View Full Version : Little Fella! - "Sinister Behaviour"

11-05-2008, 04:16 AM
Aint been in a while so apologies if it looks just like I been posting on other dudes chowns just to draw attention to myself... tis aint the case :eek:

This is a first draft n am lookin for ideas to lessen any monotony - - I've kept it simple purely so that there is plenty room for ideas... and production pointers of course...

Unfortunately I think I have over done the multi-band as I forgot to pull mi threshold back - doh! :ohdear:


11-05-2008, 01:44 PM
mint. bloody sweet track there mate. i would beef up the kick, make the bass line a touch more apparent and that shaker type drum roll you got going on, after the break kick it in as a snare roll... on the whole, i love it.

11-05-2008, 05:15 PM
Im loving this m8!!! i agree with danny thou, the kick is a little bit weak, but its nothing that cant be fixed easily. good stuff!!! :)

19-05-2008, 05:25 AM
Cheers for the likey chaps... :)

Will look at the kick n bass ratio n as you say Danny, jus a subtle intro to bring in the last set o beats may help the crowd along... :cool:

Am moving house n that so's will be properly set up in a few weeks and can listen to other's and give more immediate feedback - - which is rubbish at the mo...:tongue:

02-06-2008, 04:09 PM
its reallly slow at downloading for some reason

07-06-2008, 11:02 AM
Seems ok at the moment - maybe just temp issue at Speedy share end.. ??

Jay Pace
13-06-2008, 02:39 PM
easy ben

Nice work dude, definite progress being made here mate
Thought the track was well structured with good ideas and progressed well.
The synths and bass sounded great, warm and squelchy bass sounds gave it the sinister edge but kept a bit of menacing funk to it.

Think you need to look at the individual sounds you are using. They all sounded a little weedy to me, kick was a little flimsy and the hats and per sounded thin and lacked fullness.

Compression and EQ would give them a bit more prominence, you've got some interesting panning stuff going on, but other than that the hats etc sounded very static. The same noise at the same volume repeated over and over but moving around the stereo space. Would beef up the sound, maybe even layer the sounds over other ones. Its always a nice combo to put a synth hihat or kick over a sampled real kick hihat - gives it more oomph. To give your hats more clout you can tame the high frequencies with subtractive EQ, and that will let you bring the level up. Add a bit of compression to them following subtractive EQ and all your sounds will get a lot more punch to them.

Would then look at some dynamic chances into your patterns, and maybe look at home you are structuring them. Felt a little bit like too much of one sample at times, always good to build grooves out of lots of different sounds, then maybe put some processing effects over the lot to give them a bit of individuality. I'm a lazy feck and I rarely do much programming in the panning / dynamics area, usually I'll build a groove out of lots of different samples, eq them all to fit, compress each one where necessary then add a bit of compression to the whole group to pull them altogether, then a bit of processing on top to give them character. Its a lazy way, but it works for me. Something like PSP Nitro is great for turning fairly uninspiring loops into bizarre squelch works of sonic art. You can get amazing results out of very basic inputs with plugins like that, then you can either chop bits of this new loop up and layer more perc over it, or sort of "jam" with it - chuck new stuff at the processing, and see what you get back. Keep playing around till you find something you like.

Leaps and bounds mate, just need to beef up a little and you'll have some killer tracks on the go in no time.

13-06-2008, 04:29 PM
yo mate. nice ideas in the track. nice work on that little twisted sounds. it is sweetly morphing around, yeah, thats very nice....
production needs some work imo. ki would work on a kick bit more, maybe make few new layers and try to combine them, now kick seems to be too boomy somewhere 100-300Hz, it needs to be cut down for a few dBs, then adding another punchy kick on top could give it more punch and presence...
some nice reverbs on hats and all those little lead sounds could glue it all together.... nice track

22-06-2008, 12:48 AM
Cheers for the pointers guys... I must say that the guidance I have had from you both and Steve has accelerated my learning of this subject - - as I have had next to no chance to write stuff for a good while now...

Yeah, so big up and much appreciation of the time you have put in to further my knowledge...

Have moved house recently so will have to adjust to my new acoustics - - which are ten times better as a consequence of not living right on the f***ing north circular road any more - - the difference is amazing!

So I can now pinpoint easily that thin-ness of sounds etc. ---- am looking forward to getting some time in the studio now that my exams have finished...

Cheers chaps...:cool:

05-07-2008, 03:52 AM
Have had a bit more of a go on this based on your advices - but not as much as I woulda liked...

have run outta memory so cannatt work any more progression in really - - tis more for 'live' than a release as such n want to move on soon...:hmmm:


05-07-2008, 09:59 AM
I shall give this a listen today and report back.

06-07-2008, 02:45 PM
Another dark roller here! I'd love to have this ony vinyl with the newest offering from rory. I can't go to much into technicalities here due to my shitty listening environment here, so i won't. :lol:

There's some clever programming in here and i like the arrangement as well. That long piercing sound (for a lack of a better description) well sure as hell drive the clubbers nuts. It's perfect for a dark and sweaty club with lots of fog i imagine!

I will give the a listen on better speakers, because i am not doing it justice at the moment. With tracks like this and rory's (the only two i have listened to yet from here these days) - who can say techno is dead?

12-07-2008, 01:11 AM
Cheers for the cool feedback there loopdon...:cool:

It can be quite encouraging when Rory's name is mentioned in the same sentence! heh :) he is in a different league in my opinion, but cheers for that...:content:

Will shape it up a bit more and give it a dusting down to finish off so any production pointers from you are most welcome...techno is in my heart by the way... :techno:

12-07-2008, 11:43 AM
Like this mate........some good elements and as a good feel to it.
Your tunes are getting better and better IMO
keep it up!;)

17-07-2008, 01:23 AM
Cheers Calvin... glad to hear improvements are noticeable - - thank the lawd :mrmyagi: ...

Have checked in on yee on the MySpaff n left a message... :cool:
