View Full Version : What the deal with squat parties?

20-11-2003, 08:17 PM
Just wondered what everybodies experience of squat parties was? The last one I went to was in Old Ford between Bow and Stratford in an old furnature factory in about 1998. They had 4 sound systems: industrial, acid techno, Tekno/hard acid and hard step. Fantastic tunes but all the fire escapes were nailed shut, there was no water not even for sale just vodka. No toilets, shed loads of rubble and dust and minial light systems. It just gave me the fear. They eventually opened the main roller door that went into a small fenced court yard with dog/human shite all over the floor.

Are they normally this bad? Any top tips?

dan the acid man
20-11-2003, 08:24 PM
there not usually this bad in my experiences but i try to find out in advance if anyone has been to the organisers parties before, that way you can tell wether safety is an issue or not

21-11-2003, 05:44 PM
Sounds like a particularly nasty party! I've been to a few dodgy ones, but I've never been anywhere that didn't have either water or at least beer for sale ;)

There's a good one on this weekend

http://www.squatjuice.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Announce;action=display;num=10676226 52

with Ant, Justin Swales, James Kinetec and hardcore from Industrial Strength Records... well technically it's in a licensed venue but it's by squat party systems and I doubt it's going to be "clubby".

There's another one next weekend with Mark EG, Jeff Amadeus, James Kinetec and others which has been posted about in the techno events section as well..

http://www.squatjuice.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Announce;action=display;num=10684331 68

There've been a lot of sound systems I've had a decent time with, usually end up at Malfeiteurs or Manik parties though. Try Tribe of Munt, Stinky Pink, Ravenous or Section 63.

21-11-2003, 06:17 PM
squat/free party=my fav place to party :)
i luv em all!
been to some shitty dirty ones, been to some down right dangerous venues, but also been to some amazing places and done things you wouldnt get to do in a club/rave enviroment.. makes it that lil bit more special.
i do much prefer the parties outside of london, they generaly are safer (from dodgey people and dodgey venues...) but a good system/crew running the party and all should be OK. havent been to Bristol or South West or anywhere further then Northampton really... is a thrieving scene round bucks/beds/northants/TVP areas thankfully.

21-11-2003, 07:30 PM
um sounds like shit where u went. i go to a few each weekend and they r normaly fine.

last week one had really good lazers and was about 40k. few rigs had hooked up. loads going on in london each week.

21-11-2003, 10:05 PM
There's another one next weekend with Mark EG, Jeff Amadeus, James Kinetec and others which has been posted about in the techno events section as well..

http://www.squatjuice.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Announce;action=display;num=10684331 68

Do they post a phone number nearer the time or do you just have to be in the know.

22-11-2003, 01:32 AM
That one's this party


which is guest list only... send them an email and you'll get the phone number closer to the date I guess. Or you could PM dirty_bass on this board about it :)

22-11-2003, 02:43 AM
sounds like you went to a really bad one..I went to a malfaiteurs / manik party somewhere in hackney recently (london bods help me out here....) and it was kicking, safe........the worst bit was getting a taxi to the nearest tube to do the walk of shame... but going to a party like you describe where there's no water - thats against the geneva convention isn't it?

22-11-2003, 03:23 PM
If anyone's coming down to the party next Saturday night let me know, we'll have to meet up inside... if I'm not too caned ;)

22-11-2003, 09:42 PM
jiz mate. I'm gonna try and pop along tonight to check it out, depending where it is

:twisted: twisted, init

24-11-2003, 01:03 AM
Camden, Den Haag, berlin...

squat parties everywhere, generally as a rule I dont accept anything off of any crusty types or drink the "water" thats usually handed around. Did that once and it all went very wrong. But generally you have a good time, just be ready to take a couple of days out of your life in case it goes on and on ( which doesnt really happen nowadays.. )

24-11-2003, 12:26 PM
"The last one I went to was in Old Ford between Bow and Stratford in an old furnature factory in about 1998"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

If it was around November, this was actually the old Piano Warehouse in Bow. It was Immersion's!! ****ing excellent party man!! Proper full bore trailer/caravn bods and endless rooms. Particularly loved immerison's live set and I think Audio Pancake as well...

Funny this one cos there was a whole Greek family (4 generations) with the Great-Granma being about 65 and the youngest being 16.. (they were all racking up K on the speakers) :clap: :clap: :clap:

However, I do agree that this was a bit on the "rock&roll" side with tons of "neds" turning up on Sunday morning to "kick off" the proceedings by nicking all that was available and flashing blades at wearly battered party heads!!

25-11-2003, 04:41 PM
we run free parties over the course of the summer up here in scotland(edin) we tend to flyer a couple o weeks b4 with email and info line.....luv a free fukin party!


The Divide
25-11-2003, 10:21 PM
Is there ever any free partys in Leeds? ;)

25-11-2003, 10:22 PM
I played at two squat parties about three or four years ago and to me it was a great kind of underground experience; the place was an anarchist/punk squat and they held a sort of benefit event - I was totally happy to see the punks dance madly to the techno I was playing cos I used to play guitar in a few hardcore-punk bands and I still remember how totally powerful and cool techno sounded when I first heard it... The people were going mad! Unfortunately, the police came (twice in one night) and on the second time we were forced to stop the party... Great experience, though.

26-11-2003, 05:01 PM
sounds like you went to a really bad one..I went to a malfaiteurs / manik party somewhere in hackney recently (london bods help me out here....) and it was kicking, safe........the worst bit was getting a taxi to the nearest tube to do the walk of shame... but going to a party like you describe where there's no water - thats against the geneva convention isn't it?

malfaiteurs know what they are doing, as do manik. However, you always get a few wankers wherever you go, some guy the other week decided it would be a good idea to smack me in the face for no apparent good reason, so I had to leave. But then you get that worse at the pub I s'pose. I love a good squat party. Went to a fat ravenous/section 63 party in seven sisters last w/e, stayed a loooooong time :clap:
fat 30k rig there was, loudest clearest thing I think I've ever heard, beautiful sound quality and so loud my head is still vibrating!
really friendly up for it crowd aswell.

I will defo be at the party on saturday, most probs somewhere in the vicinty of spiralx, both of us most likely dancing like deranged baboons as per usual :lol:
