View Full Version : Help with new track
30-03-2008, 08:12 PM
im liking the way this track is gone but im stuck ,this is just a loop what do ye think any suggestions of what i can add?
30-03-2008, 08:44 PM
I could see a secnd layer of hi hats comng in after a bit similar to the ones you have now but slightly sharper and diffrent. Go along more bars then I would add a more defined bass to funk it up even more. Then build with more mid percussion.
It's hard for me to explain what is playing along in my head but I hope that helps!
30-03-2008, 08:47 PM
i know what u mean, there is mid percussion in the track but maybe i need to turn the volume of it slighty. cheers for the input
30-03-2008, 09:22 PM
well, the main thing would be some progression mostly homie. Just seems to be running a loop at the moment almost. Perhaps start it off without all of the elements going and just bring them in slowly....For exampli could start with that flangey synth by itself, bring in the other bleepy one slowly with a filter or volume envelope or somthign like that...That would be over the course of maybe 2-4 bars of music...or whatever sounds best to you.....
Think perhaps a nice soft ride with some delay would give it a nice accent. Perhaps some Distortion/filtered edit section too of the drums...somethign like that...Just what I hear with it.
30-03-2008, 09:33 PM
yeah its just a running loop i threw together today, i just needed a direction before i start to engineer the track. cheers for the feedback
30-03-2008, 11:18 PM
yeah its just a running loop i threw together today, i just needed a direction before i start to engineer the track. cheers for the feedback
I'm sorry homie, it would appear I didnt read your first post properly. Hmmm, think maybe some sort of spacey stab noise could be another nice addition...something very metalic sounding.
31-03-2008, 02:29 AM
Find a vocal that runs alongside the 'up & down' scale which is then pinpointed by the start of the acid line as you bring that in and out - - this will feed and complement your structure so far... say erm.... "I am .... eternal" or summink not as cliched but with that kinda flow... if yer get me :cheese:
Plus I always find that the words from a vocal snippet can give me the idea for a title and the emotion with which to progress the track...
That beat needs variety too so you can develop some swing and will provide you with an idea basis for your next level of percussion...
I know what it's like when you get a strong loop going but it dominates your perception, thus making it difficult to feel what may fit in to the mix and provide progression... :;
31-03-2008, 02:35 PM
I have 300 a capellas too man if thats the way you want to go with it. I have that 50 cent vocal cut "Wankstar".
31-03-2008, 05:45 PM
I have 300 a capellas too man if thats the way you want to go with it. I have that 50 cent vocal cut "Wankstar".
nah 50 cent is a wank-(st)er
not to keen on vocals in music
31-03-2008, 08:50 PM
So I guess I wasted my time then...???
05-04-2008, 11:47 PM
in no way did you waste your time man.....
i appreciate all feedback
05-04-2008, 11:57 PM
Basically I messed around with this track again,
im personally not a fan of this broken beat,double beat, triple kick or whatever its called
so i went back into reason and changed the choon around, I sped up the tempo put a acid vibe to it and i suppose a hard/schranz percussion to it, I decided if im going to make a track how better to make than to use my influeces as acid techno, hard techno and schranz....
so heres a sample of the direction im going with the track, this sample is in no way engineered its just a taste to show ye what the samples are soundng to gether . I didnt use me midi controller ,in reason with this sample i pretty much just hit play on the synths and acid sounds same with the percussion. I suppose what im looking for here is some direction and taughts on the track... so give it a listen and let me know...
any taughts are apreciated..
06-04-2008, 02:08 PM
please upload better quallity mp3,. 128kbps mono is not the best tho
06-04-2008, 03:06 PM
please upload better quallity mp3,. 128kbps mono is not the best tho
will do.
was using audacity to record the track , a load of dick to be honest might use ableton this time
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