View Full Version : ableton live

13-10-2003, 01:15 PM
i ve been playin with this proggy for last couplw o`days and i find it very neat and cheerful lil` progy.
i plan to make a live pa in it, but there s little something that stops me in my sacred mission.
i cut my loops in cubase sx, usually 4 or 16 bars, i m careful that i export them on their original BPM size and stuff, but when i load em into ableton some loops are like delayed. everything is in sync, but some of the loops dont match, dont fit on kick of the other.
i tried with setting loop start, but then loop sounds weird and cut, and its never perfect.
what do i do?what,what?

post scriptum
i d like to hear some of your trix in ableton... :wicked:

13-10-2003, 08:57 PM
send me the loops I'l have a go!


Dustin Zahn
13-10-2003, 10:37 PM
there is a small amount of silence at the beginning your loop. get a sound editing program, zoom in...and cut out the silence at the beginning of the loop. This should correct it. We have this problem for the attack people live sets and it sucks, but its a quick remedy. i have no clue why they put the silence in front of the track.

13-10-2003, 10:46 PM
ze migl, those loops are sent to yer mail. if ya steal them miro bites yer weener off :rambo: :love:

13-10-2003, 11:49 PM
lol... I'll b carefull 2 chang' em enought so miro won't recognis' em ;) eehhehe...


14-10-2003, 02:35 AM
i have no clue why they put the silence in front of the track.

yeah it's a bit strange alright, i have had the same problem using Ableton. Version 3 is just out, perhaps they have sorted it out for this. I have been using a crack copy and it won't work anymore, thinking of buying a full version now, reckon it's something i could use for a long time to come.

14-10-2003, 02:53 AM
If it's only that u can use a batch process in wavelab (I think soundforge has that back again) 2 cut anything bellow a certain threshold... if it's a silence then it sound work perfectly... or just create a dummy wav with a square Wave at 1 khz.. load up in live and measure the amount of silence... I am assuming this is a constant value!! Then u know how much 2 take in each clip u load 2 live (u can move the start point 2 that amount)...
On top of that If u have snap 2 zero crossing activated (i am assuming there is such an option in Live) as soon as u move the start indicator it will imediatelly jump 2 the real start of yer loop!!

Lemme know if this works in anyway!!


14-10-2003, 01:55 PM
did u get loops mr ze?

14-10-2003, 02:12 PM
yes I did...

I gotta get some freetime .. maybe 2day or morow... I'll keep ya posted...

Did u try the above ?


14-10-2003, 02:14 PM
BTW have u tryed assigning funtions 2 keyboard keys/ midi controller?

That's tha sh** :P


14-10-2003, 02:58 PM
yeh i tried, but i have no silence in my loops cause its bounced doirectly from sx. i was thinking maybe my production style is ****ing me up, i tend to make things slightly out of sync, either with shuffle, either with having lateny bigger purposly...dunno. :doh:

oh yes, midi and key mapping is very useful!

14-10-2003, 03:12 PM
live adds the silence not SX!


Ritzi Lee
14-10-2003, 08:46 PM
live adds the silence not SX!

Zneither live or SX :neutral:

14-10-2003, 10:48 PM
Ritzi is right .. I even tryed Fruity and it's definatly from the original samples... The delay that U find in the left isn't actually transfered 2 the audio on export... (the same happend b4 with any midi config since early cubase versions... This midi/ Audio Inspector is like a program running inside cubase!)... I know the was a function 2 make "write" the tweaks intos the audio/ midi files...
Use left /right locates 2 define the frontier of what u r doing

If it is audio... select the events u want 2 permantly write the inspector tweaks... then go menu Audio / Bounce selection...

My best advice is repeat yer loop (1-2 bars depending on the size of it)... and then export the 2nd loop which will have no silences ... the first will probably have if u are useing a delay.

For the midi parts ...

Select events... menu Midi...Merge midi in Loop...

If it ask 2 erase the original say yes (save the cubase song b4 the all process just in case ;) ).


That's the end of it.... fingers crossed ;)

14-10-2003, 11:14 PM
this is how i did it - i loaded whole finnished track into SX! and then just went and exported loop by loop of parts i wanted. so there should be no silence cause there r no effects no anything at all, just pure original file!
i have to do it this way cause i had a terrible hd crash and lost some sequencer files and sounds... :doh:

The Overfiend
15-10-2003, 01:00 AM
Yo Miro & Ze Mig. My hd crashed and burned to bits last night :doh:

15-10-2003, 02:49 AM
:rambo: ai aia ai caramba!!! :( :bash: :headache:

Tell me U had back Ups!!!!!!!


this is how i did it - i loaded whole finnished track into SX!

wait... which sequencer did u use 2 produce the track?
R u loading 1 stereo wave or several (1 for each part)?

