View Full Version : My new tune

13-11-2003, 12:24 AM
ok i dont know if this really classes as trance but then i dont know what it does class at

someone told me i shud come on here and get your opinions so here i am

http://www.soundclick.com/util/Streamm3u.m3u?ID=683524&q=hi click teh link to hear a stream of my whole tune as it is now (needs a tad more i feel)
any feedback please email me missxs@missxs.co.uk

thank you very much for your time :cool:

15-12-2003, 02:00 AM

Barely Human
15-12-2003, 02:20 AM

My thoughts exactly!

Seroiusly tho, you are obviusly new to the production scene,(which is a good thing), and you could do with some pointing in the right direction.

For a start off, what are you using to make your tracks?

Things you need to consider are -

EQ - This may sound a bit patronising, but this is one of the fundemental peices of making a quality track. By seperating the frequencies of each instrument, so that each instrument is seperated frequncy wise from each other, and boosting the best qualities of each instrument, you will have a more balanced mix with the tinyest little detalis coming through.

Compression - This can make all the difference! Check out the numerous posts on it.

Song structure - Seams your songs arnt really structured in any way. Listen to a track you like and try to break it down into its components and where they are placed. Try to remake that track.

Effects - It doesnt sound like you have added any FX to your track. Reverbs and simple delays can add so much warmth to your track.

Levels - Make sure things dont come in too loud, or overpower other stuff.

I could go on for ages, but there really wouldnt be much point at this stage. If you have any specific questions, then im sure someone will be able to help you out :lol:

15-12-2003, 03:14 AM
feed me 10 pills and i would dance to it ;)

are u mad - u have your phone number on the net???

15-12-2003, 09:42 PM
im sorry i couldnt stop laughin when i heard this tune

Paul Nisbet
15-12-2003, 10:42 PM
im sorry i couldnt stop laughin when i heard this tune

bit ****in harsh mate.

Not here to put her off. Well done on having a go...

It imo, is all about going out. Finding ur fave artists and just listening hardcore to those peeps...

pretty sure, if u add IQ, WEZ and emotian commplex.... they will be more than happy to go thru techniques wi ya. All sound guys!

DJ Corbzy
16-12-2003, 01:01 AM
The only thing I can say is keep at it, it takes a lot of time and practice to get good at production.

I have been doing it for about 8 months now and I'm still shocking...

Please feel free to check my tunes...


16-12-2003, 02:41 AM
Oh my f*ckin god, I USED TO TALK TO U ON YAHOO !!!! thats weird that ur on here!

Do u remember me im Matt ?

U showed me u on BMP radio once mixing

Basil Rush
16-12-2003, 04:27 PM
are u mad - u have your phone number on the net???

It's important to have a phone number on the net if you want to get work .. just don't put your address there too that's my tip!

16-12-2003, 08:19 PM
bit **** harsh mate.

i no didnt mean any dis-respect but its the truth, its prob better than i do like, i dont no fuk all about makin tunes

Paul Nisbet
16-12-2003, 08:36 PM
bit **** harsh mate.

i no didnt mean any dis-respect but its the truth, its prob better than i do like, i dont no fuk all about makin tunes

If u dont know **** all mate, ur in no posistion to comment imo! We all ave to start somewhere...

16-12-2003, 10:19 PM
If u dont know **** all mate, ur in no posistion to comment imo! We all ave to start somewhere...[/quote]

ys that? just cos i cant make tunes dosent mean 2 say i dont no if its good or not does it, u think cos u can make them ur the only 1 who can make judgement on em.

16-12-2003, 11:15 PM
If u dont know **** all mate, ur in no posistion to comment imo! We all ave to start somewhere...

ys that? just cos i cant make tunes dosent mean 2 say i dont no if its good or not does it, u think cos u can make them ur the only 1 who can make judgement on em.

doesnt mean you can't judge something but in a constructive way, telling the person "im sorry i couldnt stop laughin when i heard this tune" isnt going to help there confidence in any way, blackout board rules ask you to be positive when posting views and this wasnt, ive listend to the tracks and while its clear she is new to making music its also clear she is taking the time to have a go which is the best way to learn.

I dont think she posted the tracks to be laughed at, this forum is for people on all levels and i expect she was seeking positive help and advice from members.

16-12-2003, 11:22 PM
If u dont know **** all mate, ur in no posistion to comment imo! We all ave to start somewhere...

ys that? just cos i cant make tunes dosent mean 2 say i dont no if its good or not does it, u think cos u can make them ur the only 1 who can make judgement on em.

doesnt mean you can't judge something but in a constructive way, telling the person "im sorry i couldnt stop laughin when i heard this tune" isnt going to help there confidence in any way, blackout board rules ask you to be positive when posting views and this wasnt, ive listend to the tracks and while its clear she is new to making music its also clear she is taking the time to have a go which is the best way to learn.

I dont think she posted the tracks to be laughed at, this forum is for people on all levels and i expect she was seeking positive help and advice from members.

ok sorry i admit i was being a bit harsh :oops:

16-12-2003, 11:23 PM
an a bit of a twat

16-12-2003, 11:50 PM
an a bit of a twat

fair do's mate, everyone makes mistake just dont let me catch u doin it again :nono: ;)

17-12-2003, 12:16 AM
sorry, but i don't know what to say :eh:

17-12-2003, 03:14 AM
the first posts on here were totally out of order.

this board is about positivity and showing ppl the light!!!!!!

k, so this track is not good. it's obvious... but if you want advice then you've come to the right place... fair play for trying...

now you must learn if you want to get anywhere :)

17-12-2003, 03:16 AM
there's loads of us willing to help - please dont take the judgement of the first few ppl...

17-12-2003, 03:20 AM
macca - rca etc please don't do this again guys... it took me a while to see this topic cause i was a little busy but this is totally not on. it took me 7 yrs to get to the level where i at least half understood making music. i still dont understand it. it's not easy. these forums were set up for ppl to help each other - not to laugh a ppl's first attempts!!!!!!

1 more time and you're banned.

Grr.. this has really upset me :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

17-12-2003, 03:42 AM
i feel sorry for Miss XS - she isn't goin to like the comments some ppl left for her. i mean wheres the 'constructive' criticism?. i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't bother coming back again at all. shame ...

Barely Human
17-12-2003, 04:02 PM
i feel sorry for Miss XS - she isn't goin to like the comments some ppl left for her. i mean wheres the 'constructive' criticism?. i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't bother coming back again at all. shame ...

Ive left her some pointers to get her going in the right direction! And she is quite welcome to ask me anything as im more than willing to help!

Remember - Everyone had to start somewhere! I can remeber when i sent a track to Mark, (i thought it was absolutly brilliant at the time), and he replied with some really good constructive critism. Although i couldnt see it at the time, his pointers really helped me get to the stage i am at now. :lol:

17-12-2003, 08:16 PM
I used to talk to her on Yahoo messenger, and shes a nice person

you right mark it was abit harsh saying things like that, infact its tight as f*ck!

17-12-2003, 10:01 PM
firstly what programme was it bulit on,
seams like your like me and just started out so youll be like me and be limited to whats available but there are plenty resources for free on the internet to boost tunes into something more.

You couldnt have come to a better place than this forum (dont be put off by ealier remarks)
i would have started to produce if i didnt join this forum.
People you could really do with talking to is a gentleman called wezentiger,
hes always sorted me out and im sure he can help you loads.

From my point of view your whole sounds need more reverb and atmosphere. There needs to be clearly defined structure aswell, dont rush in with the main section on the intro.

Using a softsynths is fine but if you want the real warmth from the sounds and authentic sounding shit then go for hard synths, stuff like EC uses, (i want a virsus c :neutral: )

I would really help more but ive got loads of work to do, ill send a better reply latters.

