View Full Version : Studio Problem

25-05-2011, 06:40 PM
Here's the problem...

Got all my hardware hooked up through midi with my korg microkontrol controlling it all, moved to a bigger laptop with windows 7 (was using xp on the smaller laptop)

Downloaded the windows 7 drivers for the korg and everything worked like normal until last night

Now for some reason when I play my midi keyboard it only plays one of my synths... In ableton ive got a template where I can arm whatever hardware synth and then play it, now no matter what synth I arm it only plays one of my synths... its weird as this synth isnt even first in the midi chain - i even unplugged the midi cable that was going into the synth that it constantly plays into another and it didnt play that

So ive been back to my old lappy and everything works fine

Do you think an Windows 7 update could have caused this?? Only solutuon I can think of as if it works fine with the older laptop

Tried a system restore and no luck, tried re-downloading the drivers and no luck

Hope that makes sense and any help appreciated

So got it working after deleting the drivers for the korg and re-installing them, was working sound until I launched the net (was already connected) and then its back to doing the same thing

Could it be a dodgy plugin??

Any help plz!!!!

25-05-2011, 07:08 PM
bit of a wild guess but check in Device Manager - View by Type and see if there are any conflicts.

25-05-2011, 07:26 PM
MIDI output channel of the Korg matches what Ableton is expecting? Otherwise it'll probably route incorrectly, assuming Ableton isn't listening to all channels.

13-06-2011, 12:34 AM
Still not got this sorted, been busy with the studying but ive just discovered that my midi keyboard only plays an instrument that is on midi channel one...

The way I work is that I have my dave smith tetra synth on midi channel 1 then the mopho on midi channel 2 and so on

I swapped the midi channels about on the synth and it played the opposite one (the one that is on midi channel 1)

I went into the editor section in Ableton to see if I could pencil in notes and see if it would play them back and it didnt

Im totally confused to whats went wrong here!

Anyone shed any light... What you think I should do?

13-06-2011, 03:08 AM
Sorteeeeeeeed :rubiggrin:
