View Full Version : HAS THE ORBIT CLOSED

The Divide
18-10-2003, 04:29 PM
Ok, I have just herd that the Orbits closed for good. The Paul Damage & Surgeon nite was the last night. Is this ture??? Somebody must know the answere to this surely????

Ok if this is true why didnt they sell the name the Orbit to another organiser/promoter or whatever. Then they could open it in Leeds centre, I am sure it would pack out given the right venue. You always knew what you was getting with the Orbit, quality hard/dark techno, it started getting a bit weak and less people went (or thats the way I saw it). Its feels like theres a gap in Leeds where you just cant get an avin it night of raw techno. All it takes is the orbit name to re appear, I know loads people wanting to know when the next ones on...


Not much info there, is it closed??? Anyone in the know?? Thanks


18-10-2003, 04:33 PM
someone on this board must know something???

18-10-2003, 06:27 PM
paul from innercity told me it has gone......... apparently it's being turned into a restaurant.

but it's not sure yet if they're going to start again at a new venue..........

let's hope so.

18-10-2003, 06:36 PM
yeah its gone as far as we no (all the Morley crew) Paul does not seem too optamistic and he ususlly knows whats going on. We all feel lost without it. That place changed my life gutted!

The Divide
18-10-2003, 08:05 PM
Yeah I bet.

Any ideas why no offical announcements?

18-10-2003, 11:30 PM
no one wants to admit it
but things are just not what they used to be
the older crowd are exactly that
the younger generation have other intrests than just ravin"
and although there will always be us who love it
we do not make up the bulk of the crowd
you need the walk ups and the intrested youngsters for that
and they're all off doing different thoings these days
no one wants to admit defeat and quite right too
but this is the way it is in the u.k. right now
everyone is tightening their belts and thats for all styles of music.

don't blame them for not announcing .
not the kind of thing you want to announce is it?

hope something comes along to prove me wrong.

The Divide
18-10-2003, 11:36 PM
Yeah your right, well said :clap: :clap: :clap:

Actually the whole music industrys slowed down

The Divide
18-10-2003, 11:42 PM
Then again Leeds does have a few techno nites going off. I just want some to carry the Orbit name, I think its important that its still open. Theres a handfull of small clubs and some of them seem fairly recent. Orbits been going for 11 years, surely they can scale it down

The Divide
19-10-2003, 12:06 AM
tekfresh, euphonic, riff raff, cabbage & cypher all do techno, there is also the odd squat party. No Orbit :cry: booo hooo moan moan


20-10-2003, 02:09 PM
Well, they told me that the afterdark is no more, and that they wanted to put at least 3 more nights on - (in october, november and december possibly NYE), but were not making any annoucements untill they'd sorted out all the details. Unfortunately, that was in september and it's now mid october and we're still waiting.

What really fu*cks me off is that we didn't have the chance to have a proper "last orbit ever at afterdark" party - it would have been packed. I know there were problems, and that something had to change, but the way it's all transpired really sucks. It could have been handled much better - even if the promoter' heart is not in it any more, there should have been one more night. Everyone I know is really gutted about the whole thing.

If they do sort something out at a new venue, they'll have plenty of support. It'd be nice if they could actually make an honest annoucement about their intentions (and progress if they're trying to sort anything out)........

20-10-2003, 03:06 PM
if money is the issue, then im sure they would be numerous techno djs across the world willing to play at the "last ever orbit" for nothing

The Divide
20-10-2003, 04:09 PM
I was told Surgoen and Paul Damage :twisted: was last one (was a rumour), Was prolly the one of the best Orbits I have been to. That was only a few monhs ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can see the logic in it now, why kill something off completly when there is a chance that it could come back. I think perhaps one off nights will apear, still some official information would be good.

Just a possibilty but it would explain why no officail last nite.

Surgoen at techfresh will be busy I would imagine. :twisted:

20-10-2003, 05:34 PM
I can see the logic in it now, why kill something off completly when there is a chance that it could come back.
Just a possibilty but it would explain why no officail last nite.

