View Full Version : Mixes wanted for ´Tear your clothes off`radio show on Techno.FM

31-07-2008, 06:56 PM
Alright,John asked me to look around for some Techno mixes for his show,so in case anybody´s interested,write to djproduct19@hotmail.com and please make it ´Mix submission`in the subject matter..

31-07-2008, 07:36 PM
Alright,John asked me to look around for some Techno mixes for his show,so in case anybody´s interested,write to djproduct19@hotmail.com and please make it ´Mix submission`in the subject matter..

i sent him one.
he didnt even acknowledge it's receipt, the least he could have done was tell me it wasn't good enough.
the guy's a cunt , he can shove his radio show up his arse.

31-07-2008, 07:44 PM
Ah jesus mate, that is harsh- John's a good lad! He is a bloody busy man, thats likely why you got no response mate.

EDIT: Actually, you're out of line there 'tron. So he didn't play your mix, seriously get over it and stop acting like a pleb.

31-07-2008, 08:04 PM
Ah jesus mate, that is harsh- John's a good lad! He is a bloody busy man, thats likely why you got no response mate.

EDIT: Actually, you're out of line there 'tron. So he didn't play your mix, seriously get over it and stop acting like a pleb.

i'm not out of line, i'm expressing actual fact. just because you want to kiss up to him to get him to play one of your mixes doesn't mean we all have to play the game.

31-07-2008, 08:17 PM
just because he didnt reply to one of your emails doesnt make him bad.

31-07-2008, 08:22 PM
i sent him one.
he didnt even acknowledge it's receipt, the least he could have done was tell me it wasn't good enough.
the guy's a cunt , he can shove his radio show up his arse.

so he's a cunt coz he didnt play your mix?

ive dealt with john online and worked with him at 414 and i have to say he's a lovely guy. not only is he in college, he's also working for SUF and gigging, so if a few emails slip past him unnoticed i reckon we can forgive him.

pull yourself in calv. just remember that john posts on here and after seeing your rant i reckon someone else will be considered the cunt.

31-07-2008, 08:23 PM
i'm not out of line, i'm expressing actual fact. just because you want to kiss up to him to get him to play one of your mixes doesn't mean we all have to play the game.

Cop the f*ck on 'tron. I have never submitted a mix to him and have no plans of doing so- I'm not up to scratch. I know my limits.

It is my actual opinion that you are being a twat, once again someone says no to you so you throw your toys out of your pram.

01-08-2008, 12:58 AM
john is a top geezer, i spent some time with him in brazil...if he missed your email then maybe hes too busy.......keep sending till you get a reply!

01-08-2008, 01:41 AM
i sent him one.
he didnt even acknowledge it's receipt, the least he could have done was tell me it wasn't good enough.
the guy's a cunt , he can shove his radio show up his arse.
Get over yourself.

John is one of the friendliest and hardest working people in Techno, end of story.

04-08-2008, 08:28 PM
just have to laugh...........

The Overfiend
04-08-2008, 10:18 PM
John aka Product 19 is a great guy.
Truth Be Told.

04-08-2008, 10:21 PM
who the hell is john

05-08-2008, 01:45 AM
who the hell is john

who the hell is lag?

05-08-2008, 10:17 AM
Tell you who is a miserable cunt, proper up his own star hole- Barry Technologies. What a douche bag, I made 5 tunes in "techno ejay" and he won't release them- proper bell end.

05-08-2008, 10:39 AM
who the hell is lag?

thats like asking "who is god"
the answer would be very vague

05-08-2008, 10:54 AM

05-08-2008, 01:19 PM
hi, its me.
thought that having a diff nick on every forum kinda gets some people confused

05-08-2008, 01:33 PM
Had me confused for a while there mate! I looked at the postes you started- clever me innit!

05-08-2008, 02:38 PM
ure as clever and noble as the john guy!

i understand what he did here. hes improving the scene by first giving random BOA people hope, and then making them question themselves about their own skills. as soon as aratrons rage passes hell be all over the BOA DJ forum.

05-08-2008, 02:49 PM
Damn, you're right- he DID make me question myself! How very dare him!

05-08-2008, 04:08 PM
it just comes to show that even though we are djs, we're still human

05-08-2008, 05:13 PM
Its true man. too bloody human sometimes.

Mucky Beats
05-08-2008, 05:20 PM
John is a top bloke ... tottaly got him wrong Aratron

05-08-2008, 07:08 PM
John is a top bloke ... tottaly got him wrong Aratron

why doesn't he post here then asking for people to submit mixes himself?

too busy? or too important?

05-08-2008, 07:16 PM
quit being an arsehole about this calv.

05-08-2008, 07:36 PM
quit being an arsehole about this calv.

ok please guys don't mention my name in this thread again. i know how important he is to all of you.

05-08-2008, 09:07 PM
jesus erase all of the posts up until acidgurus original post.

i lost my temper. but what i said did happen. although he isn't a cunt, and i shouldn't have said that. there you go.

05-08-2008, 09:40 PM

who cares?

05-08-2008, 11:42 PM

who cares?


06-08-2008, 12:15 AM
jesus erase all of the posts up until acidgurus original post.

i lost my temper. but what i said did happen. although he isn't a cunt, and i shouldn't have said that. there you go.

I was in a bit of a rag losing way meself that day too, sorry mate.

06-08-2008, 01:09 AM
I was in a bit of a rag losing way meself that day too, sorry mate.

no you were being okay dude really.
tho i still don't like the name of that superhero character, Mist sounds like the name for a female superhero. I have a character in Fire Emblem on the Wii called Mist who is this female priest.


06-08-2008, 01:42 AM
id bang her

06-08-2008, 02:11 AM
no you were being okay dude really.
tho i still don't like the name of that superhero character, Mist sounds like the name for a female superhero. I have a character in Fire Emblem on the Wii called Mist who is this female priest.


aah yeah, forgot to post the pics of that... must do as soon as so you know whta i mean.

Product 19
24-08-2008, 04:06 PM
Hello Everyone,

for those of you who don't know me I'm John (DJ Product 19). Massive apologies for not replying to your posts and keeping up with things on BOA. I've been busy working 5 jobs (no joke) including SUF. Anyway, I have received a few mixes so far. Thank you to those of you who have sent them in. Definitely keep them coming. I accept all types of techno for the show which is broadcast on Fridays on Montreal's electronic music station www.techno.fm. It is one of the most popular shows at the station, and we do try to do it live every week. Sometimes due to travelling or one of my jobs I can't always host the show so pre-recorded mixes with guest hosts playing them will happen. You can always email me your questions, requests for future shows and mixes of course to djproduct19@hotmail.com. I don't think I have yet to reject a set!

ALSO...many thanks to those of you who have written such kind words and understanding how busy things can be for me. It is really appreciated. I feel honoured to have such positive feedback from all of you talented and nice people.

As far as that extremely negative comment goes, well not sure what to say really. I never received the mix! Perhaps that individual didn't type the 'dj' part in my email which is one of the most common mistakes people make when emailing me. In fact, I feel bad for whoever has the email address product19@hotmail because he gets lots of emails for me apparently! hahaha..

Anyway, I will contact Aratron myself and find out what the heck happened to this mix.

Thanks again and hope you are all enjoying the weekend!

Product 19
24-08-2008, 04:21 PM
jesus erase all of the posts up until acidgurus original post.

i lost my temper. but what i said did happen. although he isn't a cunt, and i shouldn't have said that. there you go.

Hello Aratron,

Sorry I'm not familiar with who you are and how to address you. I don't know your real name. I prefer real names since we are all human behind our screens :)

This is John (Product 19). How are things? Sorry for the delay replying, but I was only just made aware of this thread a couple of days ago.

I have to say that your original response was quite harsh and rather extreme over something that was possibly a little issue. It may have been a easily understandable mistake on either your part (mistyping email address or something) or my part (accidently missing your email due to junk mail filter or me checking my email too quickly, etc) OR technological errors which can occur (emails getting lost in cyberspace). I sware I never saw your email with a mix in my hotmail inbox.

Anyway, thank you for the apology in the end and if you want to send your set please do so. Be sure to send a link to it (not as an attachment) to djproduct19@hotmail.com. I'd love to hear it.

Thanks again for making me aware of the mix and that I didn't receive it. Please put: MIX FOR RADIO SHOW' in the subject line in bold so I can see it easily and won't miss it. I will definitely be on the lookout for it. Looking forward to it and hope you are well, my friend.

Cheers, john

24-08-2008, 04:28 PM
Hello Aratron,

Sorry I'm not familiar with who you are and how to address you. I don't know your real name. I prefer real names since we are all human behind our screens :)

This is John (Product 19). How are things? Sorry for the delay replying, but I was only just made aware of this thread a couple of days ago.

I have to say that your original response was quite harsh and rather extreme over something that was possibly a little issue. It may have been a easily understandable mistake on either your part (mistyping email address or something) or my part (accidently missing your email due to junk mail filter or me checking my email too quickly, etc) OR technological errors which can occur (emails getting lost in cyberspace). I sware I never saw your email with a mix in my hotmail inbox.

Anyway, thank you for the apology in the end and if you want to send your set please do so. Be sure to send a link to it (not as an attachment) to djproduct19@hotmail.com. I'd love to hear it.

Thanks again for making me aware of the mix and that I didn't receive it. Please put: MIX FOR RADIO SHOW' in the subject line in bold so I can see it easily and won't miss it. I will definitely be on the lookout for it. Looking forward to it and hope you are well, my friend.

Cheers, john

sorry John,


will be in touch with a new mix.
