View Full Version : Dj Mag Who Do They Think They Are?????

02-02-2008, 10:25 PM
now this is one real gripe i have .
i know they always piss everyone off here with the DJ top 100
nazi self-promoting wAnker djs on the planet list every year.

but this time it's not just sour grapes.

did anyone get december's issue of DJ Magazine ?
ok...no-one , well i don't blame you but i did, i was flying and i wanted something to read , and they didnt sell the Beano or Playboy so i settled for DJ Mag
so.........it came with a cover mounted CD by this bloke OMID16B
now i don't want to be mean because he comes across in his interview as a nice geezer but..
F U C K M E !!!! this album stinks !!! and they are giving it away like its some kind of industry rule book breaking uber cool thing to do:
"aren't you lucky, lucky readers ???"etc etc...
and we're supposed to all nod our heads in time to the boring bland house beat
and say:
" oh yes!!!! oh thank you DJ Mag for saving our taste in music !!! without you we'd all be listening to things we really enjoy ,and making out own minds up, what a terrible terrible situation to be in!!"

and now.....
in Januarys issue ( the wife bought it for me to read ....honest!!! )
they are having a big discussion about the state of the music industry and mentioned in the title of the article are two things that were ( according to them ) major blows to the music bizz in 2007

they were apparently :
1. amato going bust ( ok i'm down with that, they were massive , perhaps not as big as hundreds of jobs being lost at EMI recently but i'll let it go )

2. this bloke OMID16B releasing his latest album as a free CD on their front cover!!
i mean helloooooo.......Radiohead anyone?

and then they precede to waffle on about m3s mp4s mp5s....CDs Vinyl and blah blah feckin blah and omid 16 is in there round the table waffling too, along with a record shop owner from camden who isn't even really in business yet!!!

AND.....what about kinetec records ???? i think to myself, they were going for ten bloody years in the heart of london's west end and have completely redesigned their business because of the latest digital trends!
why are you ( DJ Mag ) not asking a representative from them to join the debate?
eh? why!?!

my point is:
the music media is really clutching at straws now , trying to keep us blinder and more ignorant than ever before
they are closing ranks, shutting doors, blowing their own very tuneless trumpets and why?
not because they believe in it any more
because they are scared for their jobs and their income
and you know what?

it shows.

02-02-2008, 10:27 PM
@dave the drummer. any acid coming out soon. im rattling.

02-02-2008, 10:34 PM
@dave the drummer. any acid coming out soon. im rattling.

what kind of a reply is this?

****@!! i'm off to get a cup of tea.....* stomps downstairs in foul mood *

02-02-2008, 10:37 PM
what kind of a reply is this?

****@!! i'm off to get a cup of tea.....* stomps downstairs in foul mood *


02-02-2008, 10:37 PM
what kind of a reply is this?

****@!! i'm off to get a cup of tea.....* stomps downstairs in foul mood *

listen to your fanbase.

i have money to buy your records.

02-02-2008, 10:40 PM
listen to your fanbase.

i have money to buy your records.

ok thanks man i get your point
and yes i am making some more acid right now as it appens
but thats not the point of this thread
thats all.

dan the acid man
02-02-2008, 11:29 PM
yeah keep on topic.

As for the music business looking after their own, it's always happened, and even more so now, i'm sure DJ Magazine struck up a deal to promote this OMID thingy bloke with his record labels or what ever.

Telling everybody he's the best thing since sliced bread and the heards of sheep following just because DJ Magazine said so and it makes them look cool.

03-02-2008, 06:27 AM
Im surprised at you, usually you're a lot more cynical than this.

DJ Mag are a bunch of jumped up tosspots anyway, besides you think you got it bad down there man, think about whats its like for us up here in the north, you got access if needed to these tosspots in one way of another, we get SHIT up here. DJ wank Mag and the others are all london centric to the point it makes me want to vomit.

They're all paid for shit anyway, OMI16D or whatever the **** his name is no doubt has some strings pulled and cocain blown up some PR/editors bottom. Its all VERY nepotistic, besides the DJ mag 1op 100 is a ****ing sham. I know one of the brothers of someone who charted in the top 25 and HE was paid to sit around all day spoofing hotmail votes etc etc. he managed to get 12000 extra votes. But then promoters of nights aorund the globe dont really understand this and book on the strengths of these lists, particularly for wank fests like trance or house gigs.

I gues the other side of the coin is that if it were a big name on the front cover then the argument could be that DJ SHAG/MAG were not giving the little guy a chance. Or perhaps the editors of the magazine dont really have their finger on the pulse anymore, or are followig where the money is in the industry right now, just so their schmoozing is of better quality, more drugs, more free flights to ibeeeeFFAA, more VIP in the Club etc etc.. snort snort.

03-02-2008, 08:43 AM
Wax Magazine was the best one when I got into buying DJ Magazines way way back... the demise of this part of the industry became clearly apparent when this publication ceased... :cry:

I've met Leslie in 2002 at the after party to DJ 100 poll winners party, who is the editor of DJ Magazine and spoke with her on a few things... she poo poo'd acid techno, which showed me straight away how blinkered her approach to dance music was, in reality... :grr:

...and I remember forcing her to admit that once you turn your back on the underground, no matter what it is, and just focus on the above ground mainstream arena then eventually the musical river will run dry as it is not being fed by tributaries - - then stagnation will occur bringing about the demise of the dance music industry... well :icon3:

Went back to her house for a while n eventually, by about 2pm, she wound up screeching that, "all those who weren't close unit friends had to GET OUT!!!" - -nobody had been unruly or owt so her reaction was completely unwarranted and very un music bizz parse in my book... oh aye :coffee:

03-02-2008, 08:45 AM
Wax Magazine was the best one when I got into buying DJ Magazines way way back... the demise of this part of the industry became clearly apparent when this publication ceased... :cry:

I've met Leslie in 2002 at the after party to DJ 100 poll winners party, who is the editor of DJ Magazine and spoke with her on a few things... she poo poo'd acid techno, which showed me straight away how blinkered her approach to dance music was, in reality... :grr:

...and I remember forcing her to admit that once you turn your back on the underground, no matter what it is, and just focus on the above ground mainstream arena then eventually the musical river will run dry as it is not being fed by tributaries - - then stagnation will occur bringing about the demise of the dance music industry... well :icon3:

Went back to her house for a while n eventually, by about 2pm, she wound up screeching that, "all those who weren't close unit friends had to GET OUT!!!" - -nobody had been unruly or owt so her reaction was completely unwarranted and very un music bizz parse in my book... oh aye :coffee:

Coke addled muso journo's they're GREAT!

03-02-2008, 08:52 AM
Oh yeah, n don't think i'm getting mi panty liners on again coz I was given them tickets to go to the gig, at Fabric, by the manager of the bar I worked in where the after party was being held... so there :runinja:

...aaaaand just as I was hitting a peak on the 'off yer face' tronced moments on the dancefloorthey stopped all the music to give bloody Tiesto his fekkin award - I didn't know what the feck was going on as I'd forgotten about all that bollocks - booo! ya b***ards!!:help:

03-02-2008, 08:54 AM
Coke addled muso journo's they're GREAT!

Bang on, I was going to mention that fact - I won't go any where near it and prefer other combinations, shall we say...:rurazz:

03-02-2008, 02:21 PM
Also your friends at DJ Magazine have come up with 'The Black Book' - - quote - 'a list with 1000's of international contacts for the dance music industry... The DJ Black Book is the essential tool for anyone in the industry. It features all the industry information you'll ever need... blah blah

....at just £4.95 - - how nice of them :censored:

03-02-2008, 02:24 PM
Also your friends at DJ Magazine have come up with 'The Black Book' - - quote - 'a list with 1000's of international contacts for the dance music industry... The DJ Black Book is the essential tool for anyone in the industry. It features all the industry information you'll ever need... blah blah

....at just £4.95 - - how nice of them :censored:

...and the link being http://www.djmag.com/index.php?op=blackbook&blackbook_op=blackbook_info

Come on now you should all be buying this!!! hmmmm :coffee:

03-02-2008, 02:42 PM
lol, all that hype around Omid is really useless, all the house heads i know dont think much of him. it might work with the sheeps though.

dave, thank god you havent been reading billboard lately. one of their editors recently wrote the biggest things happening to electronic scene in 2007 were Tiesto and the return of house music. lol lol loooool.

f*ck em all, these magazines are all losing their credibility fast, if there is any anymore.

03-02-2008, 03:49 PM
Wax magazine was boss, bring it back.

Dave Elyzium
03-02-2008, 04:00 PM
Wax magazine was boss, bring it back.

^^ what he said

03-02-2008, 04:47 PM
my point is:
the music media is really clutching at straws now , trying to keep us blinder and more ignorant than ever before
they are closing ranks, shutting doors, blowing their own very tuneless trumpets and why?
not because they believe in it any more
because they are scared for their jobs and their income
and you know what?

it shows.

Sooooo **** em.
Who wants to be a part of their corporate death sucking, trend following, brown nosing bullshit pot of the blind leading the blind.

Magazines are shite, who cares about them.

They are defunct anyway. Why read record reviews in a poxy dead tree pamphlet when you can hop online and make your own mind up about what you like and want.

The music media is dead.
The corpse is still twitching, but don`t mistake that for anything other than the final tweaks of twilight passing.

Good riddance.

03-02-2008, 07:11 PM
Sooooo **** em.
Who wants to be a part of their corporate death sucking, trend following, brown nosing bullshit pot of the blind leading the blind.

Magazines are shite, who cares about them.

They are defunct anyway. Why read record reviews in a poxy dead tree pamphlet when you can hop online and make your own mind up about what you like and want.

The music media is dead.
The corpse is still twitching, but don`t mistake that for anything other than the final tweaks of twilight passing.

Good riddance.

i know i know..
it's my own stupid fault for looking in the first place
but mags are important dammit!
people read the bloody things ! thats what i'm getting at !
they used to tell at least a portion of the truth , now it's just lies lies lies...

and this is not sour grapes any more , sure i've been pissed off when mags have ignored things ive done presonally , but this whole thing hit me on a different level.

like before where i would think "oh no dj and mixmag will never review our records ever again, the label will suffer etc etc ... "

now i'm thinking "thank god i'm not in THAT magazine !!its just full of crap! "

and thats weird.
thing have definitely changed , the journos just have no shame anymore.

03-02-2008, 10:26 PM
it is a bit sad - the industry in the uk is dying on it's arse.....not quite sure why it seems to be going strong in other places?

I mean you expect DJ mag to be a bit better than say mixmag.....but half of the problem is the same dj's have been there for the last 20 years...and kids are all off getting into dubstep or whatever.........the house music industry has become a corporate blandathon....I think it needs to die and then start again....

03-02-2008, 11:52 PM
yeah i did buy dj mag this month.. i buy every music mag i can find, every month.

and you know what i think? NOTHING has changed, nothing is different to the way it always was. i don't know how many of you know this, but i was the assistant editor of wax magazine after editing a magazine called eternity. as an editor, i had a free reign at eternity, it's what got me into journalism. i was very lucky.

but ever since then, i had to fight tooth and nail to get my point of view across in every magazine i was involved in. wax was a big head f*** and if it was up to the publishers, it would have been a commercial wankfest too. but a few passionate music ppl made it what it was. every single month was a killer effort to get birds off the front cover and proper music in the editorial. BUT we managed it. only just.

you see, to get a mag on the shelves takes alot of business knowledge, alot of money and alot of stuff that has nothing to do with music. so you can only expect it to be a complete nightmare for anyone who is supporting music to be able to write about it without those that control the purse strings knocking them down.

you know the editor of dj used to be my boss @ M8 and i have also done a bit of work for her at DJ and as a person, i think she's great. but musically? well i think she's hampered by the very same problems that the rest of us who care about music are hampered by: sales. money and politics.

anyway, rant over. RE: the dj top 100. well it's simply another case of promotion and marketing. oh and magazine sales. worked quite well for them hasn't it? hehe


Si the Sigh
04-02-2008, 09:22 AM
That Omid CD was utter shite. I say was, because the CD is no more. I snapped it up and put it on the fire.

Wax Magazine, or Eternity or fu*k off.

These magazines nowadays are full of watered down blinkered shite.