Yeah, but the afterdark has gone :cry: , and there was something really special about that venue.....

The Divide
20-10-2003, 06:32 PM
Yeah nice dark and metalic, decent sized with balconys, good soundsystem and all that. Plus you could cram a lot of poeple in that place when it packed out.

20-10-2003, 06:32 PM
paul from innercity told me orbit is shutting down.

one of the promoters has had enough, where as the other wants to carry on putting on parties.

Esox Lucius
20-10-2003, 06:35 PM
there are always night popping up in Leeds and the surrounding areas so there's no worries for the yorkshire techno boys, fair enough it wont be the orbit, but at least they will be able to get a techno fix.

The Divide
20-10-2003, 06:39 PM
Surgoen soon :lol: :lol:

20-10-2003, 06:55 PM
fernando have u always lived in leeds???

The Divide
20-10-2003, 07:41 PM
I dont, but its not too far from leeds

20-10-2003, 07:48 PM
i hought u lived in mexico:):)

i went to the mint club the other day to watch rolando. bit of a housey crowd but was ok.

The Divide
20-10-2003, 07:50 PM
i hought u lived in mexico:):)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

20-10-2003, 09:33 PM
To be honest, as has been said there was something very special about the Afterdark and whilst I'm sure that something will eventually try to fill the gap (promoted by them or not) things just ain't gonna ever be the same...

20-10-2003, 09:40 PM
Just to add...whilst there are a number of nights in Leeds putting good techno on (and there have been dozens of others come and go over the years) there really isn't anywhere that can come close.

I think that's down to venues, crowd, history etc. etc.

...just wanted to acknowledge the other techno nights in Leeds.

20-10-2003, 10:18 PM
what i find strange is that at one of the last orbits they had us all fillin in membership forms when we came and i have been going for ages and i havent seen them do that before?

24-10-2003, 01:58 AM
the rumoursare that robert hood is playing NYE with some one bigger (mills, hawtin, or speedy???) hopefully not sven....

Sounds like its moving to dark arches......with mark turner playing at tekfresh thats where i'll be heading. :twisted:

24-10-2003, 02:51 AM
and the speculation mounts once again! ha ha

is it? or isnt it?

edge of the seat stuff. im going for sure if its on new years eve. i bet the tickets will be overpriced though.

26-10-2003, 04:23 PM
yeah i heard that robert hood story but i got told it was him dave clarke and marco bailey but i will believe it when i see it.

27-10-2003, 06:12 PM
well if its those 3 i won't be going!

The Divide
27-10-2003, 06:14 PM
Speedy J :twisted: Mills :lol: :rambo:

The Divide
27-10-2003, 06:14 PM
well if its those 3 i won't be going!

Lol you party pooper!!! :lol:

The Divide
27-10-2003, 06:15 PM
Yeah Sven vath's not ard enuff, too trancy melodic for the Orb.

Esox Lucius
27-10-2003, 06:18 PM
sven vath is poo.

27-10-2003, 07:44 PM
agree he has ruined loads of orbits has sven. Spoke to someone today who has been speaking to John Berry and he told her that they are trying to do 1 more but who knows?????????????????

27-10-2003, 08:48 PM
i feel so sad the orbit has closed. i can quite easily say that if that club hadn't have been there, i wouldn't be sat here now. that club changed my life and definitely made me understand techno properly. i think many of the people lucky enough to have been through it's doors will agree.

i really hope there is one more.

28-10-2003, 08:22 PM
got my bank loan now so will be getting my own techno night in Leeds as soon as i can get myself a venue sorted. And you no am going to be gettin in touch Mark once it is. It won't ever be the same but it will be good and hard. Updates as soon as i no more!!!!!!!!!

The Divide
29-10-2003, 01:01 PM
:rambo: :rambo: :twisted: :twisted: Wickid news

29-10-2003, 01:40 PM
It is a shame the Orbit has closed but new nights will come and go, some good and some terrible, but techno will continue. For all it's worth, The Orbit was a victim of it's own sucess in the way that the promoters were limited to the DJ's they could book. They could not book Derrick May or DJ Bone of Rolando because they aren't hard enough. The fact they play extraordinarily good techno is completely irrelevant. Hopefully the promoters of the Orbit can re-locate and with a bit of luck make a great success again but this time diversify the techno a bit. Keep the quality hard techno which it is known for but also bring in some new, fresh blood who know how to tap into the new sound which is coming out of Detroit and Europe. This will in the end make it a true techno night legend, just like Lost.

29-10-2003, 06:49 PM
It is a shame the Orbit has closed but new nights will come and go, some good and some terrible, but techno will continue. For all it's worth, The Orbit was a victim of it's own sucess in the way that the promoters were limited to the DJ's they could book. They could not book Derrick May or DJ Bone of Rolando because they aren't hard enough. The fact they play extraordinarily good techno is completely irrelevant. Hopefully the promoters of the Orbit can re-locate and with a bit of luck make a great success again but this time diversify the techno a bit. Keep the quality hard techno which it is known for but also bring in some new, fresh blood who know how to tap into the new sound which is coming out of Detroit and Europe. This will in the end make it a true techno night legend, just like Lost.

rolando and d.may both played orbit and rolando's nothing special anyway, loads of big obvious detroit tracks mixed competently.

a true techno legend? it's one of the 2 (with lost) most important clubs this country's ever seen. for ****'s sake check their history.

The Divide
29-10-2003, 07:41 PM
It is a shame the Orbit has closed but new nights will come and go, some good and some terrible, but techno will continue. For all it's worth, The Orbit was a victim of it's own sucess in the way that the promoters were limited to the DJ's they could book. They could not book Derrick May or DJ Bone of Rolando because they aren't hard enough. The fact they play extraordinarily good techno is completely irrelevant. Hopefully the promoters of the Orbit can re-locate and with a bit of luck make a great success again but this time diversify the techno a bit. Keep the quality hard techno which it is known for but also bring in some new, fresh blood who know how to tap into the new sound which is coming out of Detroit and Europe. This will in the end make it a true techno night legend, just like Lost.

I disgee on some of that, the main problems I found was the way the sceduled the harder djs on first and the weaker trancy prog stuff after. It was the weaker nights that croud just didnt want. Aphex twin got a beer bottle chucked at him on night (which sucks) coz he was playing some ruff neck breakbeaty stuff. Johness heil live got loads of complaints (which sucks coz hes on hell of an Artist/producer) I wasnt realy the kinda thing Orbit/morley people want, not after paying 15 quid in. Way I see it, theres plenty of Detroit house tech prog stuff about. If I wanted to hear that when I was out I would go to one of those kinda clubs. Sven vath went way too trance for me, still enjoyed the nite but it wasnt the Orbit.

Yeah more diversitys wickid, but its gotta be hard and dark at the end imo otherwise the people just leave early. I can remenber when no one would dare leave the place before the last tune coz something sick would be played, when the more funky djs played and people would just leave.

The best ones I thought where...

Speedy J, Billy Nasty, Surgen and Paul Damage and Regis live, Adam Beyer Ben sims. Dave clarke was good, CJ bolland was good till he decided not change his set and play the same records for about 4 years.

Oh and the ****ing residents night rocked too!!! It was only £7 in and it would be packed, why??? Because you knew it was going to be quality hard techno and no funny business. :twisted:

There was loads of wickid Orbits, the last one was ****in banging too, Surgen Damage Regis live. Everyone I spoke to that night was loving it, they should do another. :twisted:

The Divide
29-10-2003, 07:43 PM
:nono: Detroit start the night with it.

