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ok what are your top 3 cluster tunes?
me an pat dsp dusted off our cluster collections to decide the other night cause we were bored
i came up with
smog blanket - arkensas
a & e dept - the cure
dawn patrol - bleed nipples
but then again i own them all except for 2 of them and my favorites shift all the #5, #2, VU meter, international hi-hat, lost deciple etc all rule its a real tough call
i only own 2 cluster records :oops:
dan the acid man
20-11-2003, 08:00 PM
what is soul by temperature drop
frontier by digital destroyer
and number 50 cant remember who its by or what its called but the tune with the woman singing on it is the one i like, i,ve got a bloody crap memory, sorry
^ mosquitos tweeter by temperature drop
dan the acid man
20-11-2003, 09:09 PM
cheers for that, thats the one, i love that tune
21-11-2003, 12:17 AM
^ mosquitos tweeter by temperature drop
ooooh.....totally sick...this song makes me cry one goodness
top 3 cluster records????
mosquito´s tweeter
you dont stop
21-11-2003, 02:46 AM
Without a doubt Chicago Loop and Chicago Loop II - love them
Si the Sigh
21-11-2003, 09:07 AM
1) Ant & K.N - Fast Track. (best track i've bought this year :clap: )
2) Temperature Drop - What is Soul? (absolute classic! :cool: )
3) EZ Riders - Chopper / Grifter. (another classic in my opinion ;) )
i was looking at a review on exciter corps - a day at the races (also one of my fav's) and it went a little something like this "geezer and up and coming producer who goes by the name of Ant colaberate to blablabla"
"up and coming"
boy were they right on that hey
i like the cluster54 by ant...u dont stop.
number 50 by temperature drop...
and 55 by patrick and android.....
this guys r doing some good stuffss.....
22-11-2003, 03:25 PM
Cluster 51 Co-ax - Coke/Phaser
Cluster 50 Dawn Patrol - Two Lerchers and a Chromie
Temperature Drop - Mosquitoes tweeter
Cyborg X - Voodoo Unit
22-11-2003, 04:50 PM
33 / pile driver - pulse meter (WHY DONT YOU PLOD OUTSIDE?)
cluster 3 - cyborg x - big moog (CONTROL YOUR MIND)
CLUST 34 / temperature drop - icepick (DRIVING IT DEEPER INTO YOUR MIND)
Clust 29 Ez rider - Grifter / both side (HAVE A RIDE IF YOU THINK YOURE OLD ENOUGH)
classics for me. ;)
23-11-2003, 02:40 AM
i like the cluster54 by ant...u dont stop.
number 50 by temperature drop...
and 55 by patrick and android.....
this guys r doing some good stuffss.....
that´s my good friend rod....same opinion of myself....this guy rox...haaha
cheers rod
23-11-2003, 04:59 AM
Around 32, the one with the cowbell action goin on is definetly a classic isnt it?
Top class
06-12-2003, 12:16 AM
IMO even the first Cluster tracks stand the test of time due to good imagery, raw production techniques, and spirit. Many have mentioned "What is Soul" (good god, we should be bored stiff halfway through but we're not: why? how is this working?) and in that same era Digital Destroyer's "Frontier" and The Shredder's "Gravel" are standouts.
not a lot of fluff on this lable, is there? hell, why we're at it: "mid-life" Cluster faves:
Piledriver "VU Meter"
Smog Blanket "Arkansas"
A&E Dept "The Cure"
and "later in life" Cluster blasts:
Weathermen "Phat Phunk Phreak"
The Cluster 50 double (why the cover art though? ahh, why not)
and Creeper's " Psychedleic Shack" is still doing it for me
just curious if anyone has strong opinions on the latin-flavored material that was released.
11-12-2003, 12:22 AM
well, personally I am of the strong opinion that one must have four favorite cluster releases.
1. international hi-hat.
2. 2 lechers and a chromie
3. what is soul
4. volta ao preto (cluster 46. BACK ON BLACK! BACK ON BLACK!!! BOOM-TSS-RAHH)
top stuff.
Paul Zykotik
11-12-2003, 12:07 PM
Not easy to answer at all :?
I would go for (in no order)
Exciter Corps - A Day At The Races
A&E Dept - The Cure
The Fuzz - A2 & A3 off the Killer Squad EP (alright that's four, but I couldn't split these two)
11-12-2003, 02:03 PM
In no real order...
Chicago Loop "WAV.Style"
Ivan David + Ronaldo Vetro "Volta Ao Preto"
CO-AX "Coke"
... although there's bound to be earlier ones I can't remember the name of right now ;)
i like the cluster54 by ant...u dont stop.
number 50 by temperature drop...
and 55 by patrick and android.....
this guys r doing some good stuffss.....
that´s my good friend rod....same opinion of myself....this guy rox...haaha
cheers rod
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