View Full Version : just got ear ptotectors

12-03-2008, 06:30 PM
just got ear protection for when im djin because a have been doing my ears in big time.....

cheapo ones...... http://www.enhancedlistening.co.uk/product.asp?P_ID=975

but ive just realised how much bad frequencies are in techno, schranz and industrial.....i can hardly hear anything......i can still mix fine but the sound is defo lacking the ooomf which i like to hear when im playing......

suppose when youve got a pair of these in yer bedroom then you should get ear protection....http://turnkey.co.uk/product/mackie-srm350-active-speaker/

maybe if i was to purchase the ones that ye get a mould of the inside of your ear then they would be better....but a think there like £150+ - worth it tho if ye dont wont to be deaf by time yer 40

so how ye think the likes of mills, clarke, cox or any other dj that has been playing for 20 + years havnt got ear problems?? they must blast or at least have the monitors loud when there djin??

12-03-2008, 06:34 PM

Jay Pace
12-03-2008, 11:36 PM
i got some custom moulded plugs.

vital if you don't want to go deaf.

13-03-2008, 12:22 AM
her's an ear protector for you.


please, Don't praise me, praise jesus.

Elvio Neto
14-03-2008, 05:46 AM
cox was having ear problems allmoust quit the job becouse of that

he was thinking he have a brain tumor but in the end was just ear problems

19-03-2008, 11:54 PM
i got some custom moulded plugs.

vital if you don't want to go deaf.

too right. best thing i've done. don't reduce clarity of sound like cheaper ones do.
just worn mine all weekend at bloc.

20-03-2008, 12:19 AM
Why do we need these things?

Is it because of..

1. We are getting older (i know how peoples hearing quality drops because of ages BTW)

2. The loudness of modern sound systems

3. Modern music cover greater frequency ranges

IMO its a combo of all of these, but seriously at what point are people gonna start realising that music damages their hearing, he loudness of sound systems cannot carry on forever. there are physical limits to hunan hearing.

Jay Pace
20-03-2008, 02:17 PM
too right. best thing i've done. don't reduce clarity of sound like cheaper ones do.
just worn mine all weekend at bloc.

I forgot mine. Would have been ok, but saturday and beltram was faaaaar to loud.

But only because he was ragging the system. Bartos and radioactive man sounded crisp and clean. Joey was putting everything in the red and it sounded loud and a bit nasty.

IMO its a combo of all of these, but seriously at what point are people gonna start realising that music damages their hearing, he loudness of sound systems cannot carry on forever. there are physical limits to hunan hearing.

You don't need that much mid or highs when you're out. Just need huge amounts of bass. Unfortunately thats difficult to get right, so plenty of rigs compensate their lack of bass (needs huge amps, huge drivers and comlex speakers) with nasty angry mids (cheap, easy to power, sound loud)

Some of the best systems I've heard will shake your ribs but you can have a conversation with the person next to you. Ministry of Sound's system is like that. Sublime.

Very, very few soundsystems get it right.

20-03-2008, 09:20 PM
Agreed, both Beltram and Subhead were horribly loud at Bloc. Way too distorted, I didn't hang around for long. Thankfully, Sunday night was a different story

I keep thinking about getting ear protection... I really should, given the pounding mine have received over the years :no:

21-03-2008, 01:12 AM
i got some custom moulded plugs.

vital if you don't want to go deaf.fo sho

had mine for a couple of years. Can't go out without them now. I don't mind loud systems when they are set up well, but most aren't, sadly, and they give me a headache unless I have my ear buddies in

21-03-2008, 08:04 AM
fo sho

had mine for a couple of years. Can't go out without them now. I don't mind loud systems when they are set up well, but most aren't, sadly, and they give me a headache unless I have my ear buddies in

aye there was a system up in glasgow were u had to actually cover your ears at certain points - it got to much tht a just went behind the dj both n sorted the levels - its was disgustingly bad

sayin tht a dun a gig a few yr ago and the way the sound engineer set the levels up a was bale to turn the master right up - its was ****in great cause i was pounding the schranz and techno - the engineer did tell me to turn it right up but i heard rumours tht i made ppl deaf for 3-4 days including myself......the system was a good un tho!!