:twisted: <---- End the night with this

30-10-2003, 10:27 AM
I fully agree that the Orbit is renowned for playing hard and dark techno and I know D.May and Rolando both played there, I went to them both and it was at least 6 years ago. I knew what the Aphex Twin night was gonna be like so I didn't go. I know the history of the Orbit - I've been going there religously for 11 years and some of the best nights have been with Mills, Hood, May and of course Ben Sims. Who can forget the ROKU night - pure genius.

The Divide
30-10-2003, 07:58 PM
Its gone, done finito. I just wanted to know. Not gonna bother crying about it anymore. Time to move on, actually if anything I am more aware of the other nights that was going off. See you at Surgeon @ Techfresh if your going, I am and I cant ****ing wait, why? Coz I love it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

31-10-2003, 03:45 PM
Who can forget the ROKU night - pure genius.

I am totally f*cking gutted that I missed that night. Bollox. Still, I hear sims & broom have (or are) putting together a mix for leeds student radio next month, which should be wicked.

31-10-2003, 07:41 PM
The Roku night was awesome...

Ben was in simply brilliant form that night and the whole 2 mixer 6 deck thing worked really well...

31-10-2003, 07:46 PM
Don't miss it if you get a chance... :shock:

That was the last unforgettable night at the orbit i had (although nearly all of them were great)...

Happy memories... :cry:

Tobe Cypher23
20-11-2003, 06:31 PM
It is a shame the Orbit has closed but new nights will come and go, some good and some terrible, but techno will continue. For all it's worth, The Orbit was a victim of it's own sucess in the way that the promoters were limited to the DJ's they could book. They could not book Derrick May or DJ Bone of Rolando because they aren't hard enough. The fact they play extraordinarily good techno is completely irrelevant. Hopefully the promoters of the Orbit can re-locate and with a bit of luck make a great success again but this time diversify the techno a bit. Keep the quality hard techno which it is known for but also bring in some new, fresh blood who know how to tap into the new sound which is coming out of Detroit and Europe. This will in the end make it a true techno night legend, just like Lost.

I disgee on some of that, the main problems I found was the way the sceduled the harder djs on first and the weaker trancy prog stuff after. It was the weaker nights that croud just didnt want. Aphex twin got a beer bottle chucked at him on night (which sucks) coz he was playing some ruff neck breakbeaty stuff. Johness heil live got loads of complaints (which sucks coz hes on hell of an Artist/producer) I wasnt realy the kinda thing Orbit/morley people want, not after paying 15 quid in. Way I see it, theres plenty of Detroit house tech prog stuff about. If I wanted to hear that when I was out I would go to one of those kinda clubs. Sven vath went way too trance for me, still enjoyed the nite but it wasnt the Orbit.

Yeah more diversitys wickid, but its gotta be hard and dark at the end imo otherwise the people just leave early. I can remenber when no one would dare leave the place before the last tune coz something sick would be played, when the more funky djs played and people would just leave.

The best ones I thought where...

Speedy J, Billy Nasty, Surgen and Paul Damage and Regis live, Adam Beyer Ben sims. Dave clarke was good, CJ bolland was good till he decided not change his set and play the same records for about 4 years.

Oh and the **** residents night rocked too!!! It was only £7 in and it would be packed, why??? Because you knew it was going to be quality hard techno and no funny business. :twisted:

There was loads of wickid Orbits, the last one was **** banging too, Surgen Damage Regis live. Everyone I spoke to that night was loving it, they should do another. :twisted:

Heard that they were throwing coins at Aphex and spitting at him...I recon that the cunt liked it. :twisted: :lol:

imo the Orbit was the Majestics of Morley the crowd were into the club more than anything else. They won't go anywhere else the majority of em.

Just wish I could of flyered them cos I'm a flyer whore. The bouncers and club owners/'promoters weren't to keen on this idea. :roll:

First the QClub now this...think Dave's right.

How do we get younger people back into harder music? Any suggestions :?:

The Divide
20-11-2003, 07:14 PM
no man, its realy not that bad at all. I know loadsa people going to tech fresh from my area this friday and its quiet a trip. Its gonna be a ****ing avin it night....