04-02-2008, 09:40 AM
yeah i did buy dj mag this month.. i buy every music mag i can find, every month.

and you know what i think? NOTHING has changed, nothing is different to the way it always was. i don't know how many of you know this, but i was the assistant editor of wax magazine after editing a magazine called eternity. as an editor, i had a free reign at eternity, it's what got me into journalism. i was very lucky.

but ever since then, i had to fight tooth and nail to get my point of view across in every magazine i was involved in. wax was a big head f*** and if it was up to the publishers, it would have been a commercial wankfest too. but a few passionate music ppl made it what it was. every single month was a killer effort to get birds off the front cover and proper music in the editorial. BUT we managed it. only just.

you see, to get a mag on the shelves takes alot of business knowledge, alot of money and alot of stuff that has nothing to do with music. so you can only expect it to be a complete nightmare for anyone who is supporting music to be able to write about it without those that control the purse strings knocking them down.

you know the editor of dj used to be my boss @ M8 and i have also done a bit of work for her at DJ and as a person, i think she's great. but musically? well i think she's hampered by the very same problems that the rest of us who care about music are hampered by: sales. money and politics.

anyway, rant over. RE: the dj top 100. well it's simply another case of promotion and marketing. oh and magazine sales. worked quite well for them hasn't it? hehe


i used to really like M8, thats the only music magazine i used to buy. what happened to it? used to have some good cds with it.

04-02-2008, 10:00 AM
thank you mark
we needed to hear what you have to say about this issue.
it's interesting your point about fighting to get decent music covered , and the toss up you have to make between commercial sales and underground music, i can understand the difficulty each decision must present.
i'll just go back to reading golf punk instead for the time being.

for the record M8 is/was ( is it dead?) the worst mag for birds on the cover, period!
and inside too....jesus it was a tit fest!!! not that i'm complaining mind

Martin Dust
04-02-2008, 02:34 PM
I find that most people who moan about magazine don't actually buy them and why would you if that's how you feel? Magazines are a business and it's ultra competitive, something most people don't take onboard but if you're that pissed off at the lack of coverage - start your own blog and cover what you want.

04-02-2008, 05:04 PM
Obviously magazines are a business, and as the internet stole people away, reader numbers dropped, and competition got more fierce, and content more mainstream to take this into account.
But there is very little out there that supports or pushes forward thinking music in any genre. It`s all pretty commercial.
I used to buy Wax, Deadline, Early Jockey Slut, and even M8 (very briefly before it died on it`s ass), but I don`t buy any regular music mag (although I still get a lot of music tech publications), I just hop on down to Virgin Super Mega Store in the west end and read through the music mags now just to see if anything interesting is being said.
It rarely is. Plus it seems there are less and less magazines supporting electronic music now anyway.

Dave Elyzium
04-02-2008, 05:47 PM
if the music scene was reflected in the news stands then we may as well all sell our decks but if the music scene is reflected from my record collection then im still wetting myself with excitement and jumping around like a looney bum flap.

04-02-2008, 06:15 PM
The NME is a better example of this kinda thing

whats peoples opinion of the NME?

04-02-2008, 06:16 PM
The NME is a better example of this kinda thing

whats peoples opinion of the NME?

used to be a good mag for indie now its just all about the latest hype.

04-02-2008, 07:05 PM
The NME is a better example of this kinda thing

whats peoples opinion of the NME?

It was ok, started getting worse in 96-97, then just spiraled down into full hype bullshit.

04-02-2008, 08:13 PM
the only ever decent mag was Eternity

04-02-2008, 11:20 PM
actually omid 16b is a quite good artist, and alola (his label) had big influence during the years

04-02-2008, 11:49 PM

no thank you

i will stay in undeground

04-02-2008, 11:55 PM
look at everything in the music industry.- it's all corperate wank in my opnion. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY. forget about it.

04-02-2008, 11:59 PM
look at everything in the music industry.- it's all corperate wank in my opnion. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY. forget about it.

thats the nature of every industry, otherise it would be charity.. people gotta make money, people gotta eat. and anyone who does any work (whether it falls in line with your personal ideology or not) deserves payment of some sort for it.

i like making money.. admitadly im no corporate whore but ive no problem doing what needs doing for a few quid.

05-02-2008, 12:03 AM
can you make a difference between commercial music, and good pop music?

in other words, can you tell the difference between christina augilera and gorillaz?

05-02-2008, 12:08 AM
thats the nature of every industry, otherise it would be charity.. people gotta make money, people gotta eat. and anyone who does any work (whether it falls in line with your personal ideology or not) deserves payment of some sort for it.

i like making money.. admitadly im no corporate whore but ive no problem doing what needs doing for a few quid.

Yes, this is true. But if you worry about something like DJ magazines then you'll give youself a heart attack in the end. Its not worth it.

a lost cause.

as someone pointed out - start a blog...even on your MYSPACE. sooner or later people will see it/listen to it. let them decide.

have faith man music is beyond that pish IMO.

05-02-2008, 12:09 AM
if you worry about something like DJ magazines then you'll give youself a heart attack in the end. Its not worth it.

yup :yup:

best of sticking to fiction like "the sun".. at least they show nipples

05-02-2008, 01:05 AM
can you make a difference between commercial music, and good pop music?

in other words, can you tell the difference between christina augilera and gorillaz?

yes. one has the word "good" before it.

05-02-2008, 01:10 AM
really funny?

05-02-2008, 01:20 AM
not really. but i don't really see much difference tbh.

05-02-2008, 02:13 AM
so, u dont see a difference between some chick singing half naked about love, sex and other crowdpleasers, and a band with an idea, concept, a team of really tallented people who are working on those things, and a shitload of really well thought out lyrics to back it all up (not to mention the everpresent melancholy wich isnt quite the top seller, isnt it)?

05-02-2008, 05:14 AM
so, u dont see a difference between some chick singing half naked about love, sex and other crowdpleasers, and a band with an idea, concept, a team of really tallented people who are working on those things, and a shitload of really well thought out lyrics to back it all up (not to mention the everpresent melancholy wich isnt quite the top seller, isnt it)?

Things are rarely that clear cut.

05-02-2008, 05:16 AM
yes. one has the word "good" before it.

Christine is a fantastic singer, damon albarn has a name which could be re-arranged into the phrase O DAMN ALBRAN

05-02-2008, 09:28 AM
i can see where ryuuku is coming from. but i think possibly naming aguilera is wrong.

shes been in the industry a while, has, i have to admit, got an amazing voice (if a little dramatic for my tastes) and has proven staying power. fair enough she's had a few duffers but then she's had a few really good pop songs (im in no way a fan of her though (cept her ass!))

but i do see his point. gorillaz are a differant kettle of fish that fits into his idea of "good" music - which is similiar to mine. when i think of good pop music i think blur, roses, ride, the cure etc. all bands with (a certain amount of) integrity.

but like everything else, musical taste is subjective.

Si the Sigh
05-02-2008, 09:37 AM
the only ever decent mag was Eternity

...until it went a bit too "off the wall" and wacky with it's spiritual and religious bullshit. :)

Then Wax Magazine came along, and IMO was the best music magazine EVER.

I still have, and still regularly read all my old issues.

05-02-2008, 11:13 AM
The dance scene wouldnt be what it is today without the commitment and passion of people like Omid16B. Whether its creating dance floor destroyers or rocking each and every party, Omid16B is the heart and soul of the underground.

From omid16b's myspace!!!!

What a cock!

And yeah, magazines. I used to buy loads of them but stopped years ago cos they turned to complete wank.

Still got me copies of mixmag and Muzic with the london acid crew in though.

05-02-2008, 12:28 PM
Who the **** is OM1D16B?

I've never heard of him. Sounds like a numberplate.

Perhaps he's related to someone on the DJ Mag staff or something.

Years ago I went to the Breakspoll awards and got introduced to some guy from Mixmag. No word of a lie, he looked about 13. He had more acne than everyone else in the room put together. Suddenly lots of stuff made sense.

Commercial music press in "a bit shit" shocker.

Next we'll be discussing how FHM seems much more immature than it used to back when we were teenagers too embarrassed to buy proper porn.

05-02-2008, 02:33 PM
Who the **** is OM1D16B?

I've never heard of him. Sounds like a numberplate.

Perhaps he's related to someone on the DJ Mag staff or something.

Years ago I went to the Breakspoll awards and got introduced to some guy from Mixmag. No word of a lie, he looked about 13. He had more acne than everyone else in the room put together. Suddenly lots of stuff made sense.

Commercial music press in "a bit shit" shocker.

Next we'll be discussing how FHM seems much more immature than it used to back when we were teenagers too embarrassed to buy proper porn.

