View Full Version : schanz/hardtechno scene in uk

09-10-2009, 12:52 AM
iv been making freeform hardcore for the last 4 years and have only just discoverved this scene after stumbling arcoss decro dur track (hard one for you) and i must say iv been completey turned and just cant get enough of it .iv heard uk producers like dark by design ,organ doners, alex kidd and kid kaos etc etc make dark hardtechno (but still with that hardstyle feel) but after a few weeks of lookin around iv found its nothing like the boys in german and around europe. i know techno and all its forms are very big here in the uk and i must say now i very new to the techno world and dont know of many producers or events as iv been stuck in the freeform/uk hardcore scene for years, but iv just never heard or came across this type of sound here and was wondering if anyone knows of any wicked producers or any events that go on here for is type of music .

thanks dan.

09-10-2009, 02:08 PM
check the producers thread. not sure if there is a huge following on schranz in the UK. I usually go to germany for that. I live in ireland and we get a few schranz djs over from time to time

Festivals - Nature one(germany) , awakenings (awakefest , amsterdam) , q-base (germany) , ground zero (holland) and there is loads more

09-10-2009, 06:53 PM
yes the hard techno/schranz scene here is pityful. the dj's you mention only play the very commercial and cheesy edge of the sound. tbh i cringe when i hear them play it as to me if you're gonna play hard techno you need to do it properly lol. and as for an underground movement in the uk, well there are people who absolutely love it and try to do their own thing but tbh you really have to look abroad for the real deal. if you wanna here full sets of this stuff search for dj's like sven wittekind or pet duo. there's some nice mixes posts in our filez section you should d/l and check. there a party mix of me at a hydraulix party that i was quite pleased with - it gets very hard at the end. ask me anything you like about the particular section of the mix you like the most and i'll try to give you some more direction to the stuff you want ;)


good luck mate.

09-10-2009, 08:32 PM
cool ill check them out thanks for the replys.

09-10-2009, 08:48 PM
nightmare cant connect to the link for some reason.

09-10-2009, 08:55 PM
right click and save as

its a set

09-10-2009, 09:09 PM
why do you think its never took off over here .hardstyle has big time and they love it coz its grimme and messy.hardstyle maybe a little better produced than schranz but not by much , but hardtechno i think wipes the floor of it if there going out to bounce of the roof and lose the plot.i just cant understand why theres not a bigger following here as the underground scene here loves the deep,dark and messy . thats why were all here coz pop is just not enough lol.

09-10-2009, 09:20 PM
not really sure man, There is a decent enuff following in Ireland. I think its because there so many UK producers making really good music and just not into the new hard techno thing coming from Germany and other europe countries. There use to be a lot of the top schranz producers on this forum but they were pretty much hunted off . not sure why maybe because they were just throwing out tracks left right and centre and all the tracks sounded the same and really annoyed people.

There was a pretty much zero following of it Ireland when I first got into it, we had to order all the records online.
no one was into it and me and a few of mates basically gave up mixing it becoz no one wanted it except us.
but there is lot of a younger group I know ard the country that love it now and there is djs poping up around the country and few nights of it aswell. in cork and sometimes waterford. I play a bit of everything tho these days , try not to play one style of techno all the time

09-10-2009, 10:55 PM
yeah man thats the way to be ,versatile.yeah your propbly right in what you've said ,i can see how people would think it sounds very similar .i think the production could be so much better then it is tho. theres so much more room in there tracks to have more sounds and effects going on and the progression to be a little quicker(or maybe thats just he hardcore cell in my head lol) .im thinking about trying to kick out a few tunes see how it gos as i love the feel and vibe of it .

09-10-2009, 11:30 PM
mark wicked set love the rolly deep bass tunes, alot different then when iv seen you live as im use to hearing you kick out hardtrance or hardstyle set.its at 01:20:00 when my head really starts goin.love the dirty kicks and glitchy stepy percusion .

