View Full Version : need help with designing techno mixer

21-01-2004, 08:13 PM
Hello, I’m collecting information for a final year degree project. I want to design and build a mixer customised for mixing techno.

There doesn't seem to be a mixer which offers the perfect combination of features suited to mixing techno. I also find there are often flaws with the ergonomic design. Tiny switches and awkward placement of controls etc are obvious features which could be improved, even on most of the more expensive models.

If you have read this far I’m impressed. If you can be arsed to fill out the questionnaire then I’m very impressed. If you do, please bare this in mind. You may think a function is useful but try to imagine yourself incorporating it into your mix sets. Would it actually be of significant use, or just a ‘once in a set fad’?! Ideally a mixer would incorporate every possible function that exists (and more) and present these in a perfect interface. Obviously in reality there are limits with physical space on a mixer and the more controls there are present, the more clustered and difficult it becomes to navigate. A compromise between a minimal interface and a selection of useful functions must be drawn.

I would be extremely grateful if there’s anyone who can help me with this. I know it’s a bit of a challenge for mashed up brains, but if you have any extra comments about anything that I have forgotten to ask or if you know of any functions, ergonomics/interface options or techniques that I should know about then please feel free to email me. If you know anyone else who might be kind enough to answer these questions then please copy this into an email and send it to 'em.

Unless stated, please enter a number after each question which best fits your opinion. 1 represents an irrelevant or worst method/function, 4 represents and absolutely essential or the best method/function.

1. Which mixer do you use?

2. What do you like about it?

3. What is your favourite mixer on the market and why?

4. Is panning/balance useful (1-4)

5. Is it better to have either individual panning/balance for each channel or just masters balance/panning?

6. Would you prefer panning/balance on a slider, rotary or other? (Please state)

7. How important is it to have more than 2 channels (1-4)

8. If you do use more than 2 channels what do you use them for?

9. Is a microphone input important? (1-4)

10. Microphone EQ? (1-4)

11. Microphone talk-over function? (1-4)

12. Would an auxiliary send and return be useful? (1-4)

13. Auxiliary dry/wet balance? (1-4)

14. If you do use an auxiliary, what do you send to?

15. Is a cross fader curve control useful? (1-4)

16. Cut/scratch style cross fader curve? (1-4)

17. Smooth (gradual) cross fader curve? (1-4)

18. Rotary knob or slider cross fader?

19. Slack, medium or stiff cross fader?

20. Preferred travel length, 45mm, 60m or other?

21. Is an upfader/channel slider curve control useful? (1-4)

22. Cut/scratch style upfader/channel slider curve? (1-4)

23. Smooth (gradual) upfader/channel slider curve? (1-4)

24. Rotary knob or slider upfader/channel slider?

25. Slack, medium or stiff upfader/channel slider?

26. Preferred travel length, 45mm, 60m or other?

27. Preferred cue selection method?

(1) cue selection switch on each channel to assign a particular channel to the headphone mix,

(2) cue slider to cross fader between the two channels on the headphone mix

28. Is split cue important? (1-4)

29. Is Program master listen important? (an option to hear through the headphones, exactly what is coming through the master speakers rather than the normal pre-fade listen.) (1-4)

30. Is headphone tone control/EQ important? (1-4)

31. Headphone ¼ inch jack insert? (1-4)

32. Headphone 3.5mm jack insert? (1-4)

33. Is it important to have more than 1 mixer output? (1-4)

34. If you do use more than one output what do you use them for?

35. Are EQ kills switches important? (1-4)

36. Is it important to have the EQ/tone control on rotaries or sliders? (1-4)

37. Is it important to have a kill effect on the EQ/tone control rotaries or sliders? (1-4)

38. Would more than the standard 3 level EQ/tone control be useful? (1-4)

39. If yes how many levels?

40. Are BPM counters useful (1-4)

41. Punch-ins? (1-4)

42. Punch-outs? (1-4)

43. Hamster switch (reverses the action of the slider):
on cross fader? (1-4)

on upfaders/channel sliders? (1-4)

44. Do you or have you ever rack mounted your mixer? (1-4)

45. Are effects useful? (1-4)

46. If you use any during mixing, what are they?

47. Why are these effects useful and how could they be improved in terms of physical control and sonic flexibility?

48. Is a dry/wet effects control important? (1-4)

49. Is a level readout for each channel important? (1-4)

50. Is it important to have a left/right balance readout for each channel? (1-4)

51. Is a headphone mute useful? (1-4)

52. Is a master mute useful? (1-4)

53. How fed up are you, with answering these questions? (1-4)

please reply to: mafuwud@hotmail.com

Barely Human
21-01-2004, 08:56 PM
Not being funny or anything mate, but this forum is a comunity. And to post something like that on your first post will be deemed as spam. TBH, i would be really suprised if you got any response from it.

21-01-2004, 09:00 PM
Not being funny or anything mate, but this forum is a comunity. And to post something like that on your first post will be deemed as spam. TBH, i would be really suprised if you got any response from it.

right on!
easy does it man...
not every dude here knows what is a crossfader :lol:
first you should say something like i love hard ass shacking metal heavy techno...
then you cary on... ;)

21-01-2004, 09:47 PM
wel mate i was actually gonna start your questionaire (unlike some none belivers *cough* iq)

bu then i say that theres 50 odd questions so i couldnt be fukced.
sos mate
maybe tommorrow,

22-01-2004, 05:15 PM
Weel to be perfectly honest.. i dont think it matteres what others think.. if ur designing a techno mixer ideal forurself then go with what u think.. far easier

16-02-2004, 04:31 PM
have a look at' the pioneer djm 600 or the tascam x9 they are both perfec for mixing techno imho.
