View Full Version : Why Sven Väth is great

07-05-2008, 01:09 AM
Some of his past productions are classic.
He falls into the 'entertaining' DJ bracket better than most.
He openly speaks out for vinyl (check his 'Slices' DVD appearance) when most of his peers (and many other sheep) are going digital.
He kinda doesn't give a **** either, which I like..

I don't even follow what he does these days, but I still think he's one of the good guys. In about 1999 I saw him DJ in Dublin, and he was great. There was still a trace of his old trance sound, but it was mainly techno. Four years later in Belgium and he was getting a bit too 'large' for me, but it was still good in its own way.

I've obviously heard mixed reports from people re: his behaviour in clubs, groping of women etc. but the general opinion is that he's just out to have fun and is game for a laugh. There are lots of DJs who you can't say that about. Sven's got the love, we should all give him the love too ;)

07-05-2008, 01:16 AM
yep, sven is still enjoying it, can't blame him for that. i think he's still pushing the new artists and sound through his compilations, label and club, that can't be a bad thing, right...?

07-05-2008, 02:52 AM
nothing wrong with an oul' grope!

07-05-2008, 03:30 AM
nothing wrong with an oul' grope!

True enough. Although there was when he did it to the wrong chick in Club Mono one time! She wasn't having any of it, and actually ended up getting asked to leave the backstage area after losing the plot with him. The best recent one was last year in Tripod where the screen on the stage was zoomed onto Richie Hawtin playing and in the background you could apparantly see Sven trying it on with one of the PR girls that was working for the venue. She eventually escaped I heard..

Anyway, good old Sven! How can anyone hate on him?!

07-05-2008, 08:57 AM
Dunno how anyone can hate on the guy he's a legend. Even if you don't like what he plays now you have to respect what he has done. No one used to get the orbit going like sven!

07-05-2008, 10:25 AM
yeah groping women in clubs is ace, wonder how you'd you'd feel if it was your missus, would you be like 'oh it's just sven, it's all good' then?

he's way past his sell by date

07-05-2008, 10:39 AM
"yeah groping women in clubs is ace, wonder how you'd you'd feel if it was your missus, would you be like 'oh it's just sven, it's all good' then"


07-05-2008, 05:46 PM
"yeah groping women in clubs is ace, wonder how you'd you'd feel if it was your missus, would you be like 'oh it's just sven, it's all good' then"


Come on, we're having a laugh here - obviously no-one thinks that is really cool. If you're not going to have anything good to say about Sven you should leave to the other (negative) thread, and grumble away in there :)

07-05-2008, 05:52 PM
Come on, we're having a laugh here - obviously no-one thinks that is really cool. If you're not going to have anything good to say about Sven you should leave to the other (negative) thread, and grumble away in there :)

the other thread is very positive. we are quite positive that he is a cock. :tongue:

07-05-2008, 05:53 PM
the other thread is very positive. we are quite positive that he is a cock. :tongue:

and so's hawtin :dontgothere: :cheese:

07-05-2008, 06:10 PM
the other thread is very positive. we are quite positive that he is a cock. :tongue:

'We' is it? 'You' more like..
Piss off back there and try to convince everyone what a dickhead he is then, you won't get very far though :)

07-05-2008, 06:15 PM
meh.. i know what i saw

07-05-2008, 06:37 PM
Hold up. You're a sheep now if you've gone digital? That's some pretty big newspeak. For the longest time, there have been no shortage of sheep who claim "vinyl superiority" because of artist opinions they can cite. If it wasn't for "sheep," vinyl would have been ditched even sooner. :P

07-05-2008, 07:17 PM

07-05-2008, 08:01 PM

Just responding to the first post. I don't see why his love for vinyl has any baring on him. Depending on how far he takes it, it's more likely to make him an ass. ;)

07-05-2008, 08:58 PM
Some of his past productions are classic.
He falls into the 'entertaining' DJ bracket better than most.
He openly speaks out for vinyl (check his 'Slices' DVD appearance) when most of his peers (and many other sheep) are going digital.
He kinda doesn't give a **** either, which I like..

