View Full Version : Chester Beatty

28-12-2003, 04:33 AM
what do you think of him?
I persnonally think he's a great producer but he sometimes overdoes the retro thing a little bit. It's fun but not always!
but there are really some great productions from him

The Overfiend
28-12-2003, 05:50 AM
my man can recycle a loop boy!!!!!!!!
for me to really like him again he has to kill the disco thing or at least get a lil less cliche about it.
otherwise him and shufflemaster can be sick again.

28-12-2003, 10:59 AM
All his tracks seem to be very mid sound dominated. Can get a bit hairy if you don't mix in or our with the right tracks. Disq 2, I think (the brown one), was pretty all right.

28-12-2003, 12:56 PM
my man can recycle a loop boy!!!!!!!!
for me to really like him again he has to kill the disco thing or at least get a lil less cliche about it.
otherwise him and shufflemaster can be sick again.

same here

28-12-2003, 02:04 PM
I know what you're saying about the mid thing - however I do quite like the sound if you don't overdo it, at least he's (I presume he's a he?) trying to create his own sound, which is fair enough...

28-12-2003, 04:38 PM
Aren't Chester Beatty two people, a girl and a bloke?
I have gone off their stuff a little however I still end up getting some of their records as there usually is one track out of 3 or 4 on the record that catches my ear, like on the last Tresor EP by them. They did overdo the filtered breakdown thing (Some people I know even complained of this hurting their ears!) as the tracks soon became predictable and rehashed, and I'm not sure what I make of the whole disco buzz they are on at the moment (Some of it's interesting), but either way I think Chester Beatty are quite a unique act, would really like to see a live set by them..

The Overfiend
28-12-2003, 06:33 PM
it's one guy.http://www.third-ear.net/st2/feature/004/images/metamo_chester.jpg

28-12-2003, 07:31 PM
All his tracks seem to be very mid sound dominated. Can get a bit hairy if you don't mix in or our with the right tracks. Disq 2, I think (the brown one), was pretty all right.

yeah too much compression =((( some like heheh party sund in your home, i was chatting about this in the afternoon

to me, disq 01 remins by prefered ep by him. the shufflemaster releases on the same label rea really gret too (tokyo rose and this amazing jazzy ep)

28-12-2003, 10:15 PM
it's one guy.http://www.third-ear.net/st2/feature/004/images/metamo_chester.jpg

i was told by more than one person that it was two, must have been misinformation then.

justin schumacher
28-12-2003, 10:26 PM
he's made some killer tunes, and also some repulsive crap.

my personal favs are disq 4 "turia", and "supersonic transport" on phont.
those cuts would make any place erupt.

his older production was so much cleaner, but still had that
mid-dominating filtery style which he could call his own.

now (the releases on tresor and bodyshower) it sounds like he doesnt care about the quality.
those breakdowns would shred your ears on the floor, that being a bad thing.
i wish he would do a better mixdown. c'mon!

Dustin Zahn
29-12-2003, 12:55 AM
I was always told by multiple people that it was a girl and boy as well.
Anyway, their older stuff was still just as cheesy but I kind of liked it. The problem now is the mastering (along with getting even cheesier). I mean, the mastering is down right terrible, some of the worst I've heard on vinyl. But judging from previous CB work, your vinyls can't just decrease in mastering quality on a constant basis. It has to be intentional. Either way some of the tunes have lots of potential but the mastering makes them sound terrible in the mix. It may have to do with CB being japanese, they're crazy over there. ;)

I agree with tioneb though, those two shufflemaster EPs were excellent!

02-01-2004, 11:35 PM
beatty's cool he has his own reverbed out sound that gives it a presence other producers don't have much of. 99% of all clubby techno sounds like they been copying the marco's, gaetanos and rino's out there. at least chester beatty is into his own thing and will take chances in pushing disco samples to the max and not trying to live up to the latest ART or zenit release.

oh yeah beat boxx with shufflemaster is the ****ing shit for me lately!

02-01-2004, 11:43 PM
as long as it sounds good in the mix when kenny larkin drops it :clap:

05-01-2004, 06:52 PM
:gutted: this is making me think of my copy of disq1 that was stolen from me at a party. does any1 have this to spare/swap???

any1 know that killer track of his from the reel musiq double pack from a few years back. cheesy, but fun :lol:
