View Full Version : dave sweeney_add friction to remove

26-08-2008, 03:18 PM
new track......feedback welcome

27-08-2008, 12:15 AM
Hi man, I'm listening to this now.

First impressions - really like the drum programming.

Some real nice synth noises coming in.... now some more nice synth noises coming in!

This is really good man. Great sci-fi mechanical feel to it. Nice work.

Only minor critical point is that the bass was a bit light, but I am listening on headphones at the moment so maybe it comes acrros better on a decent set of speakers.

28-08-2008, 08:32 PM
Nice tune you slipper wearing gimp;)

Production sounds good....like the synths uve used and really like the percussion,hats etc.. arrangment works....maybe add some pads in the drop to fill it up a bit?

good work
