View Full Version : What does the board think about Coxy?

Agent Orange NYC
17-12-2003, 10:18 PM
First off a big wazzzup 2 everyone on the board. This is Ara (aka Agent Orange) from Gotham Grooves in NY.

A new club Crowbar just opened here in NY around the corner from the old Twilo space. They are talking about mabey having Cox out here cause he hasn't been here in a while...

He was one of the first DJ's to turn me on to techno back in the day, and I know he is into a more tribal housey kinda sound these days :doh: . For me he will always be the Big Black Cox no matter what he plays. Does the board still consider him a techno dj or heard any banging techno set from him lately??? :cool:

Dustin Zahn
17-12-2003, 10:54 PM
Welcome to the forum, 90% of the board members here probably won't listen to something unless surgeon, regis, or glenn wilson is related.

17-12-2003, 11:02 PM
even whisper the name: "carl cox" in here and you will probably be castrated.

but dont let that put you off, and welcome to the board ara, stick around.

were not that bad really, its generally quite friendly in here.

Esox Lucius
17-12-2003, 11:06 PM
fat chessey techno plodder.

17-12-2003, 11:07 PM
Don't really have an opinion on him these days, he does his thing I guess and many people like it. Other than this though he's a legend, no doubt about it, a big driving force in the scene for years.. definitely helped make techno a more accepted and understood style of music. From what I hear he can still play a good techno set if required, although you'd probably have to specify that to him beforehand and hope he agrees!

18-12-2003, 12:31 AM
i have massive respect for him. he does his thing and he does it well.

The Overfiend
18-12-2003, 01:03 AM
Welcome to the Board Gotham Groove Man.

dan the acid man
18-12-2003, 01:10 AM
you have to respect him for what he,s done and he always give,s it some behind the decks, oh and welcome ara :dance:

18-12-2003, 02:43 AM
I used to see him at his night at the End a few years ago but then he went all "big club" on us and played watered down techno i.e. tech-house so we stopped going. Last time I heard him was 3 years ago and to be honest I ain't heard much about him in London since then. When he did play hard he was wicked so I would like to hear him again like that.


18-12-2003, 03:32 AM
Played with him a couple of months ago... can't say he plays what I would consider prime quality techno. But he can throw a party proper. He has broght loads of people into techno so massive respect. not many can touch his technique... and just like Paul said, when he's into it he can play a good set...

Also he plays some of my cheesy tracks so I think that makes him cool on my books lol :P


18-12-2003, 10:13 AM
No-one can deny that Mr Cox is a Legend in his own right, and although booking him to get a crowd is fair play, why risk the quality of the music?

If it's bangin techno you want, book me, i'll play as much up-front tribal and pure percussive rhythms as you can handle, believe that...


18-12-2003, 11:57 AM
coxy back in the day yes but coxy know a cheesey for me but you have to respect him for what he has brought to the music scene

welcome to boa ;)

Esox Lucius
18-12-2003, 12:10 PM
coxy years ago was quality, especially in his hardcore days, but now he just doesnt do it for me, cheesey as.

18-12-2003, 01:34 PM
Carl Cox plays medeocre commercial tunes for people who think they are into techno. He just ain't underground I have never been impressed by any of his CDs or mixes and I wouldn't go to see him.

...and he eats far too many pies and has bitch-tits bigger than Dave Clark's

18-12-2003, 01:40 PM
But welcome to the board, mate. We are all really friendly - but I have to say its probably more Banging Techno than Club Techno in this part of the forum - mainly becausethe BOA label is underground and very banging.



Francisco Scaramanga
18-12-2003, 01:56 PM
If you specified hard and nasty techno, I bet he could pull it off as good as anyone. I have heard him play sets before that would have made Mill's eyes water, but then again I have heard him play full on vocal house as well. But whatever he plays, he plays it better than almost anyone I have ever heard, so fair play to the guy. I think its fair to say he's a decent bloke as well, or at least that's the impression I get out of reading interviews with him.

He played the Atomic Jam 4 or 5 years ago, and made everyone else that night (including Joey Beltram) sound like pansies...

18-12-2003, 03:23 PM
Welcome to the forum, 90% of the board members here probably won't listen to something unless surgeon, regis, or glenn wilson is related.

too true.

Agent Orange NYC
18-12-2003, 03:42 PM
Hey all thanx for the warm welcome!
First off make no mistake about the fact that I love techno. From hard to minimal and almost all in-between.

I only posted something about Cox cause I do respect him very much and people haven't really been talking about him lately.

He has tore my head off a few times in the past and did turn alot of people on to techno.

He does eat to many pies now though!

18-12-2003, 07:47 PM
I saw him a couple of years ago in ayia napa of all places and he was dropping stuff on the RAW label, even though he also plays tech house i think he's cool....I mean you can't really open at a stadium gig with the latest glenn wilson banger - you have to build up to these things!!

