View Full Version : Voidloss @ Tesco

10-01-2010, 12:42 AM
Tesco entertainment - Villain,Voidloss - The Beauty In Decay EP (http://www.tescoentertainment.com/store/mp3/voidloss--the-witches-of-titchet/2:35904775/)

WTF??? My distributer is getting a bit too keen

I`ll have some Artichokes, some Head and Shoulders, a Loaf of Hovis and some Voidloss please!!!

10-01-2010, 01:51 AM
Tesco entertainment - Villain,Voidloss - The Beauty In Decay EP (http://www.tescoentertainment.com/store/mp3/voidloss--the-witches-of-titchet/2:35904775/)

WTF??? My distributer is getting a bit too keen

I`ll have some Artichokes, some Head and Shoulders, a Loaf of Hovis and some Voidloss please!!!

every little helps

(i'll get my coat)

10-01-2010, 04:56 PM
mega lolz :D

I can get half a cooked chicken and 3 packs of super noodles for that price!

Can you imagine the sort of person who listens and buys music from 'Tesco entertainment' coming across this and what they would think.

10-01-2010, 05:30 PM
Can you imagine the sort of person who listens and buys music from 'Tesco entertainment' coming across this and what they would think.
i dunno?
imagine the kind of artist who needs to sell their music through Tesco?

10-01-2010, 06:48 PM
It`s nothing to do with need, I had no idea until it was pointed out to me.
I think it`s hilarious.

10-01-2010, 07:22 PM
I never imagined I could get club card points buying electronica. These modern times eh! :lol:

10-01-2010, 07:36 PM
It`s nothing to do with need, I had no idea until it was pointed out to me.
I think it`s hilarious.
absolutely, **** the state.
please let us know the selling figures for Tesco.

10-01-2010, 08:12 PM
I imagine it will be zero, Singularity isn`t exactly a commercial label.
Nice bait attempt though.

10-01-2010, 09:48 PM
i saw the thread title and thought you were playing at Tescos!

10-01-2010, 10:00 PM
I imagine it will be zero, Singularity isn`t exactly a commercial label.
Nice bait attempt though.
bait attempt?

you started the thread. i'm sure there will be sales, and i would be interested to know if you make any.

for all you know there could be a respectable amount of sales.

10-01-2010, 10:02 PM
maybe you'll get a free head of lettuce for every 100 quid of sales!

10-01-2010, 10:24 PM
i saw the thread title and thought you were playing at Tescos!

That's what I thought, ha ha! Tbh, Tesco would be a pretty cool place for a rave; you'd never be short of chewing gum, and bottles of water are only 40 pence!! :wink:

10-01-2010, 11:15 PM
haha classic! the ultimate sellout!

j/k :D

10-01-2010, 11:51 PM
That's what I thought, ha ha! Tbh, Tesco would be a pretty cool place for a rave; you'd never be short of chewing gum, and bottles of water are only 40 pence!! :wink:

Doing a gig at my local tescos would be hilarious, I couldn`t say no to that.
The chance to blast out some weird occult stuff to a mostly hindu and muslim community would be an entertaining riot.

11-01-2010, 12:26 AM
That's what I thought, ha ha! Tbh, Tesco would be a pretty cool place for a rave; you'd never be short of chewing gum, and bottles of water are only 40 pence!! :wink:

Let's go Tesco! Let's go Tesco! Let's go Tesco! Let's go Tesco!

11-01-2010, 03:33 PM
interetsed to see how ya do in that store..teknonotice just went live in Tesco and HMV..

hmm and mixmag online store..never knew mixmag had a store..

*im so outta touch

Tesco entertainment - Various Artists - Speaker Damage EP (http://www.tescoentertainment.com/store/mp3/various-artists-speaker-damage-ep/2%3a35578809/)

hmv.com: Music CDs, DVDs, Games & More (http://hmv.com/hmvweb/digitalProductDetails.do?ctx=70000507;8;-1;-1;-1&productId=11557366)

Label Directory - Teknonotice Digital Recordings - Mixmag Digital Download Store (http://download.mixmag.net/download/browse-label/Teknonotice+Digital+Recordings/13542)

Jay Pace
11-01-2010, 04:24 PM
Think mixmag just use a front-end for track it down, they power a few online shops.

11-01-2010, 04:53 PM
so do we

Teknonotice Digital Recordings (http://teknonotice.trackitdown.net/)


11-01-2010, 07:03 PM
interetsed to see how ya do in that store..teknonotice just went live in Tesco and HMV..

hmm and mixmag online store..never knew mixmag had a store..