I wouldn't be susprised if that kid didn't have a clue about Electronic music or the scene in genral if you know what I mean?

05-02-2008, 02:48 PM
i can see where ryuuku is coming from. but i think possibly naming aguilera is wrong.

shes been in the industry a while, has, i have to admit, got an amazing voice (if a little dramatic for my tastes) and has proven staying power. fair enough she's had a few duffers but then she's had a few really good pop songs (im in no way a fan of her though (cept her ass!))
you got it wrong
one is almost pure business (money comes first, music second) and the other is more about music and idea and art.
christina is cheesy as fcuk. she can be as hard working as much as she wants, but all her songs are about love, sex and parties. the only one thats not about one of those three is "beutiful" which is the queen of cheese.

all this blah blah by me is to make this point: you guys cant make a difference between someone who is making a funky song because he knows it will sell, and someone who is making a funky song because thats how hes feeling, because hes inspired to do so at the moment, because hes got an idea and funky is the way to express it.
when u hear funky you will go "COMMERCIAL CRAP OMFG" (unless its techno, ofcourse, because its got the BOOM BOOM so it makes it ok)

so, what we have here is a bunch of totally biased people talking about music. u cant even see the difference between cheese and honest music, which is normal for someone whos not into music but i really didnt expect it from u guys.

ill give you an example of how this looks like: you all like detroit techno, right? i mean, atleast you force yourself to like it because it is known to be good (after seein the comments on this topic im not sure which one of these two it is).
SO, u got a bunch of guys who have been doing it right for over 20 years now, and 90% of that material is great, has got soul, is dancable etc etc - BUT NO MARKETING! most of the people dont know about jeff mills, dj bone, carl craig, juan atkins etc etc. so what u got is some businessmen who see the potential. they imitate those tracks, market it end sell it in millions. those tracks dont have any soul, the quantised kick/snare/hat combo is all the rythm it gets but its there and people know about it.
so, i played dj q - we are one (carl craig remix) to my gf the other day and she said "this sounds very commercial to me".

omid is a great artist. i actually got into EDM cause of global underground 20 (darren emerson @ singapore) which was a shitload of tech house. one of the tracks is some 16b remix which grew to be my fav track on the release. the whole mix instantly and permanently blew me away and i still enjoy it quite a lot. the only reason im not playing this kind of music now is cause somebody told me that gu20 is prog house so ive been looking in all the wrong places, and i somehow ended up in techno.

05-02-2008, 03:51 PM
i can see where ryuuku is coming from. but i think possibly naming aguilera is wrong.

shes been in the industry a while, has, i have to admit, got an amazing voice (if a little dramatic for my tastes) and has proven staying power. fair enough she's had a few duffers but then she's had a few really good pop songs (im in no way a fan of her though (cept her ass!))

but i do see his point. gorillaz are a differant kettle of fish that fits into his idea of "good" music - which is similiar to mine. when i think of good pop music i think blur, roses, ride, the cure etc. all bands with (a certain amount of) integrity.

but like everything else, musical taste is subjective.

I`ve got some aguilera acapellas straight off the desk from some of her recordings, and she is by no means a great singer.

Average I would say.

Amazing what you can do with melodyne though.

Still has been involved in some good commerical pop shite though.

05-02-2008, 03:59 PM
you got it wrong
one is almost pure business (money comes first, music second) and the other is more about music and idea and art.
christina is cheesy as fcuk. she can be as hard working as much as she wants, but all her songs are about love, sex and parties. the only one thats not about one of those three is "beutiful" which is the queen of cheese.

all this blah blah by me is to make this point: you guys cant make a difference between someone who is making a funky song because he knows it will sell, and someone who is making a funky song because thats how hes feeling, because hes inspired to do so at the moment, because hes got an idea and funky is the way to express it.
when u hear funky you will go "COMMERCIAL CRAP OMFG" (unless its techno, ofcourse, because its got the BOOM BOOM so it makes it ok)

so, what we have here is a bunch of totally biased people talking about music. u cant even see the difference between cheese and honest music, which is normal for someone whos not into music but i really didnt expect it from u guys.

