View Full Version : Bang Face Hard Crew

09-05-2008, 01:10 AM
forward thinking genius.. or novelty bo**ocks ?

personally, i can do without..

09-05-2008, 05:14 AM
have ya got any links for everyone mate?? :)

09-05-2008, 09:36 AM
Bangface is a f*cking wicked night out. www.bangface.com lots of pictures and videos (of which I'm in a few)Sure,it's a little cliche,but it's a fun,friendly and banging club night. They always have great lineups,with a good mix of tuneage. Ok,the bouncers can be a bit cunty at times,and the smoking area needs to be f*cking sorted out,cos waiting half an hour for a fag ain't on. But the night itself,and the people,can't fault it.

09-05-2008, 10:14 AM
I spent some time in the Bang Face tent at Glade last year. They seem to have some good hardcore and gabba (Dolphin, Sharkey, Producer ect) and even some old school stuff, but then some sh*te was well - weird for the sake of weird, "look ma, I'm a mad b*stard!" Still, very different to a lot of other clubs night/promotors, and good to see some of the names on their lineups.

09-05-2008, 12:07 PM
Absolute load of vile Nathan Barley stupidity-as-cleverness bollocks, Fringeli would be turning in his grave if he wasn't still alive and putting music out.

09-05-2008, 12:30 PM
stupidity-as-cleverness bollocks

Pretty much what I was driving at mate. It was good to see some gabba at Glade, but there were quite a lot of w*nkers who clearly thought they were so mad and crazy to be listening to this stuff... Bit of an image thing going on!!

Jay Pace
09-05-2008, 06:46 PM
fun in small doses, not to be taken seriously
can't cope with more than a couple of hours of it though

09-05-2008, 07:09 PM
Bangface is wicked, went to the weekender & it was the dogs bollox, no attitude, shit load of FUN & yeah a few young niave types but they were going for it as much as anyone....so let em enjoy it we were all doing that at some point, you know what i mean?

The line ups they have cater for pretty much everyones taste & i say fair play to em the scene needs a bit of fun instead of takin itself so f**kin seriously cus after all it is meant to be about the party isnt it?

Was wicked at the glade to.

09-05-2008, 07:56 PM
Yeah i take your point but surely going out and dancing to loud music is fun in itself? It's a bit of inverse snobbery to say just because the music isn't silly that people aren't having a good time.

09-05-2008, 08:09 PM
Yeah i take your point but surely going out and dancing to loud music is fun in itself? It's a bit of inverse snobbery to say just because the music isn't silly that people aren't having a good time. That one works bothways though surely. If the music is silly,people can still have a good time. And anyway,not eveyone finds breakcore/gabba/weird experimental stuff shit. SOme people actually go cos they love the music.

10-05-2008, 05:13 AM
Yeah it does, but i love breakcore and hardcore and all sorts of weird stuff, and i wouldn't go to Bangface if you paid me, haha.

10-05-2008, 10:25 AM
Not massively my thing. it has its moments, but then so does every style.

We've just hooked up with someone who's really into the weirder electronica end of techno. Should help us diversify our events a bit

Thurs July 10th - Scotch Egg and the Osaka Invasion Tour, Free Entry @ Moog, Nottingham.


12-05-2008, 03:34 AM
i've not been to bangface myself, but everyone i know who's been to the night says its wicked. although the club its in Electroworks is SHIT.

if you check the photos on the website it looks pretty mental.

my flat mate went to the last one when Rowland was playing and said there was so many hot chicks there.

12-05-2008, 03:40 PM
lol @ so many hot chicks..

i aint dig it at all.. ott dress up glow stick altern 8 rave pants..

fair play to those that get off though :)

12-05-2008, 03:58 PM
sounds like an unpretentious fun event be the accounts on here...

scene needs more fun IMO

12-05-2008, 04:30 PM
I seem to remember someone from here getting rather friendly with a young lady in a pvc nurses outfit.

13-05-2008, 05:29 PM
Bangface is boss.
Yeah it does seem to have gone a bit Barley, but for the shear rave ethos they promote they cant be faulted in my books

13-05-2008, 05:42 PM
Yeah it does, but i love breakcore and hardcore and all sorts of weird stuff, and i wouldn't go to Bangface if you paid me, haha.

The line-ups for their events have pretty much always looked great from what I've seen over here. I'd probably check one out if I was in the area at the time. However, as for the "Bang Face Hard Crew," I'm just having a hard time getting the image of people that like violent oral out of my head. LOL!

16-05-2008, 01:27 AM
looks like great craic.. jus not my bag.. fair play for putting the silly back into it though.. what with moody loop techno & haircut mnml and wot not.. its not what i dig at nights at all, but they really do go all out & the punters are jus as bonkers lol

i dont really like it, but by f**k do i respect it :)

20-05-2008, 02:01 PM
The "hard crew" tag is because when they first started the night you used to have to queue to get in and as it was such a small venue if you needed a piss you had to use the toilets out back but then had to queue to get in again n lost your place, so the "bang face hard crew" name came from that.

Check out this interview with Saint Acid (BangFace promoter) its quite interesting.


21-05-2008, 01:56 AM
The "hard crew" tag is because when they first started the night you used to have to queue to get in and as it was such a small venue if you needed a piss you had to use the toilets out back but then had to queue to get in again n lost your place, so the "bang face hard crew" name came from that.