Mike humphres
Ignition technition
Mark Turner

People are still wanting to go out, actually people are looking for something new now anyways. Get yer sen along.

20-11-2003, 07:16 PM
Not at all! Us Morley lot would go anywhere to the Orbit even if its not in MorleyWe go to loads of techno nights!

The Divide
20-11-2003, 07:16 PM
How do we get younger people back into harder music? Any suggestions

The younger people seem to be a bunch a wusses, wheres the teenage rebellion these days. i blame Bloody pop idol !!!

The Divide
20-11-2003, 07:19 PM
I think people are still into the hard still, I actually wanna here more punk techno crossover sounding stuff. If you know what I mean. Organised disorganisation. should be plenty of that at this surgen nite :rambo:

Tobe Cypher23
20-11-2003, 07:39 PM
no man, its realy not that bad at all. I know loadsa people going to tech fresh from my area this friday and its quiet a trip. Its gonna be a **** avin it night....

Mike humphres
Ignition technition
Mark Turner

People are still wanting to go out, actually people are looking for something new now anyways. Get yer sen along.

I will be down to this Fernando! Think there is a BO meetup there?

I'll bob in for a bit and then I'll be flyerin (cos I'm a whore ta tha flyer pimp :love: ). Won't be a heavy night cos I'm off ta Megadog on Sat (Ege Bam yassi, 808 state, Aaron Liberator etc)

What do ya mean people are looking for something new? New music style? Club?

I think hardstyle is a good medium for the younger gen. It's hard, pounding, uplifting, acidic and has elements from alot of genres. This is just what I believe. I'm handing out 100's of CD's to promote this. Trying to get a new style to people.

The Divide
20-11-2003, 07:45 PM
Wickid man hahaha, I will meet ya there. Hardstyles a good one for getting people out. Actualy I think all dance music that gets people outs wickid. Few people I know used to be into happy hardcore, then go into trance then techno. Its all good at the end of the day. Younger people need the ravey stuff. Hard house used to be massive, do you think hardstyles going to be the next hard house?

Actually I know very little about it, herd some stuff. Has the energy but not my kinda sound. Sall good at the end of the day. :cool:

The Divide
20-11-2003, 07:55 PM
What do ya mean people are looking for something new? New music style? Club?

The young dont seem as into it as when i started going out. I can remenber a shit loads of us at school going to the helter skelter!! Hahaha okey no one in the right mind wants a club full off little whipper snappers but it just shows how many people where getting into it back then. Nows ots pop idol and numetal and hip hop. Then again hahaha wtf i am on about. I just think theres less little shits into the rave/underground/club scene. All the people i know are still wanting to go out ave a ball so **** em

Tobe Cypher23
20-11-2003, 07:57 PM
Not sure mate. Some people think hardcore could be the new hard house (by this I mean the next sound that gets 5000+ people in one place). It's faster than HH but the thing is it could be too fast. Hardstyle might be big, its similar in speed but could be too hard for people ie those who don't like gabba kicks may not be keen, depends on the DJ imo...whether they just play mind numbing shite fer an hour.

Not sure if music is just the only reason. Recon it's the drugs and a whole host of other factors.

I hope Hardstyle will take off. Kinda has had a ropey introduction within some scenes with hardstyle DJ's being put on at the wrong time ie The Crow for the a last two hours of a hardcore night...kinda killed it (no names mentioned...you know who you are knobbas :rambo: )

Tobe Cypher23
20-11-2003, 07:58 PM
What do ya mean people are looking for something new? New music style? Club?