ill give you an example of how this looks like: you all like detroit techno, right? i mean, atleast you force yourself to like it because it is known to be good (after seein the comments on this topic im not sure which one of these two it is).
SO, u got a bunch of guys who have been doing it right for over 20 years now, and 90% of that material is great, has got soul, is dancable etc etc - BUT NO MARKETING! most of the people dont know about jeff mills, dj bone, carl craig, juan atkins etc etc. so what u got is some businessmen who see the potential. they imitate those tracks, market it end sell it in millions. those tracks dont have any soul, the quantised kick/snare/hat combo is all the rythm it gets but its there and people know about it.
so, i played dj q - we are one (carl craig remix) to my gf the other day and she said "this sounds very commercial to me".

omid is a great artist. i actually got into EDM cause of global underground 20 (darren emerson @ singapore) which was a shitload of tech house. one of the tracks is some 16b remix which grew to be my fav track on the release. the whole mix instantly and permanently blew me away and i still enjoy it quite a lot. the only reason im not playing this kind of music now is cause somebody told me that gu20 is prog house so ive been looking in all the wrong places, and i somehow ended up in techno.

I agree with all that.

Music is music and there is more to it than techno.
And I think Omid actually does make some pretty creative and passionate house and tech house. It`s got soul without being too obvious and cheesy.
Good stuff if you like that sort of thing.
However, the DJ Mag feature is probably more to do with him being in the Soho set and involved with the Mr C clique.
I believe DJ mag has it`s offices in soho, I could be wrong.

jon connor
05-02-2008, 05:24 PM
ok thanks man i get your point
and yes i am making some more acid right now as it appens
but thats not the point of this thread
thats all.

ahhhahahahahahah! fuk me henry you are pissed man! aye! listen you are are right they are cluctching at straws because basicaly they have run out of ideas so any new fuked up piece of skinny ass pencil shit track is the new thing ? my asssssssssss ! whole!

listen i worked in ibiza this year and man the shite i heard going on was enough to make you vommit on your own shoe!

hahaha but listen mate if you wanna turn this around and take a possitive outta this henry ive an idea "BRING BACK ACID" Why! i hear you ask wotts the point in somthing thats already been ? well for sum ****ed up reason dance music has done a complete u turn back to the electro then the minimal techno made on fruity loops most tracks taking about 2 hours probably ? absoluty obscenly massive globaly in ibiza it was infected with the stuff last summer . so why not ummmmmm! lets say 2008 brings back the sound of the acid ?




05-02-2008, 05:30 PM
unleash the Acid-folk-step-tek on there ears. freeeeeeeeeeeesh.

jon connor
05-02-2008, 05:31 PM

AYe! how many cans of stella you guys consuming these days ?

05-02-2008, 05:36 PM
stella is shite

05-02-2008, 05:41 PM
However, the DJ Mag feature is probably more to do with him being in the Soho set and involved with the Mr C clique.
I believe DJ mag has it`s offices in soho, I could be wrong.
i was only defending 16b the whole time.
wasnt speaking about dj mag at all, even though I HAS TEH RAR3 SPECIAL ABILITIEH 2 B OBJECT1VE!!!11 so i can see why they do what they do and its only natural (ie its only business/money).

heres a pic to lighten things up

Francisco Scaramanga
05-02-2008, 06:58 PM
Dont know who this numberplate fellow is but he sounds crap, anyway we stock DJ mag where I work so I usually have a browse at breaktimes and stuff, and just today I was flipping through their top 50 remixers of all time list, utterly horrified at the very idea of it nevermind the choices, then I got to number one who was Carl Craig, and was totally shocked that they had the decency to put someone whos actually good at number one. But despite that it is a pretty despicable publication, and I almost hate it as much as mixmag.

05-02-2008, 09:54 PM
Hmmmmm. Everyone here has access to the internet and, as a result, access to Soulseek and its chatrooms. Why bother with any pop-industry rags? It's programming so why is there any shock when they try and set a norm?

05-02-2008, 11:55 PM


ps. Ryuuku, more pics please.

06-02-2008, 12:45 AM
i was only defending 16b the whole time.
wasnt speaking about dj mag at all, even though I HAS TEH RAR3 SPECIAL ABILITIEH 2 B OBJECT1VE!!!11 so i can see why they do what they do and its only natural (ie its only business/money).

heres a pic to lighten things up

I was agreeing with you

nice ass too

06-02-2008, 01:24 AM
heres another one