By the way I didn't find any silence!

Mind U that each clip has 2 b absolutly the same size right down 2 the milisaple 4 Live 2 work (I am assuming this as it makes perfect sense with yer prob)!!

We'll get 2 the botom of this or my name isn't Sherlock H., errr... MigL I mean ;)


15-10-2003, 12:19 PM
hehe your cute.
im sorry i hear that sam :(...

i loaded one stereo track in SX. you see by my loops they r 1 bar- i tried with 4 bars, 16 bars. always the same trax go out of beatmatch.

did u try loading em in ableton?

The Overfiend
15-10-2003, 05:00 PM
:rambo: ai aia ai caramba!!! :( :bash: :headache:

Tell me U had back Ups!!!!!!!

We'll get 2 the botom of this or my name isn't Sherlock H., errr... MigL I mean ;)


I just recovered my desktop in safe mode how do i save my compositions to be worked on a diff comp?

15-10-2003, 06:26 PM
if yer hdd got fried n u still managed to but it all up...i sugest you conect yer hdd to another puter n theres a program that can convert all the files that got ****ed....hmm....dont remember whats it caled :neutral:

16-10-2003, 02:33 AM
Norton Recovery tool!! they're the dog's bolloc** :)
Just don't ask me how 2 do it .. as I said b4 I not that much of a PC buff!

Miro I'll get back on yer loops... yes I tryed Live ...

The thing is most times u can't find the kick right down 2 the milisample.. so it gets out of place when U add' em together... there is always small differences, even if the samples r all the same size!!!


16-10-2003, 05:01 AM
Okie I have narowed it down...

U have some milisec. b4 the first kick, not every file has the exact same amount.. so basically yer loop doesn't start with the kick... For all the loops 2 work together all of the have 2 start with a kick, or have the exact amount of time between the start of the file and the first kick... also the should have exactly the same size or a multiple half, double, double and a half, triple, triple and a half, etc..

I sent ya back the corrected files over email... u can compare them 2 the original !!!

hope this is the end of an intricate plot! ;)


16-10-2003, 10:54 AM
i love you :love:

i ll check mail when i cum back home, thanx bro - you r da man! send me your full body shot via mail please...

tell me how did u set to kick, plain cutting in wavelab?

16-10-2003, 11:56 AM
plain cutting... Wavelab...

Full body Shot.. :eh: didn't know U were into heavy horror hard core... but then I should have guessed shoudn't I!! :crackup:


16-10-2003, 08:26 PM
ZM i didnt receive mail from you.... :(

16-10-2003, 08:49 PM
try this:


16-10-2003, 09:20 PM
I resent again!


16-10-2003, 09:36 PM
yeh i got em ! spanx!

16-10-2003, 10:06 PM
ye this now fits.
but it is the same if i zoomed in ableton and set start point. it loops weirdly now, i can hear sudden end on the loop now. maybe if i use 16 bar loops one cant notice this.

17-10-2003, 02:00 AM
The prob is when U cut from the main window U can't b sure that it cuts on the zero-Crossing point, also it's a stereo file.. so sometimes the left is on the right Place (zero-crossing) but the right isn't...

2 compensate for the little pop sound u get if the samples ain't cut right, I did a fade in out... I overdid it because I was just aimming to get the kicks in time with each other...

Maybe if u do a very small fade in and out (something like a very few milisamples at a total zoom in the wave) it won't b so obvious.

I tryed it in fruity... perfect!

2morow I'll get back 2 ya on the live thingy!


18-10-2003, 12:57 PM

All the samples u gave me play just fine and in perfect sync in Live m8!

Don't know how much the proggy mashes up the sound 'cause I'm not intimate with the original sound as ya. But sounds alright 2 me...


18-10-2003, 02:50 PM
cool, thanx ze :clap:

18-10-2003, 05:24 PM
no prob. jus make some luvly noise 4 me 2 spin! ;)


18-10-2003, 05:34 PM
i ll leave u some of RC and mine trax on server ok?

18-10-2003, 08:52 PM

Sorry m8.. long "3h sleep days" week.. kind slow "connection" over here!!


