View Full Version : Murder on the Dance floor!

25-01-2010, 02:29 PM
Was at Ben Sims in Waterford Ireland my home town on friday night. great night 12k funktion 1 soundsystem. good crowd. great set by Ben. About 20 minutes at the end there was a ful on war on the dancefloor. i was out in the smoking area when it kicked off. but people were getting bottled left right and center. not sure the cause but i can only imagine some bad apples had come too the gig purely to cause rukus at the end. Unfortuanly its getting typical for this carry on in Waterford. Same thing happend when I seen Billy Nasty and the end of last year but that wasnt as bad.

I think there was even bottles getting close to Ben Sims.
The gig was shut down a little early . there was garda in and out of the gig bringing people out . I seen some lad run up the main street with a iron bar in his arms after someone, he actually ran passed a group of gardai and then just dropped and put his hands behind his back.

What the **** like??
seriously giving the techno scene a bad name here. I remember something similar happened after seening Marco Remus play in The Forum whcih was a popular place for techno gigs a few years back. Since that there hasnt been much techno nights allowed in the Forum.

25-01-2010, 02:33 PM
Yeah it's proper bad form. I'm actually glad I didn't go, but at the same time I'm sorry I missed it. I was going to go down with my Camera and review the night.

It is incredibly sad to see, but that's people for you.

25-01-2010, 02:37 PM
Yeah it's proper bad form. I'm actually glad I didn't go, but at the same time I'm sorry I missed it. I was going to go down with my Camera and review the night.

It is incredibly sad to see, but that's people for you.

What annoys me is that these lads probaly have not much intreast in techno and went to the night purely because they knew there was people going to be there that they could start on.

its always the big nights where the trouble at. the smaller techno nights seem to be more enjoyable these days

25-01-2010, 04:02 PM
Big names attract big knackers. They are there to get pilled up and drink spirits that they clearly cannot handle.

I remember the days that pills used to make people all lovey dovey. Not any more they don't. The amount of gurners you see battling nowadays is shite.

25-01-2010, 05:33 PM
sad to hear that
normally techno nights are the most gentle in London
it's the D+B nights you have to watch out for.

25-01-2010, 08:04 PM
sad to hear that
normally techno nights are the most gentle in London
it's the D+B nights you have to watch out for.
I have been to Techno nights around europe and other parts of Ireland over the last number of years and Waterford is the worse place for fights.
And yes London is great for techno nights anytime i have been there everyone is real friendly.
if u bump into some over here u get bottled and jumped on by 3 r 4 lads and then all hell breaks out

Bens Sims twitter after the night

it would be fair to say the first 24 hours of my new dj-ing year hasn't exactly gone to plan..

the gig in waterford was really good until the last 20, i stopped the music when part of the dancefloor turned into fight club


and everyone in the booth got showered with glass from a broken bottle. i got a smart little headcut that bled more than it needed to and...


old bill had to come and break it all up. not bad for a first gig eh? seriously tho, it was a shame, a couple of bad eggs spoiling the fun

25-01-2010, 08:45 PM
One of the lads got bottled at it. Scumbags. I hate them with all my soul.

25-01-2010, 09:15 PM
One of the lads got bottled at it. Scumbags. I hate them with all my soul.

theres a lot more blood in reality than in the movies thats for sure.

25-01-2010, 10:46 PM
thats crap boys, theres obviously a lack of interest in techno with these people cause when your into it the last thing on yer mind is fighting, its dancing, getting on it and havin a good time.....

there just part timers

26-01-2010, 01:11 AM
I blame the Funktion 1 rig :P

26-01-2010, 01:27 AM
I blame the Funktion 1 rig :P

nah that was savage its just the scene has gone to the dogs. these lads cant just get on and enjoy the music like the way it was a few years ago.

Damn you dirty scum bags go back to listening to ur hardhouse and trance :lol:

26-01-2010, 12:56 PM
thats just wierd, in over 10 years of running our night, we've never had one fight (that I know of anyway)...normally no hassle at all at techno nights.

must have totally killed the vibe :(

26-01-2010, 01:57 PM
it's an erection killer. All I want to do when I go out is have a laugh with Filthmonger and the lads, forget about the real world and have a dance. these cunts ruin it.

27-01-2010, 04:52 PM
Just seen this picture from the nightwith me in it well before the trouble id say.
http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs174.snc3/20145_105290989488837_100000238086064_134152_63845 41_n.jpg

27-01-2010, 04:59 PM
due to drugs probs.

27-01-2010, 10:55 PM
****ing scumbags ruining a good night. didn't have any money to go down myself, missed the actionmen at play

The Overfiend
28-01-2010, 11:51 PM
The business of drugs...

29-01-2010, 01:08 AM
or lack of "good" drugs...;)