*im so outta touch

Tesco entertainment - Various Artists - Speaker Damage EP (http://www.tescoentertainment.com/store/mp3/various-artists-speaker-damage-ep/2%3a35578809/)

hmv.com: Music CDs, DVDs, Games & More (http://hmv.com/hmvweb/digitalProductDetails.do?ctx=70000507;8;-1;-1;-1&productId=11557366)

Label Directory - Teknonotice Digital Recordings - Mixmag Digital Download Store (http://download.mixmag.net/download/browse-label/Teknonotice+Digital+Recordings/13542)

I doubt it will do much.
My vinyl on DB Records used to get sold in HMV, but it was more of a "look mum, I`m in HMV" thing than a massive sales booster.

dan the acid man
15-01-2010, 01:13 AM
I doubt it will do much.
My vinyl on DB Records used to get sold in HMV, but it was more of a "look mum, I`m in HMV" thing than a massive sales booster.

I bought a Stay Up Forever record in HMV years ago.

When are you having a buy one get one free offer ? :smile:

15-01-2010, 04:45 AM
I bought a Stay Up Forever record in HMV years ago.

When are you having a buy one get one free offer ? :smile:

There isn`t one, but if you buy a family size pack of KY Jelly from the pharmacy department, some marigolds, a mini-skirt from the clothing department, and then a book from their book section titled "Tri-Curious, a Guide to multi species, cross gender love" You get a voucher that offers a discount on Voidloss tracks and 300 points on your club card.

15-01-2010, 12:26 PM
There isn`t one, but if you buy a family size pack of KY Jelly from the pharmacy department, some marigolds, a mini-skirt from the clothing department, and then a book from their book section titled "Tri-Curious, a Guide to multi species, cross gender love" You get a voucher that offers a discount on Voidloss tracks and 300 points on your club card.

otherwise known as "Dannys friday night."

dan the acid man
15-01-2010, 05:21 PM
There isn`t one, but if you buy a family size pack of KY Jelly from the pharmacy department, some marigolds, a mini-skirt from the clothing department, and then a book from their book section titled "Tri-Curious, a Guide to multi species, cross gender love" You get a voucher that offers a discount on Voidloss tracks and 300 points on your club card.

I wish you'd told me this earlier, I bought all of those items last week.

30-01-2010, 02:37 PM
"The chance to blast out some weird occult stuff to a mostly hindu and muslim community would be an entertaining riot."

However, you'd actually have to tell them what the tracks are called before they could get offended by your OH SO DARK OCCULTISM, and that would probably only cause laughter - they'd be like


The only thing I can actually see them getting offended by is the pompous and overblown (with nothing to back it up) nature of the whole affair.

Also, wicked job on posting this then getting annoyed at people for commenting on it. Why don't you get a t-shirt printed saying "MY MUSIC IS FOR SALE IN TESCO, I HAVE TRULY REACHED THE PINNACLE OF MY ABILITIES!!". Another thing to add to the canon of situations like the "LOOK MUM, I'M IN HMV" one ;-)

"It`s nothing to do with need, I had no idea until it was pointed out to me.
I think it`s hilarious. "

Great, well, I guess some of us will just have to find it less amusing. As in, NOT AMUSING AT ALL. Good job for makng sure you've brought it to our attention, though, I do reckon you need to 'spam' your releases more - there's probably some people out there who've still not heard such, ahem, "occult" greats as "BLACK SATURNINE GNOSIS" (looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool)

This thread has, as some may have guessed, irked me somewhat. It's POINTLESS !!!

30-01-2010, 02:45 PM
I`m very glad this annoyed you. Job done.

30-01-2010, 02:54 PM
Nothing much changes round here then, still the same self important wankers chatting rubbish to anyone who is interested (ie NO-ONE) and looking to get "one up" on each other.

Bit pathetic, really, that someone would admit to being so SAD as to only post something to generate negative responses (all press is good press, eh Steve, keep that DB 'empire' rolling on !?!?)

Happy to have been of service, though, I hope you feel really rewarded for all that you have wrought (that being THE BEST PART OF **** ALL)

I'm awaiting another excruciatingly witty comeback, framed with occult bleakness and perhaps a "GNOSIS" or two :-x

30-01-2010, 03:03 PM
It`s only you spouting off mate. Forums generally are people spouting rubbish.
I would hardly consider this spam, I have been talking to most of the people on here for years, 5 or so, and most know not to take me too seriously.
That you are attacking me personally is amusing to me for sure, as this thread was nothing more than a bit of frivolity, a bit of heat is always welcome, remember you brought it here, not me.

As for rewarding? sure, life is good, and I`m pretty happy, just had one of the best birthdays of my life, how are you?

30-01-2010, 03:16 PM
Happy Birthday, Steve!

Jamie- :lol: sand in your vagina?

30-01-2010, 03:21 PM
It`s only you spouting off mate. Forums generally are people spouting rubbish.

>>> Really ? All these years and I never "got" that.... Damn !

I would hardly consider this spam, I have been talking to most of the people on here for years, 5 or so, and most know not to take me too seriously.

>>> This is indeed true

That you are attacking me personally is amusing to me for sure, as this thread was nothing more than a bit of frivolity, a bit of heat is always welcome, remember you brought it here, not me.