18-12-2003, 08:47 PM
I agree with the Gotham Groover here. C.Cox is one hell of a show. and he's always got that gap ass tooth smile. chubby bastard!
The only time I heard him he started the set banging and ended banging. I was impressed with his presense AND his track selection.

BTW welcome Agent Orange...nice work on Gotham Grooves.

19-12-2003, 09:37 AM

I am strictly into hardtechno, so I don't like Cox at all. His track selection is way too commercial. However, I respected him, I 've seen him live just once 3 yrs ago, I could stand him for more than 10'. :roll:

The Divide
19-12-2003, 10:42 AM
I have only sen him DJ once aat I love techno 2 years ago. It wasnt a set I planed on going in, my mate talked me into it. But ****in ell it was good. No cheese whatsoever.

19-12-2003, 05:55 PM
I heard Cox last month in Brazil, and he has a spotless technique, I prefer hard, but he plays house and techno as few....your mixes is very very good...

19-12-2003, 06:39 PM
he played a set here once and it was straight up hard techno
he was throwing down speedy j tracks, wilson, bailey and the likes.

19-12-2003, 09:43 PM
Carl Cox plays medeocre commercial tunes for people who think they are into techno. He just ain't underground I have never been impressed by any of his CDs or mixes and I wouldn't go to see him.
I've got an old double pack mix tape of his called Project Space, must be from around 1994 or so and it's bloody excellent - tons of early techno and pounding from start to finish. Whatever he's playing now when I got the tape it was definitely one of the hardest things I'd heard, and pretty much all of the tracks on it are now considered techno classics.

I'd love to see him play a proper techno set, I've never heard anyone say he's been shit when he's played out.

Saying that, his productions have IMO all sucked arse ;)

Paul Nisbet
19-12-2003, 11:02 PM
He is the class imo... so good technically aswell.

Cheesy? lmfao more mainstream than most of u would be a fairer statement!

The Divide
20-12-2003, 12:25 PM
Cheesy? lmfao more mainstream than most of u would be a fairer statement!

I think people only say that because he plays progressive and funky sets too. But itf the venues right for techno he will go all out with some wickid tunes

21-12-2003, 06:08 PM
I saw Cox a few weeks ago in Perth and was pretty dissapointed. I mean he has skills, lots of them, even at this stage of his career. But He did play a lot of cheese. And by cheese I mean eminem and white stripes tracks. He did play a few classic harder tunes as well, but all in all his track selection was shit.

The crowd was naught but a ****ing mosh pit, a sea of gurners. And the worst thing- He felt obliged to MC OVER HIS OWN MUSIC every 10 minutes. Couldnt even hear what he was saying because the levels were so ****ed up.

He is a decent party techno DJ, but he is past his prime and believe he is only in it for a laugh now. Still respect him tho.

22-12-2003, 03:01 PM
big repect for mr cox
but if you expect hard techno when he's playing one of those big events then you'll be dissapointed these days.
he still does the odd small event now and again although not for a while now last time i saw him was base a couple of years ago and he was fantastic.
massive respect for him you have to ask where the scene would be without people like him.

24-12-2003, 04:10 AM
seen the big man in space, ibiza at his nites closing party and he ended up goin baktobak with varela on 4 dex untill about 7am and believe me hes still got it, he did drop the odd big tune but the majority was of his set was pounding..

12-01-2004, 02:20 AM
Alright? I'm new here aswell....nice forum.....definitely will be visiting regularly from now on.

On the subject of Carl Cox, I would agree with those who said he has lost it a bit. In fairness to the guy, he helped to get a lot of uninitiated people into techno, and has rocked clubs all over......one of the best sets I ever heard, was Cox in Sir Henry's, Cork in '97.....he really was ****ing unbelievable that night., but in the last few yrs he plays a lot of cheesy-ish house and techno, and has steered clear of the harder end of things. Still a legend in his own right, but personally I'd rather he played some harder and more underground stuff.

12-01-2004, 10:25 PM
alot of respect for what hes done and his skills but i dont really like what his style is and when i used to hear him at twilo,,,he would play at one energy level for the most part,,,just always remember wanting more anticipation andf harder techno,,,,

and i heard him play that zombie nation track w/the space invader like cover TWICE in 1 nite :eh:

however one one of the best sets i heard there was when trevor rockliffe folowed him that nite :rambo:

13-01-2004, 03:45 AM
however one one of the best sets i heard there was when trevor rockliffe folowed him that nite :rambo:

Rockcliffe is a class DJ, and cruelly underrated. I've seen him about eight times, and seven out of eight he was wicked. Top man.

13-01-2004, 12:35 PM
for me he is one of the most impresive dj's i have seen on 3 dechs. i saw him doing it ages ago before i had even heard people do it.

maybe his techno is not hard but i think he has great skills mixing and iv never seen a empty floor when he is about.

14-01-2004, 07:36 PM
Rockcliffe blew him away when they both played at The Orbit. You knew Coxy was playing that night though ------ The club was packed with glowsticks and deeley boppers :nono: :nono: :nono:
