View Full Version : WAHWAH 6 = phat, phat, phat acid techno

27-02-2004, 08:49 PM
Ichy and The Geezer - Its All Gone Home & Away EP

I fink 'I came to london and smoked some weed' on the A is lovely round rolling acid = absolutely kicking (unlike RAW 23 which I think is arse) and put the biggest smile on my face.

'Minger' on the B is not as clean with a lighter acid line. Not sure I'd play it out unless it was a chill out set.

what's the word, folks?

dan the acid man
27-02-2004, 08:59 PM
not seen this or heard it anywhere yet, it will probably be a while before it sneaks its way up north, i'll be looking out for it

15-03-2004, 02:16 PM
not heard it yet

have loved most of wah wah, got them all, a couple miss tracks in there but some wicked acid

made a mistake buying wah wah 5 online without listening to it, thinking well like them all so far i'll probably like this one

got it and i'm not too bothered about one side but the side with the old skool hardcore samples in it made my skin crawl

soz lads nothing personal and you have made shit loads of rockin' tracks but **** me that track stinks imho

but i bought it anyway so who's the fool ?


15-03-2004, 03:11 PM
...yer gotta remember its not a pokamon :) yer divn't have to collect them all!

My real favourate acid label at the moment is Getafix - the screaching melodies constistantly blow both Skankadelic and WahWah out the water, IMHO.

16-03-2004, 12:15 AM
yeah i love getafix too and funny enough i have got them all

and i listened to all of them before i bought them

just pure stupid lazy projection not listening to wah wah five

i would not say that they blow wah and skank out of the water but they are certainly as good as them

tho in a way for me some of the fix tracks are better than some of wah and skank not coz they are any better produced, but just coz they have got a bit of a different sound to da geezer, who of course produces those labels (and is on fix 01 and 05)

dunno if anyone has noticed but there seems to be a bit of piss taking going on with the labels and inner marking scratches on fix 05

16-03-2004, 10:46 AM
Yeah, I thought the old-skool Wah Wah was a bit naff (but then, mybe it is Aaron more than anything...he should stick to speed garage man :lol: )

BTW, why is it that I can never get copies of Getafix..always something about availability..are they only pressing 5 copies??

Metadog, whats this about the inner vinyl scratching??? Or is it the scratching on the tune in Fix 05? Although I didn't realise Geezer could scratch I though the tune sounded evil!!

When is the new Wah Wah out then?? It's the Aussie one innit...

17-03-2004, 02:07 AM
if you look on the label at which side is supposedly geezer (E/that/logo side - techno excuses is the name of the track), and then listen to both sides, you might come to the same conclusion as me - that it sounds like the labels are on the wrong side and that geezer made the track attributed to raveheds ...

i mean one track is obviously geezer and it is not the side labelled up as geezer

a simple mistake you might think !

if you look where the cat number gets scratched towards the centre of the vinyl between where the track ends and the outer edge of the circular paper label there are two messages scratched presumably by lawrie -
K side - "el geezer rock da boat" and
E side - "tekno fantasy fm stylee !"

to me the scratching would indicate that the labelling was done incorrectly on purpose

why we may never know

****in' trainspotters - don't ya just love 'em ?!

17-03-2004, 10:58 AM
to me the scratching would indicate that the labelling was done incorrectly on purpose

Yeah..I know what you mean...I have experienced the same sorta thing before (and if memory serves me right, there have been occasions when pressing planst made the mistake of mispressing labels)....

However, this is elementary, My dear Watson :lol:
...although I haven't got No 5, I saw the older releases and they all clearly have it written like

E Side [that]: Blah
K Side [this]: Blah

So if there is some mistake, it should be clear as the "this" and "that" will not correspond..

Also, I know that the tune that had the Donald Rumsfeld sample was made by Geezer cos I heard it attributed to him on some Radio playlist...

so, at the risk of sounding geeky, I rest my case

18-03-2004, 12:46 AM
BTW, why is it that I can never get copies of Getafix..always something about availability..are they only pressing 5 copies??

Limited to 500 copies each release. Kinda good idea if you don't want everybody rinsing your tune.
