View Full Version : Sidechaining in Cubase SX3

13-06-2007, 02:47 PM
Easy peeps i'm back once again with another production question. Basically i want to know how i can use sidechain compression in sx3 using uni-pressor? or any sidechaining vst?
I know how to connect it to a audio channel which i have a kick on, i then duplicate that audio channel with the kick on but what i want to know is how i can route the uni-pressor to the second channel so that when both are playing you can only hear one but the signal from one is routing to the one with the uni-pressor so i get that added effect on the kick from the uni-pressor?
Sos peeps i'm not explaining very well but i have got a vid from a mag where Bk sidechains using logic & a different compressor than the one i'm using its here
you might need quictime to watch it that's here
please have a look & help please!!!

13-06-2007, 02:52 PM
Right, you need to use surround sound busses. I cant really explain it too well, the way I learned is to google for Sidechaining in SX3 and watch some of the videos.

If you get really stuck let me know, I'll make some screen shots.

13-06-2007, 03:03 PM
TC Native FTW.

Easy, job done.

13-06-2007, 03:11 PM
1. Create group channel (choose Quadro instead of Stereo in the Configuration field)
2. Insert one of these plugins: Voxengo Crunchessor, Kjaerhus GUP-1 or Kjaerhus GAG-1
3. Route main signal to the group's channels 1-2
4. Route key signal to the group's channels 3-4

13-06-2007, 03:12 PM
TC Native FTW.

Easy, job done.

It is easy but there is a latency with TC. While using quadro groups you have zero latency.

13-06-2007, 03:35 PM
It is easy but there is a latency with TC. While using quadro groups you have zero latency.
Doesn't SX3 have full PDC?

13-06-2007, 04:07 PM
Doesn't SX3 have full PDC?

my fault. yeah Sx3 have full PDC. I just heard there can be some latency with TC. sorry for confusion.

13-06-2007, 04:23 PM
No worries... you may well be right.

I haven't really used Cubase since SX1.

13-06-2007, 05:25 PM
I use DB Audioware Dynamics Processor

what I do is if i want to sidechain anything with the kick do it as follows.

1) Get a kick, and put a DB Audioware plugin on it, alter the threshold and ratio and make the kick signal be the SEND signal A (by changing the SEND to A)
2) Add A Group channel
3) Get a drumloop or whatever and route that to the group you just created
4) Add the DB Audioware plugin on the group channel and get that to RECEIVE signal A (by changing the Receive to A)
5) Play with the Ratio, Threshold and Gain to get a pumping sound.

Normally I turn the threshold way down (to approx -25 DB) and turn the ratio up to around 16:1 and turn the Gain up to give a nice pumping effect.

This doesnt have to be with a Kick and a Drumloop can be with anything ie a Kick and a Synth


15-06-2007, 02:57 PM
I have major issues with TC works' plugins. IMO they sound pretty average even compared to freeware plugins, and most importantly the side chainer somehow doesn't seem to relink to the corerct compressor when I reload a project. Plus as mentioned, there's latency. Avoid it.
