally I would check Dynaudio BM5a and Adam A7. Those Adams should be pretty good for the price, around 1k USD/pair..

09-01-2007, 01:26 PM
Man those genelecs are like having a road drill in your ears. In all but the largest of rooms those things kill me, and they seem a little weird with the bass.

Get some Genelecs!

I have the mid-size 8030s and they were reasonably priced at 1100EURO!



09-01-2007, 02:18 PM
Man those genelecs are like having a road drill in your ears. In all but the largest of rooms those things kill me, and they seem a little weird with the bass.

Maybe the problem with bass has something to do with the low frequency driver which is only 5"., or?

Anyway this Genelecs looks like very overpriced for what they can do. just my opinion.

09-01-2007, 08:00 PM
yeah i've seen those genelecs but haven't heard them........to be honest they dont look very appealing to me (they look like desktop computer speakers heh), and for that price i can get bigger speakers, like the HR824's, and get great quality as well

Barely Human
09-01-2007, 10:18 PM
There is only really one set of genelec worth going for, but they are well out of that price range. I have used them quite extesivly and man they absolutely rock -

I have to say that i really liked these genelecs. They had the best stereo imaging ive heard and i could blast em for an hour with hardly any ear fatigue.

Anyway, the Makies are a safe bet, i would also check out the Adams, or possibly stretch your buget to thier big brother the 824's as the bass responce is better.

10-01-2007, 12:35 PM
I own Mackie HR624's and love them.

Very accurate and crisp sound.
Its not just the sound either, they are built really well.

the small things like the on\off button on the front, XLR, Phono and Jack connectors all make life easier, not major i know but things you miss when using other monitors

The 824's would be better but only if you have a decent sized room, for my bedroom studio 624's are perfect.

Everyone who has been round here has liked them, quite a few people wanted to buy a pair after using mine hehe

11-01-2007, 01:53 AM
Yeah there is a shop out here which has a MASSIVE set of genelecs in it. Dance Music Records in Shibuya.

The sound is very solid but they feel so angular that the sound hurts. Great for monitoring I guess, but I have no ****ing idea why they have them in a record shop. I cant imagine working there! Migraine city.

11-01-2007, 08:49 PM
You should ask the guys at the shop if you can take the speakers home to test in your studio(or whereever) put down a deposit if need be. They should be used to people not being able to judge quality in shop and should have some system worked out - just say your a pro and qulaity is important. IF your cheeky try and take home a few at a time in different price ranges.
Also you want to choose a speaker that doesnt only sound good but also displays mistakes well (ie doesnt still sound good with shit playing through them) otherwise youll likely have problems.

Check for these too, as was recommended them myself, though you'll need a nice amp
http://www.quested.com/p/h108.asp .

12-01-2007, 02:26 PM
You should ask the guys at the shop if you can take the speakers home to test in your studio(or whereever) put down a deposit if need be. They should be used to people not being able to judge quality in shop and should have some system worked out - just say your a pro and qulaity is important. IF your cheeky try and take home a few at a time in different price ranges.
Also you want to choose a speaker that doesnt only sound good but also displays mistakes well (ie doesnt still sound good with shit playing through them) otherwise youll likely have problems.

Check for these too, as was recommended them myself, though you'll need a nice amp
http://www.quested.com/p/h108.asp .

Oh hell yeah, Quested make amazing speakers.
I`d take a decent pair of quested over mackies any day.

22-01-2007, 11:13 PM
damn, yesterday I was at the NAMM show and heard the Adam A7's, those were really f***** nice!! I saw in shops they run about $1000 for a pair, anyone have experience with those??

I actually got to hear both the Adam A7's and the Dynaudio's, both sounded amazing, and run about the same price, any suggestions? thanks

22-01-2007, 11:44 PM
couple of good threads at doa


22-01-2007, 11:50 PM
couple of good threads at doa


thanks! checking these out in a bit!

23-01-2007, 09:46 AM
good thread Adam A7 vs BM5A on gearslutz>>

23-01-2007, 12:06 PM
I have 624`s they are crisp but a little fatigueing on the ears

824`s are a much better bet .
