View Full Version : Logic users!! hardware newbee question from me #2

16-11-2003, 08:09 PM
OK so it occured to me that I might be able to use my oxygen8 as a midi interface. I looked in the user manual and indeed it says I can. I run Logic6.

Here's what I want to do, but I am too damn hardware ignorant to get all my stuff working. I want to sequence some drum loop on my mc303 and then, using my oxygen8 solely as a midi interface, trigger the mc303 to start playback from Logic so that I can record the loop onto a track in Logic, and have it all lined up on the Logic sequencer.

Until now, I have been just sequencing loops then recording them into the audio in on my mac. This is OK, but if I want to isolate the kick from the snares, etc., it means that I have to make seperate recordings onto seperate "audio" tracks in Logic and then line them up via the wave editor...this was a royal f--king pain.

thanks for all your help

16-11-2003, 11:26 PM
This might help.

1) You can have a hardware set up that will sync your 303 to logic using midi (see manual for "sync"). Then, program your beats into the 303's internal sequencer, and when you hit start on Logic, the 303 will play along in time (sync). Then, while the 303 is playing along, you can record the beats into logic. After that you can then sequence the recorded audio file.

2) You can have a hardware set up that will send midi data from logic into the 303. The midi data coming from Logic will trigger beats that are inside the 303. While logic is running, then, the beats being played back by the 303 can be recorded back into logic, and the recorded audio file can later be sequenced. If you like this option see 3.

3) If you have another midi port for your computer, plug in your Oxygen 8 and in the Logic Arrange Page highlight the midi track that coressponds to the 303. Now, when logic is not running, you should still be able to play notes on th Oxygen 8 and hear the beats being triggered in the 303 as a result of the midi data sent from Oxy8 via logic to the 303. From here:

a) Hit record in Logic, and record your midi data (played from Oxy8)
b) Playback your newly recorded midi (that is now triggering the 303)
c) Record the audio playing out of the 303 back into Logic and after, you can squence the recorded audio file.

17-11-2003, 04:01 PM

Yes! this is what I would like to do. Problem is that I can't make it work.

I have the Oxygen 8 plugged into the USB on the back of my laptop. I can use the oxygen8 as a controller for the synths in Logic so I know that it works for that. I have a MIDI cable from the midi out in the oxygen8 to the midi in on the mc303, and I have sound running from both my computer and the 303 to my mixer. This is how it says to set it up in the oxygen8 manual. I can control the 303 with the oxygen 8, BUT the sounds are not making their way back to Logic. The sounds are only being played through the audio coming from the back of the 303, not from my computer. Does this make sense? I hope I'm explaining ok.

I suspect this issue is very simple, and only requires cabling the midi instrument correctly in the Logic Environment window. Logic is really cool, but can be overly non-user friendly for DFU's.

it looks like the 303 runs on midi channels 1-10. 10 being the "rhythym part", and the others being "tone parts". I have created a midi track channel 10 and set the port to be my oxygen 8...and no luck...I'm just about out of ideas, and really tired of trying to get through the bible of a manual.

18-11-2003, 03:07 AM
I'm not sure you can run both usb and midi out of the Oxy8 at the same time. I think one or the other. If you can play the synths with usb then thats fine, but then you need to send the usb notes you play as midi from logic to the 303. You need a midi breakout box.



Plug the midi out from Oxy8 into logic, and then from logic back out to 303



Plug the midi from Oxy8 into the 303(midi in) and then midi from 303(midi out) into logic. Now, when you play midi on Oxy8 the midi data should register in Logic.


BUT the sounds are not making their way back to Logic. The sounds are only being played through the audio coming from the back of the 303, not from my computer.

The "sound" will only come out of the 303. You have to record the sound into Logic. Midi data can be sent from one device to another (and to another, if wanted). Read the manuals to make sure you have the internal settings correct on the 303. Manuals are your best friend (always) :cool:

Note: I think also in the Logic environment page you need to create a "multiinstrument" that has 16 midi channels. Rename the instrument 303. Then it should be availiable as an option in the arrange page.

Let us know

18-11-2003, 02:23 PM
Again thanks for your response.

I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to make this thing work. If anything, this time spent was useful because I learned a whole hell of a lot about cabling and midi in Logic's environment window.

I think that the problem may be lack of the right equipment...as you said. When you say "breakout box" do you mean also midi interface? I ordered an Emagic mt4 midi interface yesterday. It seems to me like the Oxygen8->USB->Logic->Mt4->303 is the way it should work. Also I would like to get a few more pieces of hardware (it's seems so much better to me than software...the sound/and the ease of use), and the Mt4 will allow me more midi outs from Logic than the oxygen8 would have were I able to make it work.

Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.

18-11-2003, 07:50 PM

I think the midi interface (same as breakout box) will do the trick for you.

Now, pump out da techno ;)

18-11-2003, 07:59 PM
i had a mc 303 years ago when i started out making tracks,
it was a right pain in the arse with midi!!!!!!
so i sold it
sell it and get a sampler ;)

18-11-2003, 08:55 PM
I got all to work!!

The prob. was definately that I did not have a midi interface. The Emagic mt4 works like a charm, very little issue.

I can trigger the mc303 from logic to start playback and record the audio from the 303 right onto a Logic "audio track". I can also record notes onto "midi" tracks, and make the 303 playback.

For simply recording 1 or 2 bars of kicks, snares, etc. (the bare bones of a song) the 303 will work just fine.

Messy- I have read that the mc303 is shit for midi...but, like you this is the first drum machine (hardware) that I picked up. I got it about a year ago, and haven't used it that much. Also, it is in good condition, and I only gave $125.00 for it (manual and power cord included). Now only if I could find and mpc2000 for $125.00...

18-11-2003, 09:22 PM
keep a look out for yamaha a series samplers
u can pick up the a3000 pretty cheap now.....i think that they are better than akai and better value. ...... but each to his own

19-11-2003, 08:52 AM
I think the 303 is mint to start out with as an all in one box. There are some issues concerning the midi that may or may not affect you depending on what you want to do outside of it. But honestly, as an all in one solution it was ****ing awesome. I really learned alot about creativity because once you mastered the box, there was, for me anyways, incredible simplicity between having an idea in my head and writing it out on the MC 303. You don't have to solve any problems if you just keep your music inside the box (and really, there is no reason you have to go outside). So, maybe its not pro hardware, but it can be uber-inspiring. Lets you quickly get on into the exploration of sound and sequencing.

I agree Yamaha samplers might be excellent samplers for the price they go for these days, but they, too, have their problems; so best know before hand what you're getting into if you go that route.
