View Full Version : who are the top earners in techno?

07-01-2008, 09:00 PM
and how much do they charge?

dave clarke, richie hawtin and adam beyer?

just curious like

08-01-2008, 01:34 AM
not sure about now but I supported dave clarke in a 500 - 700 capacity club in 2001 and he got 2 grand....

The Overfiend
08-01-2008, 01:56 AM
The Distributors..................

08-01-2008, 02:41 AM
The Distributors..................

If only that were true, and they weren`t dropping like flies.

08-01-2008, 08:45 AM
not sure about now but I supported dave clarke in a 500 - 700 capacity club in 2001 and he got 2 grand....

Wonder how much his ceeeegar rider was...:Yes:

08-01-2008, 08:55 AM
want a real laugh......tht cnunt TIESTO wanted 14K to play in Scotland about 3-4 yr ago......a club owner up near ma bit went to book him and he was booked up a whole yr in advance......CRAAAAZY money

aint techno but a thot a would throw tht one in

08-01-2008, 10:08 AM
clarke or mills id say.

Mucky Beats
08-01-2008, 11:09 AM
carl cox is the most then people like hawtin i think. gotta think tho these people headline festivals and make people big money.... trouble is if you where a dj and knew someone would pull 10,000 people off you playing and make 50 k profit wouldnt you want 15k to play? it just makes it harder for us in the underground side to get the big names as they can get big money week in week out round the world... i say good on them if they can get it as look at how much bands our i looked into a world famous dance group for one of the big clubs in ibiza last year and was told 100k plus all extras ! for 2hr set ! Also think alot goes off size of club as many djs will come down in price but to be fair must be hard to drop a massive amount as they get use to having that level of money coming in. i do think techno djs are some of the best for dropping there fee's for smaller clubs as tend to remeber there roots and that techno is only so big in uk and lot of out side uk djs really love playing hear.

08-01-2008, 11:21 AM
I would say Mills.

08-01-2008, 11:56 AM
Tony Blackburn

08-01-2008, 12:09 PM
Tony Blackburn

damn right mate, you're not gonna get him, cheap these days, especially after 'celebrity' :lol:

Mucky Beats
08-01-2008, 12:32 PM
I would say Mills.

yeh think he is one of top earners .... just remebered Sven Vaith he is maybe biggest these days

08-01-2008, 12:44 PM
damn right mate, you're not gonna get him, cheap these days, especially after 'celebrity' :lol:

Now thats hardcore techno.

So hardcore hes gone out of the other side and has become so underground hes overground. keeping it on the low in the light.

Jay Pace
08-01-2008, 03:39 PM
Fees change a bit depending on how much hassle the gig is.

If someone wants to fly you to the other side of the world to play, take up 4 days in travelling etc they are damn well going to pay you for it. If its a gig round the corner at a club you like and its good fun and the promoters look after you its can be a different story.

08-01-2008, 04:19 PM
Had an offer for Dave Clarke accepted last year for 3 and a half g.

Got quoted 3g for christian Varela.

Mauro Picotto (wouldnt call him techno anymore, if he was atall) wanted 5 and a half g, 2 5 star hotel rooms 2 first class flights, and a personal driver or limo for the day, what a ****ing piss take

Would imagine coxy is about the most expensive, as he plays mostly big venues.

08-01-2008, 04:36 PM
a certain guy from slovenia apparently got 15k for nye party last week...

Alan Oldham
08-01-2008, 06:04 PM
A lot of big names don't make the money per gig that you think they do. It's not the '90s anymore.

08-01-2008, 09:35 PM
thats true - I know one well known name who will play for half what he was getting 10 years ago....which considering inflation must suck!

08-01-2008, 09:56 PM
yeah, mainstream Trance DJs make crazy money. the names you see listed on compilations like GU make like 30k for some gigs. at that level, it's a business transaction. certain names could show up and shite on the decks to a positive crowd reaction.

11-01-2008, 12:26 AM
Mills played locally a few years ago and irc he got £9k + flights, hotels, rider and a fairly costly tech rider...

11-01-2008, 12:32 AM
a certain guy from slovenia apparently got 15k for nye party last week...

My mate tony?

11-01-2008, 12:33 AM
Mills played locally a few years ago and irc he got £9k + flights, hotels, rider and a fairly costly tech rider...

An album cover

or my fav version

anal bum cover.

Sorry, had to get that in...

11-01-2008, 01:59 AM
yeah, mainstream Trance DJs make crazy money. the names you see listed on compilations like GU make like 30k for some gigs. at that level, it's a business transaction. certain names could show up and shite on the decks to a positive crowd reaction.

Paul vn Dyke charged £15k to play at the Koko Club in Camden, London - - pulled in about 2500 people... we reckon the promoters won't have come out with much from that,enough for a fish supper was the word.. and they even said themselves that he wasn't worth that much...:whoops:

I think it's just greed and as you say it's completely a business transaction...