I don't even follow what he does these days, but I still think he's one of the good guys. In about 1999 I saw him DJ in Dublin, and he was great. There was still a trace of his old trance sound, but it was mainly techno. Four years later in Belgium and he was getting a bit too 'large' for me, but it was still good in its own way.

I've obviously heard mixed reports from people re: his behaviour in clubs, groping of women etc. but the general opinion is that he's just out to have fun and is game for a laugh. There are lots of DJs who you can't say that about. Sven's got the love, we should all give him the love too ;)

Like 3d!t or Mr. Rush. Although I did here that back in the day at some tekno party rush took a break mid set to go to jacks, and on the spur of the moment ****ed some guy in the jacks so hard he had to be taken to hospital, for stitches. Rush went on playing away, didnt miss a beat. Very probably a rumour, nice bit of techno mythology though.

So in that sense sven isnt that much fun, all he does is a bit of groping. oooh just got an idea for a thread

07-05-2008, 09:53 PM
****ed some guy in the jacks so hard he had to be taken to hospital, for stitches. Rush went on playing away, didnt miss a beat. Very probably a rumour, nice bit of techno mythology though.

not that nice to be honest :lol:

07-05-2008, 11:04 PM
yeah Vath is a legend, quite hard to slag off a guy who was doing this when alot of us were in nappies, quite literaly. Dont understand the other thread at all really, nor the still omnipresent need to try to belittle other artists who are above and beyond them in all aspects of what they do, because its usually for a reason. The reason here being because Sven Vath is actually alarmingly good at what he does, in a practical and business sense. He's into his 40's, plays the best clubs in the world, with beautiful ladies, no doubt has a beautiful appartment(s) and commands insane money for what he does. Whats to hate on him for?

oh yeah i forgot, because he plays music now that some people dont like

the man got nothing on Fred West when it comes to crime hey

07-05-2008, 11:12 PM
Just responding to the first post. I don't see why his love for vinyl has any baring on him.

Yeah, well I guess you wouldn't.
One of the scene's biggest DJs coming out and bigging up vinyl is obviously a positive thing for any of us that support it..

Depending on how far he takes it, it's more likely to make him an ass. ;)

Ok.. you're making loads of sense here?
No need to explain though, have read enough of your crap for one evening.

07-05-2008, 11:26 PM
meh.. i know what i saw

Fair enough. I'm not disbelieving the fact that he may have acted the arsehole, but y'know.. he does do that sometimes!
For me, he's one of those people who you have to put in the "likeable rogue" category..
He's keeping it real and enjoying it, which is a lot more than can be said about other hangers on of his generation, that probably should have hung up their headphones by now..

07-05-2008, 11:43 PM
theres no disputing what he has done in the past.. sounds of the ** season have always been enjoyable albums..

but this situation left a bad taste. and there were a few more dublin heads there aswell that you know sunil..

i'll tell you the whole story in person.

08-05-2008, 01:07 AM
Yeah, well I guess you wouldn't.
One of the scene's biggest DJs coming out and bigging up vinyl is obviously a positive thing for any of us that support it..

You called people going digital "sheep." Sorry, dude. But, going digital has been the black sheep thing to do for awhile now. I know more people who have stuck with vinyl, rather than go digital, because people like Sven Vath, or others who they idolize, have made some clowny arguments as to why it's better. I personally couldn't care what people prefer. But, when people "speak out" on behalf of vinyl nowadays, it generally just comes down to them saying "I really just think it's cooler" surrounded by a bunch of buzzword or fantasy wankery to justify their position. People go that route and, yeah, I think they're being an ass. Haven't heard anything from Vath to make a call one way or the other though. Hence the hypothetical on how far he took it.

Ok.. you're making loads of sense here?
No need to explain though, have read enough of your crap for one evening.

No need to take it personal.

08-05-2008, 01:17 AM
dont care either way for sven.. but that 'digital/sheep' comment is pretty dumb.. surgeon a sheep then..

theres an argument that ppl that cant let go of vinyl are stuck in the past.. dead format blah blah blah..

dont matter if its a laptop or a 6 string Eko with a busted neck.. good music is good music.. when the means outweigh the ends, theres summat out of whack.. imo ;)

08-05-2008, 02:10 AM
Well, if you two people actually tried to analyse what I said originally:

"when most of his peers (and many other sheep) are going digital"

..you might realise that I'm not referring to all people that play music digitally, rather the many people who have merely followed what others are doing, purely because it seems like 'the thing to do'. And there are LOTS of these people. I spoke to a couple of distributors about Vath on 'Slices' and all agreed that it was a positive thing - maybe if some of you worked in this business and realised the positive value of things such as this, you might understand why people like Sven Vath are to be applauded.

Apologies if I didn't make myself fully clear. Anyway, there's a Format Wars - Mp3 vs Vinyl debate thread above if you want to carry it on with someone else.

08-05-2008, 02:19 AM
theres no disputing what he has done in the past.. sounds of the ** season have always been enjoyable albums..

but this situation left a bad taste. and there were a few more dublin heads there aswell that you know sunil..

i'll tell you the whole story in person.

Cool, you can fill me in so..
Was this last weekend by the way?
Y'know, none of this would ever have happened if you had have stayed and gone to Sibin Festival on Saturday and Surgeon on Sunday, best weekend for techno here in ages!

08-05-2008, 02:42 AM
nah.. was 3 weeks ago.

week b4 bren cheymera was there.

09-05-2008, 01:06 AM
Well, if you two people actually tried to analyse what I said originally:

"when most of his peers (and many other sheep) are going digital"

sorry man.. i jus dont see what the digital debate has to do with it.. if sven wants to push vinyl, thats great.. dont see why that makes him any better than anyone else..

imo.. its the ppl WHO ACTUALLY BUY THE RECORDS that keep the format alive.. its been a long long time since i stood in a rekkid store deciding if i need the latest Hardgroove.. or some food.. which one will see me thru the next few days til i get some gig money lol

and for the matter... BAAAAAA :D

09-05-2008, 02:29 AM
if sven wants to push vinyl, thats great..

Exactly my point ;)

Anyway, it was only one point of why I think Sven is a good guy. Don't think he deserves a huge diss on this forum, that's all. We can do better than that.
Most punters/promoters etc. will tell you that the guy is a buzzer and entertainer. Dunno why there has to be so much resentment towards someone who is just out having fun; fair enough if he has done something to someone personally but but that was never the case with anyone here on BOA.

Right, enough of that! :)

09-05-2008, 11:22 AM
He's a freak so I love him ;)

10-05-2008, 12:58 PM
had some of my most fun nights out with Sven at Orbit in the 90s where he played anything from ambient, detroit techno & deep house through to purist pounders and the best trance records ever made. Only other place i saw him play was one of the tribal gathering fests but it wasn't the same, no real atmosphere whereas he made the Orbit his own from the second he walked in the venue.

he's a bag of wank these days just like most of the big guns who're earning their retirement funds and i wouldn't go see him play again but i'll always have a soft spot for him for what he did.

i'm not sure his productions were all that though Sunil, he put his name to a few gems but we all know it was his mate Ralf who made the best ones.

10-05-2008, 11:53 PM
in seriousness, he has been a solid fixture from waaaaay back & gone thru many many different phases..

i dont dig what he's doing now, but thats subjective.. i admire his stamina though. and if he wants to go do ibiza & wot not, fair do's.. hes been in the game a long long time before most of us :)

11-05-2008, 01:25 AM
i'm not sure his productions were all that though Sunil, he put his name to a few gems but we all know it was his mate Ralf who made the best ones.

Yeah fair enough, without Ralf there would have been none of those records; but without Sven they probably would not have happened either!

12-05-2008, 05:11 PM
sod him anyway....

pub anyone?

18-05-2008, 08:42 PM
I wish superstar DJs would grope me... : (
