View Full Version : Any plugins out there that emulate SPL's Transient Designer?

09-12-2003, 02:30 PM
Does any1 know any signal processing plug ins that can do something similar to ...

SPL's Transient Designer 4 Model 9842...

"...The Transient Designer allows you to emphasise or smooth the attack and extend or shorten the sustain. For the first time it is possible to shape the dynamic path of a signal as you want, as if for example you were changing the microphone distance and position after the recording has been made.

With no effort you can shorten or lengthen the attack of all kinds of percussive signals, such as the bass drum, snares, toms, congas etc. to give them more kick, or to flatten the signals. It’s almost like being able to change the amount of drum damping after the recording. The same applies to virtually any other signal: Amplify or reduce the picking sound of an acoustic guitar, hold the sound of the strings longer, reduce the reverbtime of a choir, compress solo vocals, increase intelligibility, actuate the piano pedal “electronically”, turn down the slapbass a notch or give it even more attack, etc. ..."


11-12-2003, 08:02 PM
thats a good call ze i have been thinking about one of these for a while but i havn't had a chance to speak to anyone who has bought one, seems like a pretty bold statement they are making with what you can do with it.

11-12-2003, 08:08 PM
how cow sounds like a good idea. would work wonders on kicks i reckon.

11-12-2003, 11:44 PM
yeah ive been dribbling over the hardware version for a bit.. unfortunatly you are normally the man to know about all the new shiz ZM so if you dont know of the soft equivalent then there probably aint one! (a decent one anyhow)
drop us a mail if you do find one tho ol' buddy ol' pal ;)

11-12-2003, 11:45 PM
i read a review of it somwhere quite a while ago by the way, probably sos, and i remember them saying it really comes to life on drums.. so i guess that means it can do what it claims.

11-12-2003, 11:46 PM
is there a website?

11-12-2003, 11:50 PM
here is an old sos article on one.. im pretty sure there is a quite recent version though. This one is 1998

http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/oct98/articles/spltransient.html?session=574052596ee49995bd460863 21f93f06

11-12-2003, 11:51 PM
'ere we go:


11-12-2003, 11:54 PM
thanx jim - great.

14-12-2003, 04:11 AM
Lol... OK I generally have 2 b on the look out 4 the new stuff with the shop' n all...

I know some of the harmonizer and similar products r finding they're way into software so ... !? :(

when ever I have a very dead kick or summin' what I do is use an exagerated comp with a slight mid short attack and a big reduction ration, but still it aint the same :(

I have used in the past the amp eg on my trusted old Yamaha CS15 but while the dirt and dirtorted output can suit some stuff It ain't aproppriate for most things...
I've also tryed using volume automation 2 shape some stuff but most of time is hard for a seq. 2 keep up .. so u have 2 bounce 2 audio and keep doing that till it works!


Basil Rush
15-12-2003, 03:09 AM
Sony Oxford have a plugin. Not managed to get the demo to work yet mind you, been meaning to give them a call, sound dead handy...

Basil Rush
15-12-2003, 03:16 AM
If you've got something with very uniform levels in the first place a compressor might be just find for adding or removing transients. But if you've got something like a percussion loop with say loud kicks and snares and quiet hats then a single compressor probably won't work at all.

So you could try this messed up idea ...

1. Squash the life out of your loop with a compressor, real fast attack quite fast decay, high ratio,

2. get another compressor and use it to put attacks back on the sounds

3. Use an expander (some gate plugins will do this) and drive it with a side chain from the original signal and use it to put the dynamics back.

... i've never used the 3rd step in anger yet. Reaktor might be a good tool for building this thing, might give it a go tomorrow or something because i've been wondering how those transient designer things worked for a while ...

and there's a waves plugin in the transform bundle that i have heard that's prety impressive on drum loops ... probably works on some synth parts pretty well too..

15-12-2003, 01:30 PM
True there is some new pluggos from Waves on the transform bundle that might just do this but I haven't tryed ' em properly ! :(

But yes I remember the new ones have some sort of transient shaping stage! That's I had forgotten about this...

Your Idea sounds wicked! :)


Basil Rush
15-12-2003, 06:30 PM
and bizarrely enough it actually works, just tried it, can't imagine that it's as good as the dedicated plugin, but it's an interesting toy anyway, just done it with a drum loop and two RCompressors and a C1 gate with a sidechain from a copy of the original loop, mental!

16-12-2003, 12:24 PM
gotta find some time 2 fiddle with it! :)


Basil Rush
16-12-2003, 04:31 PM
Oh wow - try this though, this one is easy. Ram a distortion plugin over a break beat, wind it up till you get a mess. Then stick a C1 Gate plugin after it, choose Expand, set the thing up so it's being driven by a copy of the original loop via a side chain ... instant loony distortion on the drums but keeping all the original dymanics ...

16-12-2003, 07:04 PM
STOP rubbing it in m8!!! ;) ehehehe jus kiddin really...

I won't b able 2 get 2 it b4 friday...


17-12-2003, 10:16 AM
the spl is found in the pulsar [www.creamware.de] it's included in the mix package.

hope it helps
