View Full Version : XP Admin / Power users and running a dual setup on a PC

The Divide
13-11-2003, 11:53 PM
Can anyone help me out, I was wondering if its possible to run XP using 2 logins for 2 completly differant things...

One user... All things audio, sequencing and all that shit

2nd User AOL (sib) Internet firewall norton antivirus, Kazaa, microsoft office, Dreamweaver, flash, photoshop and all that crap you dont want on your audio pc.

I thought it was as simple as having 2 types of logins but have found its impossible with windows XP corp. This is because theres only 2 types of users, Administrator and restricted user..

Admin does everything

Restricted user cant install software but has an otion to install as admin user althought most my software wont allow installation such as office and AOL which staes you got to be the Administrator to install it. When you instalkl as admin it installs to both users.

Any ideas, its been weeks since I have been able to make a track now :cry: and want to get it decent.

I have been told that I need to use XP pro or home because it has a login called Power user or something and this was taken out for XP corp, not sure of its true and dont want to waste my time installing windows on again for nuffing.



Barely Human
14-11-2003, 12:10 AM
Hmmmmm....not to sure about xp, but on 2000 you can add new user groups by going, control panel/users and passwords, then click the advanced tab, then go into the group folder and make a new group, and then set the privelidges for that group. Then click on the user folder and asign the right person to the new group.

14-11-2003, 03:48 AM
Not a computer buff.. but I think what u need does actually require u 2 install 2 different XPs and a dual boot option at start up!

I have more than 1 user account on this net/ Sod*ing work XP and though it allows me 2 change a number of options I think (if my crapp* memmory doesn't betray me) u doesn't permit stuff like disabling printers, scanners, etc...

But it is fairly easy 2 try this last 1 for a size... from that u can be sure which is the best way 2 proceed!

Let us know the results!


The Divide
14-11-2003, 09:46 PM
I have decided to **** the internet off completly and run a pc thats for pure audio. Gonna run XP lite and remove some of the windows stuff too :lol: . Its just taking up the cpu and slowing things down in general. I wanna run this pc like a propper audio pc. like you say disable printers ect. Hey anyone formatting on XP should follow this....


Its realy good. Fairlwell for now. ;)

Barely Human
15-11-2003, 02:47 AM
Just install 2000 pro mate! Best windows ever created!

The Divide
17-11-2003, 01:20 AM

17-11-2003, 05:48 PM
Not really sure what benefit having 2 user accounts setup on XP (and especially 2000) really gives. Sure, you can configure the desktop settings differently, but not much more than that.
Things like disabling printers (done through the services applet in control panel) are global settings anyway, and would be applied regardless of who logs onto the machine.
The only "benefit" of having another user account setup on your PC at home (and with less rights than an Admin) would be to allow your little brother or whatever to use your PC and not f*ck it up or access any of your data!

So this leaves you with the following options:
- Change your settings on the fly (and reboot) to suit need.
- Dual/Multi boot, with a seperate hard disk for each windows install.
- Dedicated studio PC.

The later is clearly the best. I personally would never browse the web with a studio PC (even if it is dual boot and you were using the web-intended install) as if you pick up a virus or whatever then you could be well stuffed. Better to have a cheap less powerfull machine for web browsing, and keep your studio PC optimised and standalone.

The Divide
17-11-2003, 05:52 PM
Your right, If you brouse the net you need anti virus and firewall protection. Serious C.P.U are used to run them. Although having the internets great I say **** it off and dedicate te pc for audio. Less distraction too.

P.S Currently on my mums pc :lol:
