View Full Version : What Bitdepth & Sample Rate??

14-05-2007, 12:23 AM
this is has only recently been bugging me! im currently 44.1/16 and im happy enough. but sometimes a feel i should be getting more out of my mixes. i could put that down to still learning the game, but i cant help but think, is this the next logical step??

I am aware of the nasty algorithms with downsampling, but im not too worries about stuff going to CD really, if i can get a better mix than ill go with that.

i was reading on KVR, about upsampling too... theres some nice free software to upsample::


this is what one guy was saying to do, makes some sense!!

1. do your mix and whole production just like you've always done at 44.1 or 48khz. mix it to completion, finish off everything.
2. then take the absolutely *crucial* stems like main vocal, bass submix, drum bus, guitars and the rest and export those with no effects. (a good idea to save the channel/bus/plugin settings here)
3. upsample to 96khz with the best resampler available to you
4. start new 96khz project and import the stems.
5. you probably now have like 3-5 stereo busses to process and mix at 96khz and your machine can likely handle it just fine.

(6. might also be a good idea to render all those synths at 96khz now, but it all depends on whether they play important parts)

everything involving compression, saturation and EQing benefits, reverbs less so.

Jay Pace
14-05-2007, 02:52 PM
I work in 24bit, 44.1

Which seems to work fine, and its the format I'm asked to send to the mastering house so they can work their magic.

14-05-2007, 05:56 PM
This thread at k-v-r certainly stirred my interest. For the final render 96 Khz is nice. But it doesn't really work that well whilst producing, at least not here because of cpu stress.. Do some tests yourself, mate, i'd say. I do values kingston's opinion (for example), he's pretty knowledgeable i think!!!

15-05-2007, 10:01 AM
i dont see the sense of working on 44.1 than upsample to 96 and then downsample back to 44.1. personally i think 24bit, 44.1 is right enough.

15-05-2007, 01:22 PM
its so you can benefit from the higher quality effects processing (as he mentions EQ, compression and saturation) as well as introducing high quality recordings, which mmight be helpful for recording vocals or something!!

15-05-2007, 03:12 PM
if you want to benefit from higher quality efx processing, why not to work on 96khz right from the beginning.? there is no need to upsample and then downsample back to 44.1...
I think that the difference when switching from 16bit to 24bit will be well hearable. but i am not too sure about the result when working on 44.1 then 96 and then back 44.1... i think i will try it..
