View Full Version : Brad Lee "thinking in Circles"

14-11-2007, 09:53 PM
Ok, well have posted this before but updated it now...Might do one more mix...but arrangement is done....


Hope you guys like it...Just something for the dancefloor..

15-11-2007, 02:35 PM
downloading, wil leave feedback

15-11-2007, 04:28 PM
Gnarly, I used to really dig this kind of stuff.
Nice tune.

Production wise:

Everything in this is very narrow, and constrained. Possibly over zealous compression, but it`s totally killed all the dynamics leaving a very very flat mix that woudln`t translate well to vinyl.

Your top end could be brighter and more airy.
The low end seems over cut and there is little sub presence.
The mid range is exceedingly busy due to the contrained nature of the mix, and could do with opening up. A more acurate use of EQ and some stereo panning would help.
As seems to be a constant with your stuff the mix in this is particularly cold, and lacking much analog feel, leading to ear fatigue. The best way to combat this is to use more synths and less samples, but if this is not possible, then using fx to add a little "wetness" to certain sounds will help.
Try using
stereo expansion
tape saturation
valve type compression
and subtle velocity changes

these will help to add life to repeated, static sounding samples.

There`s some nice synth that comes in at 3:15 but it has no room to breath (if it is indeed a synth, rather than sample), and if treated right this synth could give much needed warmth to the tune.
Maybe relax the low cut on this synth a little to allow more warmth.

Also there`s some really painful resonance that hits at times, which would leave that tell tale ear ringing on a rig. I`ve not run a spectrum over it, but try a little cut at about 16k to relax this a little.

15-11-2007, 07:21 PM
Yeah I still do it the same way Steve. Even if I use a vst item, I bounce it down to audio then reimport it back into the project after some edit work. All of my percussion is always just single hit samples programmed then run thru their own fx buss and channel in the mixer. I suppose I'll see what happens with the mix again......

Glad you would have liked the tune at one time...Crack me up Steve.

15-11-2007, 07:43 PM
Still like it mate, Just not the main type of ting I`m into now

15-11-2007, 08:04 PM
Just did another quick mixdown Steve...Please give me your opinion. I think one piece of my percs needs to come down in volume still...but do you think mix sounds a bit wider and such now? I'm sure I fixed most of that high end ring....Seems to have worked cutting 16k on the master.

Here is the second mixdown version.....


Be about 10 more minutes of upload time...

15-11-2007, 10:22 PM
meh...going to take them both down...now I'm just not happy at all with the mix...

16-11-2007, 09:33 AM
Ok, well so even if your using vsti you are bouncing down to audio at some point. that shouldn`t be too much of an issue then, in temrs of the static nature of your sound.

You said you were grouping your percussion?
I would suggest each sound getting it`s own EQ treatment etc for better separation. Grouping should really only be used in special circumstances, or maybe I`ve just got what you meant all wrong.

I think essentially the poblem may well be down to a few things.
1. You are compressing all the expression and dynamics out of the mix, which could well account for the boxy sound and crushed mid range-centric nature of the mix.
2. Quality of EQ`s you are using. You might be using some cheap sounding EQ that is adding distortion into the mix.
3. Running everything too hot? Are all your mixer channels running into the red? This won`t help the sound much.

16-11-2007, 08:31 PM
links down brad

16-11-2007, 11:24 PM
Yes sir...I'm going to mix it down again mate. I'll link you homie...

BTW, add me to the MSN as well....


21-11-2007, 06:25 PM
post it up B-Rad, i wanna hear it :)
