View Full Version : Fruity Loops, Reason, Cubase...
22-04-2008, 11:11 AM
What do you guys use? I just my hands on a fresh copy of fruity loops and I have to say, I am massively impressed. It is really nice to use. I have learned more about track construction in 1 day than I ever thought I would!
Depends what im doing
I record in the studio using Pro Tools and the digi002
I write loops using FRuityloops as its great for that
I use Ableton when playing live or recording live from analog stuff like my monopoly as its easier to remanipulate the audio
I write full tracks for techno/dance etc in Logic Studio 8
I've used cubase many times and occasionally like to sequence audio in it due to the inplace VST fx feature which is mint.
Reason i use to teach synthesis and sampling in composition or computers and music units at work.
22-04-2008, 11:40 AM
yeh flstudio is a wicked little program.
still havent found anything as intuitive for constructing loops. its great how you can just drag samples over in one click.
really powerful program as well. once you get your own sample bank built up and a boot load of vst's.
always found it hardwork sequencing in it though. dunno what it is, seems a bit linear and awkward, so generally ill bounce stuff down and use it in sx or rewire it. horses for courses though.
and its an absolute steal at the moment with the state of the dollar,at just over 100 squids you cant go wrong.:yup:
22-04-2008, 01:10 PM
yeh flstudio is a wicked little program.
still havent found anything as intuitive for constructing loops. its great how you can just drag samples over in one click.
really powerful program as well. once you get your own sample bank built up and a boot load of vst's.
always found it hardwork sequencing in it though. dunno what it is, seems a bit linear and awkward, so generally ill bounce stuff down and use it in sx or rewire it. horses for courses though.
and its an absolute steal at the moment with the state of the dollar,at just over 100 squids you cant go wrong.:yup:
It s a savage programme. I was using the demo for a while and then I got me the full version. I have literally spent around 8 collective hours on it and have made loads. Still a lot that I have to learn on it, but Im getting there.
Know anywhere I can get some compatible VSTs?
Barely Human
22-04-2008, 01:38 PM
Check the Free VST plugins thread sticky at the top of the forum. Fruity accepts all VST and DX plugins.
22-04-2008, 01:47 PM
I'm using Reason and Ableton at the moment.
22-04-2008, 02:12 PM
definately stock up on some decent samples though, the fruity stock ones are a little weak.
pm if you need some innit.
22-04-2008, 02:13 PM
Cubase 4 as the main work horse used Cubase since Atari days and just don't feel as comfortable sequencing on anything else and for my money this is the best version of it so far certainly blows away all the SX versions.
Ableton 7 for playing live and more and more often dj'ing with also. use it for when I'm recording from Analog like RDR and for when I'm sampling from records handles audio in a far more intuative way than anything else I have used.
Reason 4 just started using this for Thor basically probably the best thought out softsynth I have seen in a while. Always thought Reason was a bit shit in the past I have to say this version has proved me wrong.
Logic 8 Occasionally I use this but being a die hard Cubase man I really struggle to come to grips with it .Straight out of the box this has the best sounding plugs and softsynths of all of them though.
Melodyne 3 I essentially only use this for extreme pitching etc so a bit of a waste really as it's an absolute monster if you can be bothered to get under the skin of it.
definately stock up on some decent samples though, the fruity stock ones are a little weak.
pm if you need some innit.
Thats an understatement.
check the vengeance boys for sample heaven or the Drum Machines series... all the drum machines (majority) sampled. Also the twisted city stuff is good, avoid uberschall like thew plagues though.
22-04-2008, 06:09 PM
Melodyne 3 I essentially only use this for extreme pitching etc so a bit of a waste really as it's an absolute monster if you can be bothered to get under the skin of it.
yea i love melodyne! i use the VST version tho. looking forward to the Direct Acess update.
Ableton Live all the way for me :) with all my fav vsts... it just does exactly what i want
22-04-2008, 07:25 PM
i use a really old adidas forest hills shoebox. Has to be vintage, i love my analogue gear
i use a really old adidas forest hills shoebox. Has to be vintage, i love my analogue gear
uh oh! topic boredom!
