View Full Version : Horror Brawl - Points on the Package

05-12-2008, 07:23 PM

[dOwnlOAd hErE] (http://www.digital-distortions.co.uk/mixes/2008/Horror_Brawl_-_Points_On_The_Package.mp3)

mAyhEm - splIt sEcOnd (scUbA rEmIx) [sUbwAy]
trg - strEEt rEpUblIc [UnrElEAsEd]
chArltOn - 16 wAys [UnrElEAsEd]
scAnOnE - blEEp 23 [yEllOw mAchInEs]
sUrgEOn - klOnk 3 [dynAmIc tEnsIOn]
twO lOnE swOrdsmEn - rOttIng hIll (cAUsE rEmIx) [wArp]
lE sOlItAIrE - wAlk thrOUgh thE cOld [r3tOx]
lIEf ryAn - InspItE Of thE pAIn [grOwth]
ExcEssIOn + nOIzE - dO It nOw [nU UrbAn]
sIEge - OUIjA cEll [AntE-rAsA]
pAsqUAle mAssEn - fAhrgEstEll [zImmEr]
twEnty twElvE - EcstAtIc [dUv]
hOth systEm - mc kIllAh [unreleased]
trg - tEchnOtrOnIc [UnrElEAsEd]
rOb pAInE - nEvEr cAn sAy gOOdbyE (rOckEt rEmIx) [grEyhOUnd]
wArlOck - clIck clAck [yEllOw mAchInEs]
scAnOnE - thE vAUlts [yEllOw mAchInEs]
gO hIyAmA - mAthEmAtIcAl AccUrAcy [pErc trAx]
sI bEgg - spAcE InvAdErs [AlgOrIthmE]
dj bOss - rOvnI rOkIn [plAnEt rhythm]
tEutOnIc kAbOOm - rIch crEAmy bUttEr [dAtA-trAcE]
wAtchmEn - cUt thE mIdrAngE (tImEwrItEr rEmIx) [plAstIc cIty]
mAzzUlA - Owd skOOl [dAtA-trAcE]
vAdz - psychO mEtrIc (pAUl blAckfOrd rEmIx) [wIdE]
rOry st jOhn - fArEwEll tO thE flEsh [AntE-rAsA]
nEiL lAndstrUmm + sI bEgg - trAnsmIssIOn [plAnEt mU]
InIgO kEnnEdy - sIgnAl II [tOkEn]
jAmEs rUskIn - lAhAIne (Ovr mIx) [trEsOr]
stArkEy - bAng bAng thE wItch Is dEAd [plAnEt mU]

The Overfiend
05-12-2008, 07:35 PM
Hell to the yes!

05-12-2008, 10:54 PM
many thx john

07-12-2008, 03:36 PM
Dling now......nice mix ;)

Si the Sigh
09-12-2008, 01:11 PM
Utterly superb! Keep up the good work guys. :)

09-12-2008, 01:51 PM
Just finished listening to this.
Top quality mix as ever Bushby.