Check out this interview with Saint Acid (BangFace promoter) its quite interesting.


even if ya dont like th emusic, ya gotta respect that ethos :)

21-05-2008, 03:06 PM
even if ya dont like th emusic, ya gotta respect that ethos :)


23-05-2008, 06:51 PM
Line up for the June one looks pretty sick. Cassetteboy,UK Apache,Ben Simms and more. (see thread in events) Cassetteboy sells it for me,I love they're cheeky "music"

02-06-2008, 09:45 PM
i've not been to bangface myself, but everyone i know who's been to the night says its wicked. although the club its in Electroworks is SHIT.

Nah..Elektrowerkz is a quality venue.

Dirty, underground and generally all round havin' it. The security are twats and there's too many inflatable toys being thrown about at Bangface, but apart from that it's great.

There's also some surprisingly good and varied techno get played, along with some shite too BUT at least it's varied and you can never say it's boring

02-06-2008, 11:34 PM
good to see they have brought some straight techno in the form of Sims..

i seen one of their line ups.. massive names.. not one of them i was into lol but if ya dig the 'eclectic' element of electronic music, it has to be a winner..

as for the Gatecrasher/inflatables/road sefice jackets.. i can really really leave it to the happy hardcore crowd... in saying that.. hardcore & Bangface ? maybe they ARE the happy hardcore crowd of yesteryear lol

03-06-2008, 12:11 AM
Hardfloor live sometime last yr was a DEFINITE winner

17-06-2008, 10:47 PM
ive been to the bangface nights at glade and there is a fair amount of stupidness, with the hardcore and oldskool, its all a bit tongue in cheek, thats a small aspect of what the whole bangface thing is about, they also champion straight techno with surgeon, sims, bolland, forward thinking electonica from flashbulb, bong ra, chris clark and stacks of jungle, dnb ed rush, remarc and acid with vibert, ceephax etc. I cant understand why fellow techno heads would possibly try to lable this whole vibe as pretentious or nathan barley? lol @ the irony of that btw

some ppl need to crawl from underneath the looped rock theyve been hiding in since the mid 90s

i find some hard techno nights way more cringey/arse licky and nathan barley these days

(the 'bangface hard crew' is the crowd whom attend the nights btw)

19-06-2008, 11:41 PM
^^totally true

Martin Dust
24-06-2008, 09:18 PM
They're a good crew and it's a bit of a laugh but the music still rules - they put loads on that wouldn't normally get a look in.

25-06-2008, 01:35 AM
ive been to the bangface nights at glade and there is a fair amount of stupidness, with the hardcore and oldskool, its all a bit tongue in cheek, thats a small aspect of what the whole bangface thing is about, they also champion straight techno with surgeon, sims, bolland, forward thinking electonica from flashbulb, bong ra, chris clark and stacks of jungle, dnb ed rush, remarc and acid with vibert, ceephax etc. I cant understand why fellow techno heads would possibly try to lable this whole vibe as pretentious or nathan barley? lol @ the irony of that btw

some ppl need to crawl from underneath the looped rock theyve been hiding in since the mid 90s

i find some hard techno nights way more cringey/arse licky and nathan barley these days

(the 'bangface hard crew' is the crowd whom attend the nights btw)

lol@ looped rock

25-06-2008, 02:47 PM
ive been to the bangface nights at glade and there is a fair amount of stupidness, with the hardcore and oldskool, its all a bit tongue in cheek, thats a small aspect of what the whole bangface thing is about, they also champion straight techno with surgeon, sims, bolland, forward thinking electonica from flashbulb, bong ra, chris clark and stacks of jungle, dnb ed rush, remarc and acid with vibert, ceephax etc. I cant understand why fellow techno heads would possibly try to lable this whole vibe as pretentious or nathan barley? lol @ the irony of that btw

some ppl need to crawl from underneath the looped rock theyve been hiding in since the mid 90s

i find some hard techno nights way more cringey/arse licky and nathan barley these days

(the 'bangface hard crew' is the crowd whom attend the nights btw)

I agree, it doesnt bother me nor should it bother anyone else that everyone is gettin dressed up its fun n its about the tunes at the end of the day so who cares what ure wearin! i will admit though, i'm not into all the tunes that get played (vibes etc, i used to be so i can see the appeal)but for the consistent high calibre of artistt they have you cant fault them. i love techno jus as much as the next person but variation is needed at nights or it just becomes stale. bring on the glade fri night.

Jay Pace
25-06-2008, 03:28 PM
Done a few bangfaces at the electrowerks, but their shennanigans at Glade were far better IMO

First year they did it was just nuts. People were blown away. If you go down the electrowerks you kinda get an idea of what you are going to get - UV and some silly inflatables and mad music.

But in a big top that held 2000 people, nobody knew what hit them. Suddenly everywhere you looked someone was waving a plastic inflatable skeleton. Then everyone had a dolphin. Haven't felt an atmosphere like that in a long time - proper sense of the whole crowd just going ape-shit and not knowing what the hell to make of it all. Genuinely different - not enough of that these days. And brilliant to see plenty of veteran ravers caught off guard... pretty fantastic to suddenly find yourself in the middle of something completely unique.

The novelty might wear off a bit, and I couldn't do it every week but I'm dead glad someone is paying more attention to the party, the crowd and the atmosphere than just providing a venue with an altar for dj worship.