14-10-2009, 06:10 PM
dark by design ,organ doners, alex kidd and kid kaos etc etc make dark hardtechno (
thanks dan.

THESE GUYS DONT MAKE schanz just pussy hard dance

nice to see this section on blackout :yup:

14-10-2009, 06:42 PM
THESE GUYS DONT MAKE schanz just pussy hard dance

nice to see this section on blackout :yup:

Yeah, they are all just the hard house glowstick posse trying to make Techno, and it's painful...

I'm new to harder techno myself and asked for some tips/reccommendations, and the lads came up trumps:


In particular, take a listen to the Bluster radio shows:

Is cool cos each show has a slightly different sound depending who the guest is, and they've all got tracklists, so you can find out some new names that way.

And any tips or quality tracks you find along the way - post them in here!


16-10-2009, 04:39 PM
Yeah, they are all just the hard house glowstick posse trying to make Techno, and it's painful...

I'm new to harder techno myself and asked for some tips/reccommendations, and the lads came up trumps:


In particular, take a listen to the Bluster radio shows:

Is cool cos each show has a slightly different sound depending who the guest is, and they've all got tracklists, so you can find out some new names that way.

And any tips or quality tracks you find along the way - post them in here!


i have been into it 4 a wile

i used this site best site in germany for hard tencho usb.unitedsb.de/ its in german tho and i am english great for sets and new info about hard tencho

lets get some toipcs on here like tho:smile:

18-10-2009, 07:04 PM
Cheers for the tip! I found this site on my travels:


Check the download section, some quality tracks and mixes available free on there from people like OBI, Killswitch, Reset, Leo Laker etc.

27-11-2009, 08:52 PM
yes the hard techno/schranz scene here is pityful. the dj's you mention only play the very commercial and cheesy edge of the sound. tbh i cringe when i hear them play it as to me if you're gonna play hard techno you need to do it properly lol. and as for an underground movement in the uk, well there are people who absolutely love it and try to do their own thing but tbh you really have to look abroad for the real deal. if you wanna here full sets of this stuff search for dj's like sven wittekind or pet duo. there's some nice mixes posts in our filez section you should d/l and check. there a party mix of me at a hydraulix party that i was quite pleased with - it gets very hard at the end. ask me anything you like about the particular section of the mix you like the most and i'll try to give you some more direction to the stuff you want ;)


good luck mate.

Thats some set, pity you cant get away with that at Uprising Mark

25-01-2010, 09:21 PM
Yeah the last 45 mins of that set are banging as hell Mark!!

I played over in dusseldorf last year with Frank Kvitta, Pet Duo and DJ Bold
I have to say it was one of the best nights I've had for absolutely ages !!
hard as nails but totally cool , not cheesy at all, very industrial.
great vibe , really intense atmosphere
friendly people,

wicked totally wicked
I would recommend going to germany to get a dose of the hard stuff to anyone after that.

26-01-2010, 01:41 AM
Yeah the last 45 mins of that set are banging as hell Mark!!

I played over in dusseldorf last year with Frank Kvitta, Pet Duo and DJ Bold
I have to say it was one of the best nights I've had for absolutely ages !!
hard as nails but totally cool , not cheesy at all, very industrial.
great vibe , really intense atmosphere
friendly people,

wicked totally wicked
I would recommend going to germany to get a dose of the hard stuff to anyone after that.

yeah i have had some great nights dancing to filthly choons in Germany.
okay i have been to some dingy nite clubs but the beats speak for themselves.

theres plenty of festivals and gigs ard with schranz in europe just a matter of investigating a good auld rave, and the night clubs in germany stay open all night

good times!

26-01-2010, 05:33 PM
False Dawn records are English. Clean up bros. they are hard as ****

26-01-2010, 05:51 PM
just visit main schranz forum
USB - The Hardtechno Family - Portal (http://www.unitedsb.de)
