View Full Version : best place to start a blog?

miss kosmix
21-10-2008, 11:42 PM
hey all,
im looking for a place to start a blog where i can host music and decide on the layout, in other words a blog interface which lets you be creative
if any of you have any suggestions i would be most grateful!
thanks in advance :)

21-10-2008, 11:44 PM
last fm?

miss kosmix
21-10-2008, 11:54 PM
last fm?
looking for somewhere i can host mixes, for example but thanx

Jay Pace
22-10-2008, 12:28 AM
myspace still probably the easiest.
Just get somewhere like postbocks.com to do your mix hosting, then put a link on myspace to it.

miss kosmix
22-10-2008, 01:22 AM
myspace still probably the easiest.
Just get somewhere like postbocks.com to do your mix hosting, then put a link on myspace to it.

i have myspace, maybe i didnt formulate my question properly, my bad

so here we go again...

looking for a place to blog, so it is like a website basically, such as www.blog.co.uk or www.blogger.com

just looking for more of these places....

if anyone has any suggestions other than social networking sites please share

22-10-2008, 01:44 AM

22-10-2008, 01:56 AM
blogspot.com and wordpress.com are the most popular blog services i think

22-10-2008, 04:49 PM
to be honest if your looking for something that is really customisable
AND will host your mixes and everything else
then a website is really the only way to go.
i think you'll find most commercial sites will hold you back in one way or another
and bombard your readers with pop up ads etc
maybe look into some cheap webspace and see if you can get a student designer to help you out for experience sake.

i don't know but i use the myspace blog section a lot and as a muso i think it works really well with the site and it's free.
but if you want to get your hands really dirty then i would go for a website.
it's yours then , and if you don't want to pay too much you can find free hosts for mixes all over the place so you just get a very small bandwidth.

Also I got a plug in the other day for firefox called "stumble "
it throws up random websites according to your interests and i've really got into it for finding weird and wonderful sites that you would never find alone.
maybe that could help.
google it if your interested, it's really simple to download and all that.

miss kosmix
22-10-2008, 05:45 PM
ok cheers for the advice henry

to be honest if your looking for something that is really customisable
AND will host your mixes and everything else
then a website is really the only way to go.
i think you'll find most commercial sites will hold you back in one way or another
and bombard your readers with pop up ads etc
maybe look into some cheap webspace and see if you can get a student designer to help you out for experience sake.

i don't know but i use the myspace blog section a lot and as a muso i think it works really well with the site and it's free.
but if you want to get your hands really dirty then i would go for a website.
it's yours then , and if you don't want to pay too much you can find free hosts for mixes all over the place so you just get a very small bandwidth.

Also I got a plug in the other day for firefox called "stumble "
it throws up random websites according to your interests and i've really got into it for finding weird and wonderful sites that you would never find alone.
maybe that could help.
google it if your interested, it's really simple to download and all that.

22-10-2008, 06:12 PM
tumblr is a cool stripped down blog interface (less options compared to wordpress)

22-10-2008, 07:43 PM
have a word with dan the acid man. he does some great websites.

or his site is www.plus27design.co.uk/

23-10-2008, 12:04 AM
wordpress is the way to go, cheaper than a website and more updatable. Ground up custom designs are around £650 plus.

The designs look very much like a website but have a whole backoffice section for easy updating, whereas the equivilant in html would be at least twice the price.

23-10-2008, 12:30 AM
Check out Tyrisia of here.........there a post in the production forums.

miss kosmix
23-10-2008, 11:33 AM
im just looking into joomla now,
anyone use it?

dan the acid man
23-10-2008, 06:15 PM
im just looking into joomla now,
anyone use it?

i've never personally used it but it's very popular, i'd say if you want to do it yourself, then choose either Wordpress or Joomla

23-10-2008, 07:06 PM
and you dont need lot of cash to get decent design
bunch of templates for blogs but also other types of sites http://www.templatemonster.com/

dan the acid man
23-10-2008, 07:44 PM
yeah, there's loads of great free templates knocking around

23-10-2008, 07:58 PM
yeah, you can get great stuff for blogs
but for a proper website/portal on which i plan to earn money, i do prefer original work

24-10-2008, 09:33 AM
good place for bloging: http://twitter.com/

as for Joomla, I am using it. Programmed few pages with it already, and cant say any bad on it.

24-10-2008, 01:06 PM
Have tried using joomla a few times, always seems to be something broken or not working which stops me from using it. plus it seems with php cms's you need to learn php to get em to do anything good or customisable, whcih is a bit shit for the average guy off the street. Wordpress is proabably best for blog/simple website and is easy to style and use, plus good docs.

For full blown site then umbraco is the best ive used hands down. Is asp.net though which means you'll need windows hosting to run it, with .net and sql 2005 or 2008. Is great though, actually the only 'real' fully customisable cms ive come across. So easy to use once you figure out how it works.

24-10-2008, 04:15 PM
wordpress is the way to go, cheaper than a website and more updatable. Ground up custom designs are around £650 plus.

The designs look very much like a website but have a whole backoffice section for easy updating, whereas the equivilant in html would be at least twice the price.

Wordpress is the king I have to agree, Really easy to update and you can hack it apart if you know what your doing. I've been running my blog now for 3 months and it's rather plain sailing