11-01-2008, 03:36 AM
Paul vn Dyke charged £15k to play at the Koko Club in Camden, London - - pulled in about 2500 people... we reckon the promoters won't have come out with much from that,enough for a fish supper was the word.. and they even said themselves that he wasn't worth that much...:whoops:

I think it's just greed and as you say it's completely a business transaction...

it does seem a lot - but when you think about it's probably 15 quid to get into the club - I make that 37.5 grand on the door....22.5 grand more than they paid him.....how could they not have made money?

11-01-2008, 05:09 AM
it does seem a lot - but when you think about it's probably 15 quid to get into the club - I make that 37.5 grand on the door....22.5 grand more than they paid him.....how could they not have made money?

They have to hire the venue, which definitely don't come cheap and the meanest door staff in the world must have cost a bit too... horrid men :upset:

Promotion in all the DJ Mags don't come cheap either - - it's a bigger game as you know so the relative percentage return's become 'fish suppa' in size...

I wasn't going to see Paul vDickus by the way, before you all strike me off as wearing panty liners, a friend of mine runs High Heels and Minimal who run the bar room musac...:rurazz:

11-01-2008, 06:46 AM
i think you left these behind little fella:


11-01-2008, 06:50 AM
They're not mine!!!

...mine have wings for dancing like... :ohdear: :rurazz:

11-01-2008, 02:54 PM
They're not mine!!!

...mine have wings for dancing like... :ohdear: :rurazz:


11-01-2008, 04:22 PM
well it's obvious isn't it?

I am the top earner in techno

yes folks it's ME ME ME ME !!!!!!!!!! all the way !!!!!!!!

i have regular dinner evenings with my bank manager and his lovely wife
and we discuss how i could possibly buy the continent of Africa and save all the starving children etc

but you know....

i can't be arsed with all that goody goody bullshit stuff !no bleeding hearts here mate , I EARN my money properly and NO-ONES going to take it away from me.

yes it's good old hard work that gets me paid.....

In fact it's a bit like working in the street for a construction company digging ditches all day in the rain and coming home stinking of sweat and tar and dirt and piss.

Only it's more like getting paid a years wages in a night for poncing around in nice shirts and flash cars and having posh birds try to suck my cock all the time , while i play records made by the blood and tears of incredibly talented but horrendously underpaid musicians , who i occasionally mention in MY blog on MY space while i talk about MY self...i mean talk about work work work.....i just never stop.

no i'd just rather get sent all my records for free
wake up at 4pm
take the odd call from the label manager and the agent
who tell me where the next pay check is coming from.
and get on the internet and watch my bank balance iiiiiiincrease in real time

kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!kerr-ching !!!!!


according to the daily mirror
73% of the country are finding this month hard to make ends meet.

11-01-2008, 04:51 PM
On the money there. :)

11-01-2008, 04:58 PM
Adam Beyer is looking for €4000

11-01-2008, 05:23 PM
Adam Beyer is looking for €4000

he can keep looking
if he left it on the bus home he'll never get it back.

11-01-2008, 05:29 PM
I`m looking for 4000 too
If anyone finds it, it`s mine, not adams, it fell out of my pocket.

11-01-2008, 05:33 PM
played a gig with rackitt and wilko over here.. it was the revolution night after the one we played at H..

anyway, we had the room packed all night and got the usual couple of quid each.. lisa lashes headlined the hard house room (which had about 30 people in it at most) but the slag still got near 5000 and a 5 star hotel room.. AND an extra plane ticket for her gay record bag carrier..

i think rackitt gave her some abuse though so it was worth it.

cat fight.. rachel rashes vs lisa lashes :lol:

11-01-2008, 06:54 PM
played a gig with rackitt and wilko over here.. it was the revolution night after the one we played at H..

anyway, we had the room packed all night and got the usual couple of quid each.. lisa lashes headlined the hard house room (which had about 30 people in it at most) but the slag still got near 5000 and a 5 star hotel room.. AND an extra plane ticket for her gay record bag carrier..

i think rackitt gave her some abuse though so it was worth it.

cat fight.. rachel rashes vs lisa lashes :lol:

yeah thats the one right there
seen that situation so many times before it's not funny

and when you're the guy thats got the people moving and your going home with a fraction of the main djs wages
it does irk you somewhat.

but thats the way it is , to be honest half of those people probably WERE in there because of lashes , they just found your room more exciting
maybe they though rachel WAS lashes
i wouldn't be surprised

a club story:

i was down in newport in wales once
and some girl was really hassling me to sign her rather large tits
she hassled and hassled and hassled me for drugs and to sign her tits
until eventually i said:
so i signed her tits and gave her back the marker pen and looked at her like:
and she turned to her mate and said:
what does that say?
her mate said:
dave the drummer
and she said:
who's he?

i rest my case

11-01-2008, 06:59 PM
a club story:

i was down in newport in wales once
and some girl was really hassling me to sign her rather large tits
she hassled and hassled and hassled me for drugs and to sign her tits
until eventually i said:
so i signed her tits and gave her back the marker pen and looked at her like:
and she turned to her mate and said:
what does that say?
her mate said:
dave the drummer
and she said:
who's he?

i rest my case

I just pictured this man... haha!

Mucky Beats
11-01-2008, 07:28 PM
hahaha i went to a sunday at a tidy weekender with a other well known suf dj as it is on in my home town and he was up on his own, anyway we where back stage in this little room with a few other people and in storms lisa lashes with her merry little gang and well put it this way she was loud and drunk and had a silver flask with her and was gesturing to insert it in her ... well you can guess hahaha.... later at the after party full of the whos who of hard house she proceeded to do everyones head in it seemed hahaha!

dan the acid man
11-01-2008, 08:27 PM
hahaha i went to a sunday at a tidy weekender with a other well known suf dj as it is on in my home town and he was up on his own, anyway we where back stage in this little room with a few other people and in storms lisa lashes with her merry little gang and well put it this way she was loud and drunk and had a silver flask with her and was gesturing to insert it in her ... well you can guess hahaha.... later at the after party full of the whos who of hard house she proceeded to do everyones head in it seemed hahaha!

In her ear? do i win?

11-01-2008, 08:35 PM
and she said:
who's he?

****!n classic...... ha ha

dan the acid man
11-01-2008, 08:42 PM
yeah thats the one right there
seen that situation so many times before it's not funny

and when you're the guy thats got the people moving and your going home with a fraction of the main djs wages
it does irk you somewhat.

but thats the way it is , to be honest half of those people probably WERE in there because of lashes , they just found your room more exciting
maybe they though rachel WAS lashes
i wouldn't be surprised

a club story:

i was down in newport in wales once
and some girl was really hassling me to sign her rather large tits
she hassled and hassled and hassled me for drugs and to sign her tits
until eventually i said:
so i signed her tits and gave her back the marker pen and looked at her like:
and she turned to her mate and said:
what does that say?
her mate said:
dave the drummer
and she said:
who's he?

i rest my case

you could keep telling yourself it's because she only knew you as Henry Cullen

11-01-2008, 09:25 PM
hahaha i went to a sunday at a tidy weekender with a other well known suf dj as it is on in my home town and he was up on his own, anyway we where back stage in this little room with a few other people and in storms lisa lashes with her merry little gang and well put it this way she was loud and drunk and had a silver flask with her and was gesturing to insert it in her ... well you can guess hahaha.... later at the after party full of the whos who of hard house she proceeded to do everyones head in it seemed hahaha!

the morning after the dublin gig she managed to get herself banned for life from one of dublins dodgiest early morning pubs... she was going mental drunk, kickin off and up on tables.. made the daily mirror newspaper and all :lol:

Mucky Beats
11-01-2008, 09:30 PM
the morning after the dublin gig she managed to get herself banned for life from one of dublins dodgiest early morning pubs... she was going mental drunk, kickin off and up on tables.. made the daily mirror newspaper and all :lol:


11-01-2008, 11:30 PM
yeah thats the one right there
seen that situation so many times before it's not funny

and when you're the guy thats got the people moving and your going home with a fraction of the main djs wages
it does irk you somewhat.

but thats the way it is , to be honest half of those people probably WERE in there because of lashes , they just found your room more exciting
maybe they though rachel WAS lashes
i wouldn't be surprised

a club story:

i was down in newport in wales once
and some girl was really hassling me to sign her rather large tits
she hassled and hassled and hassled me for drugs and to sign her tits
until eventually i said:
so i signed her tits and gave her back the marker pen and looked at her like:
and she turned to her mate and said:
what does that say?
her mate said:
dave the drummer
and she said:
who's he?

i rest my case

you met my girl then? good lass

12-01-2008, 05:36 AM
the morning after the dublin gig she managed to get herself banned for life from one of dublins dodgiest early morning pubs... she was going mental drunk, kickin off and up on tables.. made the daily mirror newspaper and all :lol:

come on tho - thats pretty punk rock......she's gone up a bit in my estimation.

isn't hard house dead yet? how many variations of the oompah bassline can you have?

12-01-2008, 05:39 AM
a club story:

i was down in newport in wales once
and some girl was really hassling me to sign her rather large tits
she hassled and hassled and hassled me for drugs and to sign her tits
until eventually i said:
so i signed her tits and gave her back the marker pen and looked at her like:
and she turned to her mate and said:
what does that say?
her mate said:
dave the drummer
and she said:
who's he?

i rest my case

aah you've got to love the newport munters......that place makes cardiff seem positively sophisticated.....