22-04-2008, 08:24 PM
well you know me
dont really care much for what people use
more just about what comes out the speakers
but i do genuinely use an adidas shoebox for percussion, through a Shure81 and Lexicon MPX100
22-04-2008, 08:31 PM
just a few links for samples from this forum (class 808,606 samples run through valve amps) (not tried these)
22-04-2008, 08:36 PM
i will concur though and agree that Fruity is incredible. Get rid of all the shit that comes with it, except Sytrus, because thats a great free synth, and build yourself a great sample library, VST library etc and it's happy days all round really
well you know me
dont really care much for what people use
more just about what comes out the speakers
but i do genuinely use an adidas shoebox for percussion, through a Shure81 and Lexicon MPX100
samples or STFU! :lol: :yup:
22-04-2008, 09:11 PM
of course i dont use an adidas shoebox for percussion
22-04-2008, 09:28 PM
@ RDR whats all this vengeance boys stuff and where be it.
29-04-2008, 03:41 PM
Alright guys,
Dont really post in here that often..
But ive got a copy of Fruity Loops and a copy of Cubase SX.
I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on the basics....
The Fruity Loops is only in demo mode, it was the full version but i have not got a connection to the net @ the mo and i need that to get the full mode back up.
Anyhow, can you guys give me a handy tips guide as what to do and what not to do. Bascially i need to get the feel of it and at the moment i aint got a clue as i dont know were to start?
of course i dont use an adidas shoebox for percussion
Bluff=called! :no: :lol: :rolleyes:
Dave Elyzium
29-04-2008, 05:06 PM
avoid uberschall like thew plagues though.
errrr??? whys that??
29-04-2008, 07:05 PM
Actually, all joking aside, I have some empty wheelie bin Kick samples. I havent gotten around to refining them yet, will post them when I have. EVERYTHING is a sample to me.
Jay Pace
29-04-2008, 08:15 PM
Reason and cubase mainly
Like the hands on approach to reason, wiring together monster machines. Plus I like redrum for making drum loops.
Cubase I'm just used to and can work quickly with it. Not sure if its the best, or better than anything else, I just haven't got the time to learn anything else and don't see the point in changing.
Trying to learn ableton at the mo to look at live performance options.
30-04-2008, 10:13 AM
Fruityloops is great
It was written by a lifelong games programmer rather than a musician, and it feels like it
Wonderful to use, quick and powerful, intuitive interface, totally controllable via keyboard and midi, stable..... etc etc
If you want to use time varying compound time sigs or whatever, then fruity isn't going to do the job, and I'm not really a fan of either the sampler or built in synths, but hook it up with Kontakt and a couple of decent VST synths, and you really shouldn't need much more
The only sad thing is that it's never, ever likely to be released for a Mac, and it's the one good reason I can think of to keep on using a Windows machine.
30-04-2008, 11:24 AM (not tried these)
quite good stuff, hard dance mainly but some nice hits. Some of the files didn't fully unpack as I recall tho'
errrr??? whys that??
sorry i should have written (IMO) in it.
simply because the uberschall stuff has been done to death and really doesnt bring anything new to the table.
of course everyone can use anything really, depends what you do with it.
30-04-2008, 11:34 AM
I'm mainly using Acid, 'cos much of my stuff is audio from my hardware by the time it hits the computer and that's what I've always used.
TBF now the midi is all up to spec seems pointless moving too.
But it is a lot of a temptation to chuck samples everywhere and be lazy and find loops instead of programming them.
And the silly thing is that VSTi busses can't be routed to the send effects, you can only put the effects on inline, but then most VSTis have their own effects, or I just wait until I bounce it down to audio if I really need something on a send.
But I like sliceing audio about, it's fun.
Fruityloops is great
It was written by a lifelong games programmer rather than a musician, and it feels like it
Wonderful to use, quick and powerful, intuitive interface, totally controllable via keyboard and midi, stable..... etc etc
If you want to use time varying compound time sigs or whatever, then fruity isn't going to do the job, and I'm not really a fan of either the sampler or built in synths, but hook it up with Kontakt and a couple of decent VST synths, and you really shouldn't need much more
The only sad thing is that it's never, ever likely to be released for a Mac, and it's the one good reason I can think of to keep on using a Windows machine.
COugh Cough
VMware fusion.. cough... parralells.. cough bootcamp...
shall i carry on?
01-05-2008, 11:04 PM
yeah I know it can be done, still means running Windows though, hence a Windows machine. Windows = Pain in the arse
Fruityloops though, always good to see it appreciated. Great stuff
05-05-2008, 08:46 PM
fl studio, been using it for years! i love it!
i do use cubase occaisionally as well, great for editing tracks
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