View Full Version : extra compressors and sidechain

11-02-2008, 04:49 AM

is it more normal to have a bunch of compressors one for each sound/audio sample(in my track)

(I.E.) one compressor for the bassy kick

another for the loop

another for the hi hats

or just put ONE compressor on a SEND and

set it to how i like it (threshold, etc) then run all the hi hats, loops, bass, etc through that send and have it all sidechaind to A kick .

or is it somewhat normal to have a compressor on each individual sound to make sure they all have their own threshold settings...i seem to put one on each sound...and set threshold to my liking..


11-02-2008, 05:08 AM
well i see the TC NATIVE sidechain plug in has key input 1 and 2// but my results weren't what i thought..i figured the 2nd kick would change the flow of the wav to get it compress and flow differently..sorry this is so hard to explain/. but ill keep trying to add kicks to make it more punchy and not worry about how it effects the rest i guess..for now..

11-02-2008, 10:37 AM
just my own way of doing it -

kicks - eq seperatly - run thru a group - compress group - eq group

bass - bass exciter/enhancer - sometimes compress seperate (depending on sound im looking for, ie. if i want the bass to stand out ill compress it seperate, if i want it as a subtle rumble ill run it thru the kicks channel)

percussion - eq and fx seperatly - run thru group - compress group - eq group

everything else has its own compressor

for side chaining ill usually set up an aux fx channel and patch anything i want side chained into it.

then everything is sent to a "master bus" that i set up myself, which in turn is sent to the output channel - this is just in cubase so that i can automate master fx (cubase has no automation on the output channel.

hope this helps a little.

12-02-2008, 12:49 AM
wow thanks i better start learning how to set up a group channel in cubase then..

12-02-2008, 12:53 AM
project - add track - group

12-02-2008, 02:22 AM
everything else has its own compressor

You compress everything?

12-02-2008, 08:36 AM
i never said i actually compress everything (what i actually said, as you qouted, was that everything has its own compressor) BUT even if everything is set to 0 ill still run most things thru an API or urs strip pro.

with the API it just has a sound to it. i cant explain it (it is after all only a digital replication) but i love it.

and with the urs you have so many stages that you can run it thru, you can add something to your sound.

you dont have to compress to run it thru a compressor.

12-02-2008, 09:13 AM
You compress everything?

I've heard plenty of advice from quality producers in sound on sound about compressing each channel, but only when its appropriate and only in low ratios.

Personally speaking i dont do it myself, only when the programme material demands it, or when i want to manipulate the dynamics of the material in a dynamic way.

Jay Pace
12-02-2008, 11:43 AM
I compress most things, but never very much.

Sounds, channels, groups etc.

12-02-2008, 08:00 PM
I just see little point in compressing everything.
It`s the same as compressing nothing at all.
Very dangerous on the dynamics front, unless of course, you are making minimal.
Apart from that, it makes mastering very very difficult as there is little dynamic left to work with.

13-02-2008, 12:34 AM
What are some other alternatives if i don't compress to get that hard techno chugging sound..etc

13-02-2008, 12:49 AM
if not compression that what is an alternative to making the hardtechno/schranz chugging sound with the kick and the bass and the loop..or do i compress all that..then just add in other sounds (synths, vocals,etc) later without compressing those

13-02-2008, 02:18 AM
For schranze, just compress to death.
You could combine with bit reduction, ringmodulation, distortion, fuzz, whatever, to make it even more crunchy if you want.

Personally I would split some sounds out of the whole distorted compressed channels and have some sounds cleaner with more punch, and then add extra pump at the mastering stage, but I`m old school, and I like to hear the sounds I put into a mix, rather than pumping noise.

14-02-2008, 02:20 AM
I try to compress it to death but the problem is it feels like never reaches DEATH status..lol..i use TC NATIVE BUNDLEs sidechainer and compressor deesser i play with the threshold/ratio/release/ etc...is it smart to add a distortion before or after the compressor will that make it TO DEATH as u say..or not really do anything..i get mixed results when i experiment..im guessing it may have to do with what kick and bass i am sidechaining together.

14-02-2008, 02:26 AM
oh also do u mean compress to death or sidechain-compress to death....do somethings have compressors and not sidechain on them,,