The young dont seem as into it as when i started going out. I can remenber a shit loads of us at school going to the helter skelter!! Hahaha okey no one in the right mind wants a club full off little whipper snappers but it just shows how many people where getting into it back then. Nows ots pop idol and numetal and hip hop. Then again hahaha wtf i am on about. I just think theres less little shits into the rave/underground/club scene. All the people i know are still wanting to go out ave a ball so **** em

It's true kids are being saturated with bland shite. ****in MTV

The Divide
20-11-2003, 08:09 PM
Some see sense tho, thats the real music headz

20-11-2003, 08:37 PM
This is the first thread that discusses the current music scene in the UK and doesn't blame piracy using napster-style software over the internet.

Henry, I really admire the volume of tracks you put out, nights you play and still have time to come to BAO. I've noticed how old people are at acid techno nights in London. Personally I like it because its like minded people but it does cause long-term decline as people go out less as they have kids etc. Its also probably the maturiting of the E culture that just doesn't appeal as much as it did in the 1990s. I've also noticed that clubs have become more moody.

20-11-2003, 09:13 PM
no man, its realy not that bad at all. I know loadsa people going to tech fresh from my area this friday and its quiet a trip. Its gonna be a **** avin it night....

Mike humphres
Ignition technition
Mark Turner

People are still wanting to go out, actually people are looking for something new now anyways. Get yer sen along.

i aint going fern. :cry: im going to need £40.00 min, and i just dont have it. im gutted because i really wanted to get down for this one. im still up for meeting up with u guys though, hopefully we can meet up when i have a little more money than i do now, or maybe meet up somewhere where it will cost a little less.

Tobe Cypher23
21-11-2003, 04:00 PM
I would of thought Soulseek would get more people into music as they have more access to a diverse range of sounds.

I understand how it affects the artist but I would not say that it is causing the decline in clubbing.

21-11-2003, 04:39 PM
im going along to this tonight, thought it was jon doe but it isnt but will be good to hear loads of wicked techno..


The Divide
21-11-2003, 05:38 PM
No amount of downloading will ever replace the fun from been in a propper avin it club :lol:

The Divide
21-11-2003, 05:40 PM
I will see you there Louk, should be a good one :twisted:

Tobe Cypher23
21-11-2003, 05:50 PM
Don't ferget me you two...

Apart from having one eye and looking like a muppet how shall I recognise ya Fernando? :lol:

The Divide
21-11-2003, 05:52 PM
hahhaha erm


no no only kidding. Skin headed guy, always at the front somewhere going for it. What time you gettting there?

Tobe Cypher23
21-11-2003, 05:56 PM
should be there about 11 or maybe at 1/2 ish (might have a few CD's ta burn :rambo: )

I'll have a skin head and wearing a red hustler t-shirt (only one clean.hehe), Normallu look like dis :shock:

The Divide
21-11-2003, 07:17 PM
wickid i will ave a dark red top on some jeans and prolly shoes coz i wanna go for some drinks in other places in Leeds. see yas there :cool:

Tobe Cypher23
21-11-2003, 07:23 PM
ya can get into most bars with trainers on. Find some places stop ya if ya wear shoes now :doh:

See ya both there amigos!

The Divide
21-11-2003, 07:24 PM
even better, I hate shoes!!! :lol:

21-11-2003, 08:29 PM
wicked see you all tonite.


The Divide
22-11-2003, 10:17 PM
That was wickid!!! I had a right nite :rambo:

Tobe Cypher23
23-11-2003, 05:49 AM
Yeah ****ing top night.

nice ta see ya again Louk!

Oh good ta see so many orbit heads! ;)

The Divide
23-11-2003, 12:42 PM
:lol: where the bloody hell was you? hahahaha. Yeah it was a top night, place was packed! I saw yeswehavetheright there. We ended up leaving early tho coz one of my mates was in a state :oops:

24-11-2003, 03:57 PM
Hi mate,
Yeah top night - was nicely packed out. Left about 3.15am though (way past my bedtime that is!!). Still up for showing me some production tips? Will text you later on.

24-11-2003, 08:54 PM
i was there for the whole nite in both rooms :)

tobe good to see you too mate and i'll catch up with you on friday.