>>> Okay, so whenever one wishes to "back down" on here I guess it's standard to admit ones behaviour is "nothing more than a bit of frivolity" ? Well, you could look at my comments in exactly the same way. One mans piss is another mans perrier, after all. STICKS AND STONES !!

As for rewarding? sure, life is good, and I`m pretty happy, just had one of the best birthdays of my life, how are you?

>>> I was talking in reference to the thread being "rewarding" for you, what with you saying you're happy to have upset someone - I presume you understood this yet chose to side step the comment and turn it around to make it seem as if you didn't "get" the question. I also "dig" how you've tacked on a little personal question at the end. Nice attempt at amelioration. (I use the word "attempt" in its loosest sense)

I wont be wasting my time replying again, so if you would be so good as to refrain from making any childish and ill conceived responses it will ensure my time is spent wisely elsewhere. xXXx

30-01-2010, 03:29 PM
Well you obviously posted here to attack me right?
That your attack just amused me is what? my problem?
If I was upset by your post then what would your reward be? how would you find it rewarding?
Does that make you SAD for trying to hurt someone?

So it`s ok for you to generate negativity towards me with your attack, but for me to enjoy your attack makes me SAD?
Interesting logic.

You started this, I`m just defending myself.

30-01-2010, 03:45 PM
You're a real politician, Steve....

READ my last post - it features the words "STICKS AND STONES"... Everyone is entitled to their own OPINION, I am merely expressing mine...

And when it comes to "generating negativity" towards people, maybe you should take a look closer to home ? I'm not "attacking" you, just airing my views on a variety of things relating to your initial post... I fail to see how I am "generating negativity" ? (piss/perrier issue once again) Can it be bottled ?

I was irked (not made ANGRY, just IRKED) by some of the "rubbish" you had posted, I believe it is within my right to then reply with what you may consider as "rubbish" (being as all forums are, after all, full of people chatting RUBBISH)

Put something public = The public are allowed to comment, n'est pas ?

Anyways, I'm through trying to explain this to you, reply with whatever witty and evasive banter you wish :-)

30-01-2010, 03:57 PM
And I am merely expressing my own opinion.
I`m not saying you can`t comment, I enjoyed what you said, but obviously I will defend myself if attacked, it is my nature.
But your double standards of it`s ok for you to attack, but not ok for me to find amusement in it, are a bit odd.
What did you expect my reply to be when you attacked me? What response were you looking for?

It is just a forum, and seeing as techno never gets talked about in here, this was a good bit of banter.

31-01-2010, 04:11 PM
"And I am merely expressing my own opinion.
I`m not saying you can`t comment, I enjoyed what you said, but obviously I will defend myself if attacked, it is my nature.
But your double standards of it`s ok for you to attack, but not ok for me to find amusement in it, are a bit odd.
What did you expect my reply to be when you attacked me? What response were you looking for?

It is just a forum, and seeing as techno never gets talked about in here, this was a good bit of banter."

I wouldn't give a rats anus if you said I couldn't comment or not, it's a public forum so I'll comment if I want :-) (and, as you can see, I have)

If you "enjoyed" it then how could you possibly paint it as an "attack" ? I'm finding your double standards a bit hard to deal with here...

Grow a brain, wind your neck in, stop taking this so seriously (which you evidently ARE, despite your protestations to the contrary). If it's "a good bit of banter" then what the **** are you complaining about ? Surely you should be begging me for MORE !?!?

Sorry to rumble on (well, I'm actually NOT but....) I can't help checking in here for THE LOLZ ahahaha

Honestly, some people... :-s

31-01-2010, 07:03 PM
Jamie, mate I have been checking back over this thread for the part where DB kicked off with you, but I can't seem to find it.

So cool it eh- no harm no foul.

31-01-2010, 08:08 PM
man... this place...
(slaps hand to forehead and exhales slowly)

31-01-2010, 08:21 PM
:lol: relax man! Deep breaths, it's all good in the hood.

king aaron
01-02-2010, 11:59 AM
Do you need a credit card to get things delivered from tesco.

The Overfiend
01-02-2010, 07:34 PM


01-02-2010, 11:36 PM
I just had a look you can even buy some of my releases on there ha ha

02-02-2010, 12:34 AM
Bizarre innit?

Jay Pace
02-02-2010, 03:18 PM
I'm on there as well.

Its also a lot cheaper on tesco than juno, trackitdown or beatport.

Which is a bit weird.

02-02-2010, 03:33 PM
Tesco do everything cheaper.
One day you will be able to buy euthanasia from them at the lowest price

02-02-2010, 03:33 PM
I can't wait for that day.

02-02-2010, 05:03 PM
come over ima do you now as low as for 35 pence a cell : D

03-02-2010, 05:38 PM
come over ima do you now as low as for 35 pence a cell : D

:lol: man that sounds so bad. Sexy, but bad.
